
Moon Channel’s The Completionist Defense IRKs REAL Lawyer | F Grade


Moon Channel’s The Completionist Defense IRKs REAL Lawyer | F Grade

#Moon #Channels #Completionist #Defense #IRKs #REAL #Lawyer #Grade

#attorneylife #lawyer #attorney #lawfirm #patent #trademark #copyright #nft #legal #IP #googleads #marketing
My name is Tony Guo. I am a Patent Attorney who specializes in Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and IP Law. I run 2 startups in Humble Texas which is near Houston Texas. I’m an entrepreneur and CEO of RunRex, an online marketing agency. I graduated NYU with honors and a BS in Biology. I passed the Patent Bar Exam when I was 21. Worked at a large IP law firm. And graduated William and Mary Law School. I’m barred in the State of New York.

​ – Marketing Agency.

You can find me on linkedin.

Are you interested in working for a small marketing / legal agency in Houston Texas? Please send a resume to [email protected]. We will get back to you!

We are the black sheep. We are profitable, cash flow positive. During the coronavirus we turned down $700,000 of PPP loans because we didn’t need it. We did not furlough an employee, lay off an employee, reduce the salary of an employee, or fire an employee during the coronavirus. This is a real opportunity to grow and expand your world view.

Certifications: New York Bar Admitted, Patent Attorney, Google Partners Community Ambassador, Google Adwords Certified, Google Analytics Certified, Google Video Ads Certified.

Specialties: Patent Law, Trademark Law, Franchise Law, Internet Law, Contract Law, Immigration Law, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Internet Marketing, Financial Forecasting and Auditing, Graphic Design.


Standard – $599 a month includes two 60 minute sessions and unlimited email support.
Premium – $999 a month includes four 60 minute sessions and unlimited text message support.

Consulting Rates

🐈 Marketing Consulting : $250 / Hour
🐈 Marketing Consulting Student : $150 / Hour
🐈 Marketing Consulting Bulk : $200 / Hour (10 Hour Min)
🐈 Business Consulting : $250 / Hour
🐈 Business Consulting Student : $150 / Hour
🐈 Business Consulting Bulk : $200 / Hour (10 Hour Min)
🐈 Legal Consulting : $600 / Hour
🐈 Legal Consulting Student : $350 / Hour
🐈 Legal Consulting Bulk Rate : $400 / Hour (10 Hour Min)

Let me know if you need any help. Feel free to call me : 484-639-2748.

If you are looking for an experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable patent attorney to protect your intellectual property, then you should consider hiring me. I have been practicing patent law for over 10 years and I bring a wealth of experience to the table. I have a deep understanding of the U.S. patent system and the laws that govern it. I am also highly skilled in conducting patent searches, drafting applications, and prosecuting patent applications before the USPTO.

I also have experience with a variety of patent-related matters, including patent infringement cases, licensing agreements, and litigation. Furthermore, I am well-versed in international patent law and I have experience with filing and prosecuting patent applications in many different countries. I have a network of contacts around the world and I can help you navigate the complexities of international patent law.

I have an excellent track record of success, with a high success rate in the patent applications I have filed. I am dedicated to providing my clients with high quality service and I strive to ensure that their intellectual property is protected. Finally, I am committed to providing my clients with the best possible legal advice and I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure their success. I am passionate about helping my clients

If you are in the market for an experienced intellectual property (IP) attorney, then you should consider hiring me. With over 10 years of experience in the field, I have the knowledge and skill set necessary to help you protect your IP rights. A good IP attorney offers more than just legal advice; they provide valuable insight into the complex and ever-evolving world of IP law. I have extensive experience in both litigation and transactional IP matters, giving me a unique understanding of the complex nuances of IP law.

I am also well-versed in copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other areas of IP law. With a comprehensive understanding of the applicable laws, I can provide you with sound advice and guidance to help you maximize the protection of your IP. My experience also gives me the ability to identify and assess potential threats to your IP.

I understand the importance of protecting your IP assets and will work diligently to help you maintain your competitive edge in the marketplace. I also have a strong record of successfully negotiating complex IP agreements and resolving disputes quickly and effectively. I am committed to providing my clients with the highest level of service, and I strive to stay current on the latest developments in the field of IP law.
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18 thoughts on “Moon Channel’s The Completionist Defense IRKs REAL Lawyer | F Grade”

  1. The legality thing is why I figured people won't just pretend to be lawyers because…who tf would do something this stupid? Ah yes let's fck with the profession that can legally drag you over the coals for lying.

  2. Pompous ass who thought that just by saying, "I'm a lawyer", everything else after that came out of his mouth would and should be revered and taken as word from a more intelligent person.

    It had the opposite effect and exposed him as a narcissistic blow hard who just likes to hear himself talk. He probably jerks off to his own voice

  3. I never believed him to a lawyer and pretty much everything he’s said is cap. He just reads off a bunch of “legal” definitions to sound official but real lawyers aren’t technical towards a non legal audience because no one would understand wtf they’re saying and that’s a waste of time. Moon channel just wants to sound official. I think he’s just some autistic, social failure seeking applause.

  4. You bring up some interesting points. It is highly fishy. There are unfortunately a lot of supposedly lawyers on youtube like natalielawyerchick who do things like reaction videos. Where they have not seen a video before who don't know anything about the case, but will react to the video. They then get things wrong and give bad advice, but people will quote them saying a lawyer said them.

    I think people believe in confinement bias more than they do critical thinking.

  5. Moon: "I'm a lawyer and I know more than yoy because I say so. Believe everything I say because I is given in a snide, confident tone."

    Audience: "Yes Moon, we believe you."

    LUS: "I'm a lawyer, here are all of my credentials, my name and where you can verify that I am who I say I am."

    Audience: "Are you sure you're a lawyer? You're not faking it right?"

  6. I really don't think Moony is a lawyer, or even in the legal profession at all.

    There was almost zero research done for that video, I think it's really badly damaged his reputation, will be a tough fight to come back from, but he's still got his fanboys that will eat up anything he says

  7. I don't think people gave positive feedback to Moony because it was Moony but rather it is people that still wishes that the Competionist was that nice guy he pretends to be so anything that helps that image, even if that video lacks facts, people will lash on to that.

  8. Moon's not an attorney, he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and it was pretty obvious from listening to his video. I would know I'm a surgeon, astronaut, and professional athlete in 3 sports since we are just making shit up now. Until he produces some kinda proof his legal opinion is as valid as the pizza delivery guys legal opinion. Probably a little less so cause the pizza delivery guy might be willing to do a little research first before giving his opinion.

  9. The irony of it all is that Moon used sprites of Phoenix Wright to represent himself during the statements, and anyone that has played Ace Attorney will know that often Phoenix wins cases by sheer luck and legit spiritual interference. It just make the Moon fumbles that much more amusing.

  10. I’ve met a ton of defense lawyers, his behavior is typical of them sad to say. He already came in with a bias because he “is passionate about charity work” and probably looked at muta and Karls channels, simply assumed they were drama or news channels and then made up the rest from there.
    Facts are fluid to defense lawyers is what I always say

  11. I mean moon channel does have good soothing voice, which is one of the reasons why I used to watch him when did videos that was natural. Once I found out what side of political scale he leaned, I lost interest. That is why you see comments saying "I can listen to you talk about law for hours" I could be one of those individuals as the voice makes something as boring as law enjoyable. I personally like to study on my state laws and statutes but it is heavily boring and it feels as if I am going back to college but isolated, ha ha.

  12. The video was oddly vindictive of Karl and almost made it look like he was a Jirard fan. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt so im thinking this is a case of lawyer haightiness. Some lawyers love to gatekeep. At least he apologized but after such a blunder it makes you want to look closer.

  13. hey man just wanted to say i appreciate your pro bono immigration work. Im not a lawyer but do work with immigrants who are often also getting assisted by people who do the work you do. It's difficult and important work that changes people's lives.

    I also thought moon didnt sound much like a lawyer, he intentionally ignored countervailing and exculpatory info while making an accusation.

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