
Mr. Kunze is a GANSTER! | Basic English conversation | Learn English | Like English


Mr. Kunze is a GANSTER! | Basic English conversation | Learn English | Like English

School life conversation | Basic English conversation | Like English | Sunshine English

Disclaimer : This channel creates fictional love stories and educational videos for adults. We don’t create kids content who are under 18. Adults students are welcome to watch our videos .

English vocabulary with pictures


By: Like English

english , Mr. Kunze is a GANSTER! | Basic English conversation | Learn English | Like English , #Kunze #GANSTER #Basic #English #conversation #Learn #English #English
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22 thoughts on “Mr. Kunze is a GANSTER! | Basic English conversation | Learn English | Like English”

  1. 0:01: 💬 Unexpected phone calls disrupt relationships and bring back pasts, leading to confrontations and unresolved issues.
    4:42: 💬 Lisa struggles to choose between Martin and Axel, seeking signs from the universe. Sarah and Samuel plan to go to the movies but end up at Sarah's house.
    9:09: ⚡️ Unexpected events unfold as characters navigate relationships, secrets, and a mysterious ultimatum from the universe.
    13:42: 💰 Unexpected family drama unfolds as a plan to rob a bank is revealed, leading to accusations and threats.
    18:15: ⚠️ Dangerous plot involving Paul Nikova, a planned accident, and a bank robbery with police involvement.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  2. Donde anda Martín por qué lo vimos en el video anterior y este video no está Martín

  3. Quiero que Lisa esté con markus y no con jamal además amó a Lisa y una pregunta ❓❓❓ dónde está Martín ❓❓❓❓❓

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