
My attorney won’t get back to me. What do I do?


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lawyers near me , My attorney won’t get back to me. What do I do?


17 thoughts on “My attorney won’t get back to me. What do I do?”

  1. I had a lawyer who screwed me beyond screwed she took 5 years to settle an accident case that should have taken less than 3. The insurance company filed two motion to compel documents to get her to respond. When I hired her I stated that I wanted somebody who could finesse this case so I could close it and finish as fast as possible. I ended up saving us time by getting my own records and doing things that got things done. She told me not to communicate with my doctor about the case but then she didn't';t discuss the case with him and delaying me 6 months, I had to discuss with him to find out what was going on and ended up figuring out she dropped the ball. She used my case to get a new job at a firm here in town and that move delayed my case another year at least.

  2. Thanks for answering my question. Sinced i asked him to settle back in Jan, he has reached once in March and said they have offered x dollars and advised me not to take it becos he believes he can settle for 2.5times that. And he would get back to me in 2 weeks. That was March 26th. Point is, i have no idea what is happening at this point since then whether good, bad or just no progress. I have a feeling the other side is bullying him like they did me, ignoring him or have rescinded the initial offer. Even if so, id rather know than being kept in the dark.

  3. Vinny did you throw Cassie's book away? She wants it back. It took her 2 years to make and was her only copy.

  4. Another good client question video. Thank you.

    Would you say reaching out between client and attorney monthly would be a good thing, just to stay in touch?
    Either email or phone would be good for me. Would be great if it was close to the same date each month.

  5. I’ve had 3 attorneys now, not get back to me. The first one, I filed a complaint with the bbb and they said they wouldn’t file a lien if I contacted the bbb and got the review removed. It seemed like an impossible task at the time, but I managed to figure out a way. The 2nd firm, the last call they took from me was the hiring call. After I signed the papers, they did not get back to me not once via call or writing. They must have been watching my case because laughably I received $10 on it and they filed a lien against me. The 3rd, and probably the last attorney, instead of giving me my medical records as requested, would rather resign than “have problems” to quote him. I went to the supervising attorney and was told they don’t want the QME doctor mad at them, who apparently, was upset that I requested my prior records myself and stated that I contacted him. It’s not true. They’ve refused giving me my records on multiples of occasions, after the first visit they never turned in the report timely, so I wrote a letter to the only address on file (because the lawyers were not helping me) that they can easily make a copy of and give to everyone asking simply to submit the report and allow my case to proceed. I was temporarily paralyzed in 2020. I just don’t want people to forget that that happened due to overuse in delivering all the deliveries during Covid. Idk what to do. I cry every day. I’m so stressed out. I feel like people are taking advantage of me and making my life more difficult on purpose. And I can’t see it from their perspective. Like, oh they just process stuff. No. It’s not fair. Who can I complain to??? CA.

  6. Hello, Mr. White. I am a new subscriber. I live in Georgia, and I recently received a determination letter from Commision on Human Rights about my discrimination case of race and national origin. The determination was "RESONABLE CAUSE" was found. I do not have an attorney. The company representative and I have agreed to "conciliation" for the next week and half. How do I prepare myself for it? Should I consult and hire an attorney? In your opinion what do you think my ask should be? The factors of this case is I applied for a job, the recruiter liked my qualifications, did an interview but was not hired. The company was not able to list the reason why I was not hired even though I am qualified for it, and they continue to advertise the job.

  7. Patience takes a lot of Patience for the entire process, I was terminated over two years ago and I barely have a court date in a few months.

  8. My employer set up a senario and called the police on me because I’ve reported many times about the management and discrimination.

    My employer set up a scenario and called the police lying that I was mentally ill and have guns. Over 10 police broke in my house at 3 am and it was a distress event , as a black male , this was very distressing. Afterward, the judge dismissed the case and founded not guilty. Can I sue the employer for retaliation, discrimination, defamation of character, emotional distress, malicious persecution, and wrongful termination?

    Any advice ?

  9. I've seen it many times. If after taking the case, the attorney decides the case is not very strong, the attorney will simply ignore the client and hope he goes away.

  10. My attorney didn't get back to me because a hurricane left them without power for a week.

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