
MP Forgets She Voted Against Her Constituents


MP Forgets She Voted Against Her Constituents

#Forgets #Voted #Constituents

NDP Member of Parliament Lori Idlout tried to insinuate Conservatives don’t want to work together to fight crime, while completely forgetting she, and the NDP turned their backs on the CPC who tried to protect First Nations hunters, and law-abiding firearms owners, in her own riding.

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criminal lawyer , MP Forgets She Voted Against Her Constituents, Pierre Poilievre,gun owners,Law-abiding,NDP,Conservative,Lori Idlout

45 thoughts on “MP Forgets She Voted Against Her Constituents”

  1. Fact is I should be able to leave my car in my driveway with the keys in it and it should not be taken. That is not reality but it should not be up to the manufacturers to put any additional security features on a vehicle beyond needing a key to start it.
    Deal with the criminals.

  2. 😂😂 The NDP are an even bigger joke than the Liberals. These people (Leftists) are literally too stupid to know just how stupid they are.

  3. I keep hearing make the manufacturers design the car so it can’t be stolen.
    By 2030 Justin Trudeau doesn’t want you to own a car and to go green !

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if the lying NDP party lost its political party status but it will not be till the biggest grifter of all time Jimmy Daliwhal gets his pension. After all , Canadians don't matter. Ukranians do! Money laundering, plain and simple.

  5. I bet 90% of those MPs would have been jobless if the House of Commons runs professional annual performance evaluation for the members like commercial businesses do.

  6. That cost would only end up on the customer bc u would make it part of manufacturing requirements which goes to cost. Think ur idea all the way through first lady

  7. My God the incompetence cars now have 10 times the safety measures than ten years ago and get stolen 10 times as much the safety measures aren't the problem

  8. Pretty sure 99% of those people have no idea what they're talking about. Blatant stupidity on display folks.

  9. The ndp is well known to work with all parties!? Yeah, like a snake in the grass, trying to get their agenda done, when most people don’t even vote for them. How Democratic is that? How can they, in good conscience, try to pass laws when only like 10% of the people even vote for them?

  10. Instead of car industry having to deal with anti theft, maybe liberals and dippers crack down on the thieves

  11. NDP should just sit down and stop propping up the liberal government. NDP are really nothing more than useful fools

  12. Government of Trudeau's Criminals because nothing is being done RCMP are all on bribes and cover ups political crime they also should be investigated —-well enjoy your country GOOD BYE

  13. Auto manufactures all ready have laws that make them use chip keys in Canada since about 2007 and newer that’s why there is no Kia recall for theft in Canada only in the US where people are steeling Kia and joy ridding them and Kia’s fix is to put the system that’s in Canadian cars to make them harder to steel look it up for yourself your watching videos anyway

  14. Typical NDP. Blame the product not the criminal that is trying to steal it. Plus, the organized crime bill was a joke!!

  15. Yup. Our Treaty Law's are still alive as first Nations. Good luck trying to take firearms away from us. War will be coming if this happens

  16. First of all, what tougher measures regarding security, can automanufacturers add? Second to that, the NDP are the ones who supported bail reform and criminal leniency laws, a direct cause to the emboldenment of criminals.

  17. Canadians keep electing pieces of shit!! Follow the money….lifetime pension…new vehicle…and ppl in her community are shitting in 5 gallon buckets still after 100 years…but everyone has a new truck n snow machine….

  18. Because requiering auto manufacturer to put even more security in the way they opperate will only raise the cost of cars and Pierre Poilievre knows for sure that we cant live with higher price than we have

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