
My Lawyer Taught a Lesson to Real Estate agent Karen! I am the Owner of land r/MaliciousCompliance


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My Lawyer Taught a Lesson to Real Estate agent Karen! I am the Owner of land r/MaliciousCompliance


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My Lawyer Taught a Lesson to Real Estate agent Karen! I am the Owner of land r/MaliciousCompliance
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25 thoughts on “My Lawyer Taught a Lesson to Real Estate agent Karen! I am the Owner of land r/MaliciousCompliance”

  1. The corruption that runs through this administration is getting scarier. I feel sympathy for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve. Imagine investing $1000 and receiving $4,200.

  2. Working off the clock is not only ILLEGAL and WAGE THEFT it’s also a liability issue. What if OP or their co-workers had been injured off the clock? Workers Comp IS NOT going to pay.

  3. I've caused Karen's to go near apoplectic, by just standing there, blank faced, saying over, and over, "Are you done?" When they finally leave, get get to laughing just as the door closes, I get a reaction every time, and laugh that much harder.
    Karen's are blatantly stupid, their hearing only hears what they want to hear, and their unearned arrogance is beyond compare.
    When I sold my house, all I did was take my title documents to the title office, they told me everything I had to do to sell my home, surprisingly easy though complicated enough to get help from smarter friends, and it cost less in the long run.

  4. Clock Watching Story: When the Company docked 4 hours for leaving 15 minutes early, OP should have called the State Department of Labor and filed a Wage Theft Complaint…

    If OP left 15 minutes early, then Legally, they can not dock more than 15 minutes of Pay…

  5. Clock watchers story: They docked you half a day over 15 minutes??? I'd have reported that to the labor board.

    Chicken story: I was dearly hoping that somehow a whole chicken, still with feathers, beak, feet and guts had somehow been shipped to the store by accident. But this was almost as good.

  6. A 5 bedroom house with panoramic views in San Diego for 650,000? That story must have happened back in the olden days.

  7. Company Loyalty doesn't exist anymore since the company wants people that "go above and beyond" aka are there for multiple hours after their shift ends, works with next to no days off by covering shifts, and works extra hours unpaid. Plus companies don't pay us enough to have loyalty since people have to work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. So until the corporate idiots get it through their thick stupid skulls that their employees need a livable wage and good compensation. They are not going to stay there for years or bend over backwards for the company that is exploiting them. These stupid corporate executives need to understand that well compensated employees equal more profit for the company and more money for the executives and the people with stocks in the company.

  8. I just found out yesterday that the realtor didn't file a lien release on my home that was paid off 24 years ago. It had a one year owner financing, then was paid off in cash at te end of that year. Now I have to track down any of the seller's descendants to get them to sign papers to release it . She was a widow, with one adualt son that I never met. She died over 20 years ago and I've received a yearly request from her life insurance trying tioo locate the son that I never met, or even heard his name.
    The other alternative is to higher a very expensive real estate lawyer and petition the courts. The wait. And wait. Then keep waiting as the expenses mount.
    I should be able to simply sue the realty company, since all the paperwork was signed in their office.

  9. On the first story, op I don't blame you one bit, I would have quit that TRASH of a job to.

  10. Couple were splitting up. House in man's name but woman under local law could assert 50% ownership anytime she chose. He put the house on the market with instructions to sell it for 50% value. The two salesmen (who worked together) put a bid in through an intermediary. Woman got wind of what was going on and confronted the salesmen who told her to mind her own business. She saw a lawyer and the Family Court quickly sorted things. The salesmen were severely disciplined.

  11. I am a real estate agent and I’m sorry people feel that way. But that person’s license should have been pulled way before OP did it. That is highly unethical.

  12. Story #2 – In a past job, where I was the service manager, they laid off my two technicians and all but 2 our of 8 assemblers. They then expected that the remaining staff would pick up the slack in order to maintain production levels which would be impossible, without essentially working 24 hours a day. I became a clock watcher. In at 9:00am and gone the minute it hit 5:00pm. When they closed down that branch office, which had been the most profitable of the three in Canada (one of them the head office, too), I took the clock that I used to watch. Twenty five years later it's still up on my wall at home, to remind me that the employer only gets what they give.

  13. The first story, I learned a long time ago that I will NEVER be paid enough to be treated that way by any customer or anyone else. If they wanna dish that out, you give it right back. Otherwise they will continue with that treatment and will get worse. You HAVE to put a stop to that IMMEDIATELY. Company policy goes out the window because your bosses will not back you up or stand up for you.

  14. Ready for the weekend? Hope you all have a good one! Great stories, very entertaining, love them all! Catch you again in the morning!

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