
My family kicked me out because I refused to be a lawyer


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lawyers near me , My family kicked me out because I refused to be a lawyer


42 thoughts on “My family kicked me out because I refused to be a lawyer”

  1. Doing evil against evil is the wrong way to go about it. Suppose word gets out that she paid her Sister's bosses to fire her? You know things like this can't stay hidden for too long!

  2. Listen the parents shouldn't be you shouldn't pick a favorite child they should love both Childs equally they shouldn't push what they want on their child they should let the child who do what they want and if they want to be in career-wise or whatever but as the fact that she wants revenge she should have done the best revenge was was just continue to be better than what they expected her to be instead of making it harder for them to survive by buying their building raising their rent as well as making it harder for her sister to get fired when it's probably a struggle to find a job in this day and age that's just a little bit too much I always say the best revenge that you can do is be exactly the complete opposite they expect you to be if they expect you to have a downfall then show them that you can be better than what they say that she was going to be and rise up again she unfortunately kind of stooped down to a level that wasn't good I'm all for her getting everything she wanted in life but the whole getting the revenge on the family the way she did I don't like that she didn't need to do that she did not need to do that at all

  3. I know why they wanted her to be a lawyer. They wanted her to hide the truth about her fathers parents about the fraudulent activities

  4. Her parents try to force her to be a lawyer, then his firm gets seized by the government. Karma wins again!

  5. This family have no common sense the mom could’ve went back to school and now she’s wasting her breath

  6. Well you can't force kids to do something that you want them to do… Thats why there is so many kids that are rebellious against their parents today… Because parents are forcing their kids against their will…

  7. What's the name of that channel with the short story about a world in a secret door to another, horrific world?

  8. Look, I think Samantha likes the Gourmet Chef career as if her sister should be a lawyer. The parents cannot think Samantha is bad luck because it sounds objectification and criticizing. So what if some tall athletic woman wants to play tennis or golf instead of volleyball or basketball? All tall women love playing all sports, including cheerleading and baton twirling.

  9. Next story: My parents tried kicking me out of the house but I got home from Basic Training and the School of Infantry and put what I learned in Combatives and advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat Training to good use when mom tried to slap me and dad got his arm broken in two places for their troubles

  10. What Samantha did to her parents and sister was cold 😢. Revenge is not the answer. What Samantha's parents did to her by favoring her younger sister is also wrong. They lied to her and taught her to hate Samantha. Samantha should be more forgiving towards them.

  11. It is ideal for a child to be born in wedloc, but it's not the end of the world if a child isn't. Plus, a child can't help how they come into the world. And a child born in webloc doesn't make a child better over the other. She could of still fulfilled her dreams because I've seen pregnant moms in college do so. Plus, they were doing things without being catious, so they couldn't blame her for things being ruined. And her family is stuck up too. I'm glad she found her success in the dreams she wanted to fulfill and now is happily engaged.

  12. I would take my sister away from my parents because she was just copying what she watched. I would talk to her about what happened and why I left

  13. Samantha you really dodged a hail of bullets because your entire family is now completely broke and struggling that even includes your extended family and you was able to accomplish so much more at your young age of 22. If I'm being honest if you will get phone their dream of being a lawyer nobody would have taken you seriously because you're attractive . Just asked Kim Kardashian

  14. Samantha you really dodged a hail of bullets because your entire family is now completely broke and struggling

  15. The mother should have never given up her dream of finishing College finish what you did so what you had a baby girl. Get back into college and finish what you started and stop worrying about the other things

  16. Seriously they only wanted to use their own daughter as their personal get out of jail free card when things get tough. Honestly she has the rights on not going to law school just bcuz of them

  17. Very good job dudes and nicely well done!! Congratulations 992.2% yo throughout the 4th sizzling patriotic hot week of said amazing August y'all. The mother still could have been a lawyer, she could have waited a little longer until her daughter was a little older around 3 or 4 and then go to law school instead of blaming her for ‘stealing’ her dream, and now her, her husband, younger daughter and the grandparents have all have gotten karmatic justice for what they did to her.

  18. If you are a real person you are a monster you should reflect on your actions . I hate my self and the humanity but I will not do this to my worst enemy.
    So f*** you, f*** me ,f**** all humanity

  19. Those boss are very unprofessional collect money to get someone fired I know they deserves there karma

  20. Why didn't you give Samantha nine more full blooded siblings Aunts and uncles that supports Samantha's dreams.
    Samantha has her siblings a pair of triplets two boys named Roman, Cesar one girl named Sky, a year later another set of triplets were born this time two girls and one boy.
    Their names are Sapphire, Opal and Max.
    When Samantha is three years old Samantha has a pair of twin siblings two boys named Scout and Peter.
    Samantha is four years old she has a another brother the kids name is Lucky.
    Sadly the nine siblings also were neglected they were raised by aunts or uncles and Samantha was also raised by the same aunts and uncles.
    Samantha has 8 aunts and uncles the sperm egg donor each have four siblings.
    6 out of the 8 Aunts and Uncles are married with children two uncles are single lifers and are very proud to be single lifers.
    Samantha moved to her aunts and uncles after she was kicked out of the house.
    Her nine siblings were also kicked out for supporting Samantha.
    At 22 her nine siblings moved in with Samantha but they still live a Aunt or Uncle.
    Samantha tell her life story to the world making her grandparents sperm/egg donors and younger sister they become social outcasts.
    Samantha marries after exposing the favoritism and neglect to the world at 25.
    Cesar is a CEO in the military Roman is a soldier on her way to be a general.
    Sapphire and Opal become teachers.
    Max is a employee at Cesar's company.
    Max joined the company after gaining experience at another job so he doesn't use his connections to the CEO as his older brother's company.
    Scout, Peter and Lucky become bodyguards to Cesar and Samantha and are part time exercise coaches.
    Hundreds of girls have crushes on the three brothers and they run away from these girls as they chase the three brothers throughout their school life.
    Samantha always laughs every time when mobs of girls chase after them.
    Samantha laughs longer and louder than in school shocked that her younger brothers are still being chased by the girls.
    Samantha gives birth to 10 children there's no favoritism or neglect.
    The younger sister marries but stayed poor and gave her children a total of 4 up for adoption. Samantha spends time with her nieces and nephews.
    The parents and the youngest sister becomes house keepers and yard workers.
    Samantha's other siblings ignore the grandparents sperm egg donors and the youngest sister act like they don't exist they but they love the youngest sister's children.
    Ending Samantha enjoys being outside with her family having a cook-off with neighbors on a weekend every else is playing games like kickball, dodgeball, Red Rover, flying kites, tug of war, capture the flag, reading books or comics, having a drawing table or having a walk around the park. The grandparents sperm egg donors and the youngest sister are not allowed to part of the cook-off except as trash collectors or yard workers.

    Version 2 it's the same story without the neglect and favoritism.
    Samantha and her siblings are not kicked out of the house.
    Her grandparents are still criminals but the parents cut ties with them.
    The younger sister is a lawyer she keeps her children.
    The four grandparents are send to retirement homes after their crimes are exposed and are bankrupt.
    Samantha becomes a cook and model at a faster pace.
    Samantha's siblings lives are the same except they never experienced neglect or favoritism.
    Ending this time the parents and younger sister are participating in the cook-off cooking meat.
    The four grandparents are in the retirement home.

  21. You funny and your parents are stupid used jokes. How do they delphals straight to hell right now?
    Imagine a yo, parents are the going to hell right now. Devil's in editing and undo feet

  22. I guess she doesn’t believe that Living Well Is The Best Revenge. In my experience, forgetting about those who wronged you is the best revenge…..AFTER you give evidence of their crimes to the cops, IRS, CIA, and any other agency that could incarcerate them. Witness Protection Is Your Friend!!!

  23. Yeah personally I think those parents were a little too far gone but I would have given the your sister a chance to to see you for who you truly are and not the evil person that her parents convinced her you were

  24. Sam's parents, grandparents and sister deserves the worst of all bullying her though the year.

  25. OP's sister was just a little kid when OP was kicked out. I can understand OP wanting to get back at her parents by kicking them out after they kicked her out, but going out of her way to get her sister fired for how she behaved when she was only 7 years old seems really harsh and unnecessary. OP could have used the opportunity of her sister applying at her restaurant to get to know her better and to try to repair their relationship. The sister would likely be completely different as an adult to how she was when she was 7.

  26. All this to be a lawyer. Samantha has the worst, horrible, toxic family of the entire universe. It is NOT what Samantha wants, it's what the toxic family wanted Samantha to do: following in their footsteps.

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