
Mom Sentenced for Abandoning Toddler to Go on Vacation | OH v. Candelario


Mom Sentenced for Abandoning Toddler to Go on Vacation | OH v. Candelario

#Mom #Sentenced #Abandoning #Toddler #Vacation #Candelario

FULL SENTENCING: Kristel Candelario, the Ohio mom who pleaded guilty to abandoning her toddler to go on vacation, faced a judge. Candelario spoke to the court saying “God and my daughter have forgiven me.”

After emotional evidence and victim impact statements, the judge sentenced Kristel Candelario to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

#CourtTV – OH v. #KristelCandelario, Mom Abandons Toddler Case – MORE HERE:

00:00:00 OH v Kristel Candelario Sentencing
00:00:36 Defendant Enters Court
00:10:45 Ring doorbell cam, shows child crying ON 6/9 1:04a
00:14:05 911 Call by defendant
00:29:56 WITNESS: DR. ELIZABETH MOONEY, medical examiner who performed the autopsy
00:37:03 Victim Impact Statements by Law Enforcement
00:37:55 SGT. TERESA GOMEZ – Cleveland Police Homicide Unit
00:57:50 KETTY TORRES – Defendant’s Mother
01:07:43 CLEVER CANDELARIO – defendant’s father
01:13:27 Kristel Candelario Speaks in Court

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40 thoughts on “Mom Sentenced for Abandoning Toddler to Go on Vacation | OH v. Candelario”

  1. She literally SQUEEZED out tears, you could tell that it was forced. I have no sympathy for this evil person

  2. How she even got legal representative i don't know. With a guilty plea and conclusive evidence how do you stomach represent such a case?

  3. She's going to have a rough time in jail… Even her attorney didn't want to be near her… Soulless is the only word that comes to mind

  4. The grandmother is a monster and clearly she is the mother of monster. "He who is without sin cast the first stone", seriously? OMG using the words of Jesus Christ to defend this waste of oxygen is blasphemous. Just because Jesus told us not to "judge" this doesn't mean we are supposed to let monsters get away with starving toddllers to death–it means we cannot judge this monster's soul and whether or not she might experience true contrition and forgiveness in the estimation of the Creator. The court and the rest of us are allowed to judge her guilty of negligent homicide. God can sort out whether she is contrite when she arrives at her final day of judgement. Until then, God protect the rest of us from her.

  5. America promotes and endorses the disgusting and depraved baby mumma culture, dont whinge when it goes horrible wrong.

  6. The nerve to cry like she cared is infuriating like really?! i js cant listen to the fake loud cant even even give an address but she “teaches” i just cant even listen to her she dont deserve to be heard

  7. What a disgusting person she is, how could anyone, even unstable people do something like what she did, I think sometime every parent might think, Oh God these kids are driving me crazy, but would we think I know I'll just go on holiday and just leave our kids, no, a decent human being would never consider something like that, never and listening to that poor little darling crying, I just wanted to run in there and scoop her up and tell her everything is going to be alright, it's just heart breaking.

  8. Oh please lady you should of think about her when you decided to go to PR without her poor baby may God me with her

  9. What a sociopath. The fact that she looks confused and almost angry that the judge would give her life without parole shows her delusion.

  10. Hey Florida stop giving a couple years to mothers who do these crimes! Take notes from this judge.

  11. I hate when she said that God and the baby forgave her. Taking no accountability for her actions.

  12. You must not see daylight again 😢.. vacation was worth it? How could you do that as a mother? Leave that precious baby all by herself.

  13. We have to stop saying "animals". We are all of the animal kingdom. The correct wording would be, non humans, in regard to a mother looking after her child.

  14. She got life without parole? Three years ago, a British mother who left her 20-month old baby alone to die while she, the mother, partied for five days, got nine years.

    One extreme to the other.

  15. Can god forgive A PERSON LIKE SHE? CAN GOD SHOW MERCY TO A PERSON LIKE HER? All i know is thanks ohio court and the judge youve shown justice and mercy to this little angel.

  16. This is so unimaginable to me, because I don’t come from money. I live paycheck to paycheck- with no food assistance or anything. I am a single mother who has 1 child with severe mental illness, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy & the epilepsy is in the part of the brain that controls behavior, impulse control, ADHD. So there are times I have went to the bathroom to cry. So she would not see me. Because, I don’t want to worry my kids.
    I have no parents, no siblings, no one I can trust to leave my children with. Maybe my neighbor who’s family to us. But they have 5 girls themselves. 11-18 mine are girls the same ages. My reason for this comment is because, to top this off, I was in a horrible abusive relationship. I thought I may die before I got away from, I was hurt & lost custody of a child had raised for 6 years & planned to adopt as soon as I was old enough. So the doctor put me on opioids, & nerve medication. The “miracle drug they said”, oxycodone. So next my father had a massive heart attack 1 year after I lost that child & learned my fiancé had been cheating for a year behind my back. Besides the physical & now as I look back then I was 19-20 I didn’t know, mental & emotional abuse. I worked on my dad for 20 minutes trying to save him; then my child’s father pulled out of our driveway in front of a 18 wheeler. T-boned killed on sight while everyone watched them take 5 hours to cut him out. Now my mom just said she was going to paint the back deck 1 day about a year ago, & the next morning when I walked in she was saying my name laying just where my dad was those years ago. Saying I’m dying. I worked CPR FOR A hour & a half before help came. She was dead on arrival. My daughter has seizures so randomly & they’ve caused her to choke, hit her eyes & head. So she has now been stuck with me 24/7 for a long time. She is a sweet girl but a child that a lot of people have a hard time dealing with because, she is just a little different. Clingy, hyper, always wanting to do something before she finishes 1 she is asking for something else. Her mind races. People can’t handle her & I understand they aren’t her mother!

    That is A SMALL PIECE OF MY STORY & the trauma & PTSD I SUFFER FROM IS INSANE. I go to the bathroom to breakdown more than once a day.

    BUT STILL, I have never had any man moving in with me around my daughters. I have had 1 boyfriend around them in 13 years & I have known him since I was 6 years old. I still never left either of my daughters with him the 5 years we lived together I was with them. Except maybe he would ride them around the yard on the lawnmower- or something. Not out of sight.

    I’ve made tons of mistakes, while I fought severe addiction for 13 years of my oldest daughter’s life. Clean 7 years now! Thank heavens.

    But, some times at the end of the pay period, I will have $17 left to buy dinner for 3 days! So I struggle & I will go in the store & buy my girls chicken nuggets $8.00 & the other one loves Mac & cheese entrees $4.00 & a box of snack cakes $2.00. So I’ll get those 2 things, them a bottle of Root Beer, or Sunkist. I don’t drink those I drink water or ice. Then I’ll grab me 2 sweet potatoes for $1.39 get to the check out & have to scrape change because I’m 89 cents short.

    All of this can be hard at times. No assistance because in my opinion, in our area. If you have ever worked in your life they don’t help you. So I do it alone. I’ve had someone say lets take of to bike week in Cherokee or Florida. I would love too, but I have 3 dogs & kids to care for so I have to say no. That’s my life & that’s what I choose to do. The thought of one of them not having anything to eat sends me to my jewelry searching for some to sell. Because, I cannot stand to imagine them not having snacks? Or drinks they like. They both like different things too. So it’s a hard one sometimes. lol 😂

    My reason for sharing is because I’m trying to understand how someone could do this??? How she sleeps ? Mine asks for a snack after they are in bed & I say no, you have ate all evening you are good. Then I start thinking what if she is a little hungry so I’m a sucker & say come get 1 snack cake/pin wheel. lol 😂 Knowing she shouldn’t need it. Then the dog won’t eat anything so I go buy a pack of chicken to boil, cut, it to mix with her dog food so she will then eat because she looks skinny. These are Unbelievable this lady or the others who allow men to beat or molest their children. Out of fear of losing them! Let any man raise his voice to one of my kids & I will show my a—-!! Redneck crazy 😜 sorry that’s so long but geez this case has got to me I would have taken her myself. She would have been ok because one thing for certain, I am going to make sure mine are good. I got the work & know how to hustle, like selling jewelry; what ever it takes my kids & this beautiful baby would eat & have what they need. 😭😭😭🤬🤬😭😭

  17. Amen! There's no excuse! I saw absolutely no remorse and the only reason she plead guilty was because it was her only way to get a lighter sentence! The video convicted her! I do feel bad for the parents. They lost their daughter and granddaughter! That poor little angel suffered!! I can't even comprehend how she could do that! Pure EVIL! And then after being sentenced she actually looked pissed off! Lastly the poem was beautiful!

  18. What about all the neighbors? Why aren’t they charged for not calling the police after hearing her scream for so long?


  20. Its mind blowing how this woman thought a baby could survive for 10 days with a few bottles and no diaper changes, not to mention the emotional and psychological trauma this child must have endured. Then she says "God and my daughter have forgiven me", that's precisely everything that's wrong with Christianity, this deflection of personal responsibility onto some imaginary being then feeling absolved.

  21. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes when the grizzly details reach the women she's locked up with.
    Also, her lawyer and the interpreter both look like they'd gladly be the one to push the button, pull the lever or kick the stool away.
    That poor child. I don't even want to try to imagine the terror and suffering she endured. RIP little one.

  22. That’s crazy! There was no need for her to get to this point.
    Now where are all her boyfriends?? Her friends and family members?
    Her talking and her parents was the worst mistake ever.
    Too bad now she has to pay for what she did.
    Poor baby 😢

  23. I didn't see all of this, I'd left off when her parents were pleading for this WORTHLESS human, I can't call her a mother as she doesn't have a mother's bone in her body.Noreen Australia 🦘

  24. Oh poor killer Kristel had a headache! She should have left the baby at a hospital, instead of starving her to death. She deserves life in prisión without possibility of parole for murder.

  25. I wouldn't leave a HAMSTER alone without food and water for a day. Is this b***h actually for real?!

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