
New Boy in a Box Trial Set for Tracy Ferriter


New Boy in a Box Trial Set for Tracy Ferriter

#Boy #Box #Trial #Set #Tracy #Ferriter

Months after Tim Ferriter was sentenced for locking up his teenage son in a 8×8 box, his wife Tracy Ferriter prepares to face a jury on similar child abuse charges. Tracy’s Boy in a Box Trial is set for July. She faces up to 40 years in prison, if convicted.

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31 thoughts on “New Boy in a Box Trial Set for Tracy Ferriter”

  1. I agree with the prosecutor. July is ridiculous! It's bad enough that this Judge only gave Tim Ferriter 5yrs in prison

  2. The Ferriter parents could've been going on a basis of protecting their own(their own children as well as attempting to fulfill their ethical responsibility to reassure the safety of minors under THEIR watch time as parents and guardians). In the event that the Ferriter parents felt that Ronan truely was a candidate to seriously harm one of his siblings (Tim and Tracy's biological offspring), then these guardians would at least know that they took a measurement in order to prevent such an occurence from actually taking place (even despite a boxed confinement taking things to far). However, perhaps they weren't aware of any specific child at school that Ronan could've had it out for… as a target of some kind, but until then, the Ferriter patents just allowed Ronan to carry on as usual outside of his home, assuming that it's the school staff's responsibility to look out for student's safety at which point in time.

  3. The boy needs to walk away from the entire family including the siblings because they have these monsters DNA. He can find a friend family and plenty of other people who will love him in life. Too many people are hung up on the oh that's my mom and dad biological or adoptive. Just no. Stop it. You will be better mentally and physically in life if you let the monsters go. You owe them nothing.

  4. The boy never had a chance😢.
    There was NO ROOM FOR HIM in the new house.
    Even if he had changed.😭
    I don't know how ppl are able to do that. It's heartbreaking.

  5. Once she's found guilty, I wonder if the judge will reduce her sentence because she is married to someone who grew up at Quantico?? Would love to see her get the max since the judge let Tim off with less time.

  6. I hope she rots in prison and truly gets to feel how her poor son was made to feel. Disgusting excuse of a mother.

  7. just read the description … She faces up to 40 years in prison, if convicted. LoL ….. Given tims prison sentence, i doubt she wud get 2 years.
    The whole trial of these two is a joke and i dont see much justice for the child in the box, and i certainly dont see tracy ferriter getting a harder sentence

  8. Hey there! Recently dropped a video focusing on a real crime documentary. Have you watched it? What are your thoughts?

  9. So she has still 7 more months of freedom… ridiculous when the case is so clear and been a copy of the husband's one

  10. I've noticed this seems to be a pattern lately. Just drag things out for as looong as you can with attorney problems. What a waste of space🙄

  11. Ok so normally I don’t write on here but I got some stuff that I got to get off my chest real quick!!

    First of all Timmy wth did u think was gonna happen when u took this to court??
    Ur crying trying to get an appeal and get out on bond..
    when u put ur child n a box and the jury sees threw ur BS ya done!! And u crying cuz u n jail n ur own personal box and im sure the guys inside r giving u a warm welcome!!!

    Second Tracy u where the instigator in a lot of those videos running ur mouth now u know u about to face the same thing..
    And then women will give u a very warm welcome too!!
    Who was protecting this boy I don’t give a DAMN what that kids did NO CHILD deserves that sh$t at all..

    You and ur husband was all bad in the videos getting up n his face abusing that child and u instigating I think the 1 line from both of yall from this trial stayed in my head

    “ Come on u wanna be a tough guy u wanna lie to ppl come on big man act like a man” who in there right mind tells their child that?NOBODY would!!

    And I know I’ve said a lot but there’s a hell of a lot more I wanna say but I’m sure I’ll get in trouble but the last thing I wanna say to TRACY “ Karma is a BIIAAAtch and now it’s ur turn!!

    If this child was such a damn danger u should have never sent him to school or b around other ppl but he wasn’t was he that was just yalls way of abusing and attacking a defenseless child…

  12. Ughh I really like this defense attorney…he represented Travis Rudolph and got him acquitted on murder charges. Dont really care for Ferriters.

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