
Netanyahu in ‘extreme jeapordy’: Analysis


Netanyahu in ‘extreme jeapordy’: Analysis

The ongoing Israel-Gaza war has destroyed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s image as “Mr Security”, with many Israelis holding him responsible for the attacks, analyst Ahmed Helal has said.
“The Israeli public is furious and they’re frustrated that their security apparatus let them down and then they are unable to kill the upper echelons of Hamas leadership like Yahya Sinwar [Hamas leader in Gaza],” Helal, Director of MENA region at Global Counsel, told Al Jazeera.
“There are no clear wins in this war.”
Helal said the lack of preparation for the Hamas offensive on October 7 has put Netanyahu in “extreme jeopardy”, potentially ruining his political career, and leaving him susceptible to future investigations.

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english , Netanyahu in ‘extreme jeapordy’: Analysis , #Netanyahu #extreme #jeapordy #Analysis
, Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,Gaza,Hamas,Israel,Israel Hamas war,Israel gaza war,Israel hamas talks,Israel protests,Israel war on hamas,Israeli captives,Israeli hostages,Israeli hostages in gaza,Knesset,Palestine,al Jazeera,al jazeera English,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera English,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news,benjamim Netanyahu,bring them home now,gaza ethnic cleansing,gaza war,tel aviv

48 thoughts on “Netanyahu in ‘extreme jeapordy’: Analysis”

  1. Israel has failed to realize that Hamas is more than just a militant group, it's an ideology they themselves created and engrained into the the people of Gaza through years of occupation and oppression. This is why Israel will never "eliminate" Hamas with their current tactics, history proves the more you oppress and dehumanize a group of people, the more likely they are to revolt and fight back against their oppressors.

  2. Israel was founded on the terrorism of Jewish groups like Irgun and the Stern gang, who bombed shot and assassinated their way to power (100 dead in the king david hotel bombing) they then immediately began the systematic massacres and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

  3. The days of Israeli exceptionalism are truly over. No more giving it a pass for past atrocities against the Jews. They’ve abused it to do exactly what was done to them on another group.

  4. Netanyahu is simply pre-longing his premiership his knows well that is not going to achieve anything with the Palestinians

  5. I disagree with the final part, Egypt and Syria with state armies failed. They failed for a number of reasons one being unity the other being plans. With regards to their armies and and the resistance being a militia and it being embarrassing. The resistance is more successful for a number of reasons, one they are one with their religion, two they built their own weapons, three their tactics are vastly improved. I think the armies of Egypt and Syria failed mainly because they never had heart. That’s why Sadat bent over

  6. "Extreme jeapordy "?

    Really, Al Jazeera?

    There are many ways to plausibly be mistaken in spelling "jeopardy" but this, THIS, is crazy!


  7. They are mainly killing children s and women. Since when they became a target? This is war crime, genocide. This is evil.

  8. ماني شيعي ولا كن اكون بصفهم وادعم واحترمها اكثر من حكام العرب.

  9. Israel may think they’ll be safe in Israel, but what good do they think will come from a genocide? What they’re doing now is drawing a bullseye on every Jew around the world. I would think it will start in Europe before it all goes world wide.
    The Jews are uniting the Islamic world, while creating more hate towards themselves. Sadly mistaken if they think there won’t be global retaliation.

    USA, your tax dollars have been handed over, $14 Billion, on top of the billions you give every year, to fund Israel who has free healthcare and education, while funding a genocide!!
    How’s your healthcare and education going?

  10. There are no people called Palestinians, a name made up by Yasser Arafat (Egyptian) in 1964, no such country as Palestine, Israel has always belonged to the Jews, even the Quran states Israel belongs to the Jews, but the fundamentalist Islamists hate Jews more than they believe in the Quran. The Arabs in Israel come from Libya, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, their names are from the tribes of the countries they come from. Israel was a swamp for 2000 years before the Jews came back in 1948, nothing could grow there, only the Jews have the blessing of land. Israel will never belong to the so called Palestinians because there is no nation of Palestinians, it is a fake nation!!! There are no famous "Palestinians" in history. There is no history of Palestinians , it is all a lie!!!

  11. I am Tajikistan but my
    heart is with The PALESTINIANS in GAZA 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇵🇸🇭🇺🇵🇸🇭🇺🇵🇸🇭🇺

  12. اس دنیا کا اتنا پڑھا لکھا ہونے کا کیا فائدہ جب غزہ کےشہریوں کو بے رحمی سے کچلا جا رہا ہو اور دنیا چپ چاپ تماشا دیکھ رہی ہو۔

  13. If the Israeli government was willing to compromise and treat the Palestinians with dignity they would not be in this mess. The U.S. is now tied to this mess because of our Congress and President.

  14. Why are Saudi and turkey not helping secure the Muslim region from the slaughtering of innocent civilians. Are Palestinians disposable to them

  15. It quite appears no one knows NatyanYahu was the happiest man on that fateful day of the 7th oct 2023 followed by Joe Biden smiling too too happy to dispose off all weapons even white Phosphorous and Blinken shuttling from one Arab country to the other to urge to release hostages.Hamas are not fools right as the only Anti F16 are hostages to keep on hospitals Churches refugee building as the ratio of exchange is 2000 to 1 Palestine 58 % children whose imprisonment was pelting stones at Abram Tanks
    PM NatyanYahu image of the Supreme Court had sunk to lowest ebb from Left Wing Jew so he was very very happy indeed

  16. But they are the only people that is doing something for the ummah and that fake protest created in Iran made by Isreal and America and the fact you think Yemen is attacking ships only but not saying Isreal ships or ships going to Israel because of the genocide in Gaza shows you are supporting the zionist Isreal

  17. The cause nd foundation of the problem is Italy nd France Paris, America, Napolitano, Napoli, Taranto, Torino, Sardegna, Rome – – – – – (((((

  18. You are getting caught up in the minutia. As I see it, the political pathocracy of the Israeli Zionists is clear – Netanyahu (the psychopath ringleader) is doing what all dogs do, he is marking his territory as justification of widening his land grab, meanwhile killing and unrolling his plan for “voluntary” emigration of the dwindling population of Palestinians as a veneer for ethnic cleansing, and taunting Iran (in partnership with the US) in the overall objective of establishing nuclear domination. They falsely project to the world that they are the victims defending themselves against the ever present Arab terrorists lurking in the background- a worn out historic replay
    This pathological terrorist state needs to be quickly dissolved. The ever widening sickening circle of destruction, suffering and deceit can no longer be tolerated by the larger world community.

  19. I think he has a point that Iran has benefited the most from the different wars in the middle east region by placing it's proxies in Libya Lebanon Iraq Syria

  20. Isaiah 45:17 (KJV)

    But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.
    Romans 11:26 (KJV)

    And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

  21. The reason why other countries are assisting is not because of hamas its because of the genocide that is taking place on mainly women and children in Palestine

  22. If Russia was doing to the Ukraine people what the Jews are now doing to the people of Palistine,the British and USA in the UN would have gone Crazy Protesting about the Russian Genocide.

  23. Hamas is concerned abt the number of Israel soldiers who are dead bt they dont Even give us hw many of theirs are dead ,oh by the way the are all classified as civilians 😂

  24. So the bottom line is that Israel is playing the victim card that expired a long time ago. 🙏♥️🇵🇸♥️🙏

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