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This is YouTube channel RedWheel.
I know that the name is terrible, but what can I do with this 🙂
So on this youtube channel, you can see funny Reddit posts which I could find,
also t the best stories with subreddits such as r/Entitledparents, r/ I Don’t Work Here Lady and r/pro revenge.
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lawyers near me , MY LAWYER TAUGHT MY TRESPASSING NEIGHBOR KAREN A LESSON! I Am the Owner of the Land r/EntitledPeople


38 thoughts on “MY LAWYER TAUGHT MY TRESPASSING NEIGHBOR KAREN A LESSON! I Am the Owner of the Land r/EntitledPeople”

  1. Lol My niece is going to be 4 in 2 months. But it's funny my dad has a guitar that is missing one or two strings. But it was funny that she liked it and she was playing it while singing Little Bo peep had lost her sheep like she was playing a bass. She did a great job of singing a song, but it was just hilarious and how she was just holding the guitar like it was that.😂😂😂

  2. Periods and commas are really good things, but reading the entire parking story in one breath was impressive!

  3. Last story idiots. So rather than just cut the branches in their yard, they decide to quadruple their work load by cutting down the whole damn tree?! Idiot so!

  4. The car-sharing sister story, it seems the simple solution would be to take the keys from one sister, the apartment sis, until they come to their senses, because sharing is supposed to work for everyone or at least be equally inconvenient for everyone. And as far as the tickets reaching $2k, that's enough for the car to be towed/booted. Wouldn't want to risk that.

  5. A 2 to old apple sampling is $50.00 a 70 yrbold one must cost a ton to be planted. Cranes involved and everything. My 10 yr old trees are 3 stories high and that's with active trimming.

  6. Music story: 4 years old is a bit too young for practically any instrument. The best you can do is to get them to clap in rhythm and hopefully sing close to the right pitch/key. At 4 a child's manual dexterity and eye/hand coordination still leaves a great deal to be desired.

    Olive Garden story: I would have had that portion put in a box and in one of the coolers so I could take it home with me. Good grief, talk about choosing beggars!

    Parking permit story: Stubborn and stupid little sister.

    Paid parking space story: Time to demand a copy of the POA rules. (What does the "P" stand for anyway?) But if you weren't given a copy or signed anything to acknowledge that you've read them, they can pound sand.

    Trespassing to cut tree story: Idiots! Tree law is a thing. So are private property laws.

  7. It's hilarious how he reads the stories, complete with terrible grammar and lack of punctuation. It sometimes sounds like someone just threw a bunch of words at a page and he just reads whatever stuck.

  8. Your security camera showed that they were trespassing to cut down the tree and you didn't call the local police? YTA. In the US in many places they would have been out several thousands of dollars not to mention possible jail time for destruction of private property but you as owners just SUCK!

  9. I got my 3 year old a half size guitar. He wandered around the house, making up songs strumming the guitar.

  10. My son started piano lessons at about 5 years old. It was mostly just learning simple notes, games for rhythm like clapping, and the focus was on having fun with it while building a good base. In the second or third grade he moved on to guitar lessons. His teacher focused on learning how to hear and identify notes so he could learn how to play somewhat by ear and play the songs he enjoyed instead of just simple songs for children. His foundation from piano where he learned how to read music, keep a rhythm and so forth made it much easier to learn guitar and supported him going forward with other instruments. He's an adult now who mostly focuses on bass guitar and electronic music. By building up basics and making it fun, he gained a life long love of music. Have a feeling the mom in the one story is going to raise a kid who looks at any piano lessons as a punishment and dread when there is a recital or other opportunity for mother dearest to go into stage mommy mode. How dare her elementary school teacher not give her daughter a solo in the class concert or the lead role in a play. 🙄

  11. First mother should have just gotten a musical app ,let the 4 year old learn to play music on her iPad…

  12. Last story,
    Karen: I demand you fix your tree
    Op: not a priority stop pestering
    Karen: then I'll do it myself
    Op: * sues them for trespassing and property damage *
    Karens: how dare you sue us?!
    Your honor it was in our yard and they wouldn't do anything about it.
    Judge: doesn't give you the right to cut down an entire tree.
    You are to pay for the removal of the stump and a new tree plus damages.
    Karens: * shocked Pikachu face *

  13. I had a street beggar outside the grocery store I worked at for a donation for food. I mentioned that the Catholic church just down the block had a food kitchen that was starting to serve lunch and that he could go there for a free meal. He replied that he didn't want that crap and that he wanted some fried chicken. I replied that in that case he wasn't getting anything from me. Beggars can't be choosers dude.

  14. All non native Americans are from illegal immigrates to North America. So non of these people have any right to call another illegal immigrants

  15. We had a neighbor who kept asking us to cut down a tree in our yard to which my husband continuously refused. Our landlord had paid to have any overhanging branches trimmed back. That wasn’t good enough apparently since one day a company had showed up n started cutting on our tree. I heard the noise but didn’t know it was our tree being cut. That evening I saw there was a trailer partly in our back yard. My husband the next morning checked out our tree n saw they cut several of the branches back super far. Again our landlord already paid a service to trim them back where they no longer hung over our property line. He called the property manager who came to inspect the damage. He was of course upset because she’s been a thorn in their side for years. He attempted to speak reason with her but she was not understanding you can’t destroy what doesn’t belong to you. Finally he called the police to handle her. They even ran the plates on the trailer. They nearly towed it away because they couldn’t contact him. When the owner finally showed up they had a similar talk with him. I don’t get what makes folks think it’s okay to do stuff like that. 🙄

  16. id just tell them my friend is letting borrow the car so it is mine for the time being even if i dont drive it lol

  17. Four years old is not to young for some instruments like recorder. Guitar, yes. Way too young.

  18. There really isn't a wrong time to cut branches off trees. Especially not in summer. If fruit/nut trees have too many fruits growing on them, one should prune them so they dont just snap on their own.

  19. I teach piano classes and my youngest is 4 and oh my goodness he is a handful, his mom has to be there for his lessons and we only do 15 minutes beacuse anything longer is futile. All my others are 8 to 12 years old.
    He is incredibly intelligent and remebers every single thing we do but he is also very miserqble and intentionally says nonsense just for fun

  20. Last story: OP should have included the judgement amount. r/treelaw gets very expensive really quick.

  21. If the car parking story was, indeed, written by a colledge graduate I assume he/she didn't study punctuation.

  22. At 4 years old, a kid would be lucky to master a tambourine, much less anything more complicated than that.

  23. Wow that second one, he has some balls to do that. I’d have reminded him that you make barely over $2 an hour that’s why you get tips and he makes at minimum $8.25

  24. Good morning, everyone! Hope your day has gone well so far! Great stories, thanks for sharing them! RW, you stay safe and Ill catch up with you again later!

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