
My Jaw Dropped When My Lawyer Called Me I Just Received The First Set Of Data From The PI


#Jaw #Dropped #Lawyer #Called #Received #Set #Data

My jaw dropped when my lawyer called me: “I just received the first set of data from the private investigator. It appears your cheating wife has been living quite an active lifestyle. From one o’clock in the afternoon, she was with three different men. But that’s not all, there’s an audio recording that will completely destroy her…”
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lawyers near me , My Jaw Dropped When My Lawyer Called Me I Just Received The First Set Of Data From The PI


6 thoughts on “My Jaw Dropped When My Lawyer Called Me I Just Received The First Set Of Data From The PI”

  1. If you were not sexually active before marriage with anyone, you should have make sure you are not marrying someone who isn't virign / 304/ gone through multiple men. those women will be very exciting but will mess you your life.

  2. is it too much to expect characters to keep the same names from start to finish?
    marissa….marcia…..they are very different names …….

  3. There has been different versions of this story before. But I can understand. i read a version on a other site where a wife had been cheating on her husband for numerous years. In her eager ness to get to her lover she was involved in auto accident which killed her instanty and left a widowed husband with three young teenage children. Husband was ultimately blamed for what reason I couldnt understand. I believe he lived somewhere alienation of affection suits were allowed. He was successful in this and other law suits after his wifes death. I believe his parents tried to remove his children from his custody. It was one large legal mess. This gentleman lost all his friends when he filed alienation of affection suits against many people. The events that 0ccured after his wifes death were very shocking and upsetting. I guess in a lot of people cheating is no big deal in a warped sense of reality! He did win at the end, but had to move away and start fresh! Maybe somebody can remember this event. It eludes me who,what,where and why right now.!

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