
Nana Akua brands Scotland’s new hate crime law as ‘ridiculous’ – ‘going down like a cup of sick’


Nana Akua brands Scotland’s new hate crime law as ‘ridiculous’ – ‘going down like a cup of sick’

#Nana #Akua #brands #Scotlands #hate #crime #law #ridiculous #cup #sick

Nana Akua brands Scotland’s new hate crime law as ‘ridiculous’ – ‘going down like a cup of sick’

#nanaakua #scotland #humzayousaf

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criminal lawyer , Nana Akua brands Scotland’s new hate crime law as ‘ridiculous’ – ‘going down like a cup of sick’, GB news,nana akua,scotland,hate crime,hate crime law,new legislation

43 thoughts on “Nana Akua brands Scotland’s new hate crime law as ‘ridiculous’ – ‘going down like a cup of sick’”

  1. Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour Leader made his own ‘white’ speech too. Both are from Pakistani Muslim immigrant families and both have the top jobs in Scottish Politics. In a country almost entirely made up of ‘white’ people they managed to succeed at very young ages. Interestingly they both attended fee paying schools. I don’t think race hinders Scots being in top jobs. Could it be class and wealth?

  2. Wow he doesn’t like white people does he. The venom in his voice when he says ‘white’ is very clear. Racism against white people is fine though of course because of our ‘white privilage’ 🙄 yet he probably got his job because he is a person ‘of colour’. Funny how he left misogyny out of this law. In years to come the majority of this country, if not all of it, will be Islamic, which means no rights for women or girls.

  3. This is NOT about the transgender twits!

    Now say anything against Islam (Taliban, Isis, Sharia Law, the Quran) and 500 muslims will complaint.
    Humza is Muslim…. why do you think he backed this crap law?

  4. Well – the Scots will get to have their say at the next election. Let's see if how important the "freedom" we are constantly told Scots are so fond of, actually is to them.

  5. Your opinion is not valued in scotland just like humzas new laws your opinion has the effect of a fart in the wind(nobody noticed) so you can keep your cup of sick and drink it yourself.

  6. Humza's White speech will go down in history as the most race baiting, hypocritical speech by an unelected 'leader' in Scotland. Get your act together Scotland.

  7. Scotland is 95% White identifying so what do you expect the people running things to be?!

  8. Yes apparently current laws cover things already. This new law is not needed and is really just more work for police and less free speech. 😃

  9. If he never made that speech….he'd never be fm…it was a gulit power grab in a white celtic christain country…then he makes a hate crime law so no one can slag him off for that speech…..everything hes doing is for his own interests

  10. What is bizarre is that in Islamic countries its not just bathrooms segregated its movie theatres and all sorts of things. LGBGT rights are non existent. There is no freedom of religion. Women wear Hijabs and its compulsory. But no doubt if you say all that its a crime?? As for non crime hate incidents thats an oxymoron.

  11. If Hamas Yousless (MP for Gaza) can get away with such a venomous brown supremacist speech about his hate of white people, then no one can be charged with these stupid laws! There is no equality in justice if a BRITISH politician can spew so much hatred towards white people and yet we get arrested for saying trans women shouldn't be in womens changing rooms!

  12. It's time, the time is NOW to stop pandering and revert to reality, come on Scotland and the rest of the UK, we can do it!!!

  13. She’s got a cheek, Tyrant! Don’t forget her attitude towards us Purebloods. Who have been proven correct.

  14. Omg i just heard his white speech for the first time come on Scotland get him out before he makes you a laughing stock

  15. A wise man once said if you want to discover who has the ultimate power over you, just pinpoint who or what you are NOT allowed to critisise. You guys can figure out the rest…

  16. Country majority, white because it is a white country .Though we won’t be for much longer. second-class citizens in their own nation

  17. Tbf hes not the only one to make such comments. A certain director general of the bbc once called the organisation "hideously white"

  18. Another unelected leader …election should immediately follow a change of leadership!

  19. Humza suffers the dunning Kruger effect. The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.

  20. Humza should try to be minister in Japan, or Angola, South Corea, Mexico, etc His problem is not his heritage, but his brain

  21. I'm a Brown skinned Scotsman and Hamza useless's statement offended me! Not just because my children, missus, friends and family are white… But for his sheer idiocy!!

    We are a 96% white Western nation you absolute melt!!

  22. Politically trashed his position by attacking 95 per cent of the populace for their skin colour. What an entitled fool.

  23. The most racist politician in Scotland and the ignorant too. He must be reported for his hateful attitude against Scottish society.

  24. Nana is outstanding and this racist SNP leader needs to be jailed for inciting hate against whites.

  25. DEI is just a thinly disguised method for taking down talented and qualified people by very very jealous untalented and unqualified insignificant nobody's

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