
Mom Defends Son’s Brutal Robbery


Mom Defends Son’s Brutal Robbery

#Mom #Defends #Sons #Brutal #Robbery

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In this video I discuss the recent viral robbery that occurred on the steps of a Greek Orthodox Church in Queens NY. I explain how the suspect of course despite being 16 has a lengthy criminal history that was not taken seriously

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Mom Calls Him A Good Boy:

Lengthy Criminal History:

#NYCCrime #QueensNY #IamSean90

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criminal law , Mom Defends Son’s Brutal Robbery, Actual,Justice,Iamsean90,Sean,AJWSean,AJW,Jayvaun,Prince,Jayvaun Prince Criminal History,Jayvaun Prince Mother,Jayvaun Prince,Irene,Tahliambouris,Irene Tahliambouris Attacked Church Steps,Church Steps Robbery,Church Robbery,Mom Defends Robber,Mom Defends Robbery,Mother Defends Son’s Crimes,Repeat Offender,Repeat,Offender,Serial Offender,Serial,Greek Orthodox Church Attack,Greek Orthodox Church,Greek Orthodox Church Robbery

45 thoughts on “Mom Defends Son’s Brutal Robbery”

  1. There is no accountability and there is too much entitlement in the black communities. The blacks or the majority of blacks thing that this generation owe them all we as whites have worked our A$$es off for. And none of my generation has ever owned a slave. So I don’t owe them shyt. This is absolutely ridiculous. 😡😡😡

  2. Sue NYC they love convoluted guilt by proxy, vicarious liability, blaming the people for every thug and their violent actions, now the state can take the blame for the crime they refuse to stop.

  3. You have to do a rebuttal of the hypocrisy of cenks new video calling out right wing influencers (Crowder & Pool) for labeling someone a nazi without evidence. Cenk says that if you have a show and call someone a nazi without evidence you should be sued into the ground 😂 I can’t count the number of
    times TYT including cenk has done the with no evidence or retraction you should be able to make a sweet endless mash up of clips that make a sweet video rebutting these fools

  4. He'll be out soon enough, you know he will. Why play up to it? He's poor, he's oppressed, it's not his fault, the system is racist, you can't hold him accountable? Where are his God damn parents in all of this? NYC doesn't care about anyone but the criminals. They have more rights than the citizens. That's how screwed up Biden's America actually is.

  5. There is more punishment these days from getting into a fight at school or writing an anti-politic paper for a class than there is to go out in the streets and repeatedly assault and rob people. Insanity

  6. I have no sympathy for NYC residents who continue to vote for these woke Democrat politicians. These liberal Democrat voters are just so DAMN STUPID!

  7. A multiple offender.
    A mother coming to his defence calling him a good boy who never done nothing.
    And a father unavailable for comment.

    Deja vu, anyone?

  8. This is what happens when you play into that racism myth. Whamen don't have any accountability in today's society, because they claim to be oppressed. Same thing with bleeps. When you acknowledge something that isn't true and let them do what ever they want because of imaginary oppression, then they'll act like rules don't apply to them. You have a serious problem in your hands.

  9. You made me laugh, throwing responsiblility and blame on a sick teen. The cowards here are the public, not the sick teen or any sick thugs or thieves, no, its you the public are cowards. Where is the public? Where is every "sane" humans. This will never happen in Asia or even Iran, this happens only in great countries who champion freedom. Why do we live in a place full of cowards, irtesponsible people, people who create unfair laws? MOVE AWAY, you are to blame if you dont find a safe place to live. If you insist on living in a place likePalestine, where terorrists are playing war, terorrising people and you get killed, dont blame others. No human loves land more than lives, no religion askedto do that. GO FIND A SAVE PLACE TO LIVE IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE.

  10. He was just jogging and tripped and fell into the woman. Then he took her car cuz he’s really tired from all the jogging

  11. His parents should be charged as well. Especially after his trash excuse of a mother comes out and calls him a good kid instead of saying srry

  12. But it FEELS good when the democrat lawmakers can say that they have closed down another prison. 😅

  13. brain bleed maid smchleed . I dont wanna hear it. that young man was out catching ball with his dad and this lady , this roughing the passer shit gotta stop

  14. The perpetrator is not a 16 year old kid, he is a 16 year old seasoned criminal. The state of New York is complicit in the crime since they allowed him to go on a crime spree knowing that he wouldn’t be held accountable. I hate with all my hearth the callousness of the “justice” system that is becoming more pervasive throughout the nation in these corrupt woke states. We need to put Trump back again at the helm of the nation to help get these criminals out of the street permanently. We need a sort of justice like the one being applied to the gangs and criminals in El Salvador by president Bukele. Enough of morally corrupt politicians and institutions, starting with president Biden.

  15. Let me explain. In my neighborhood the city has to warn people not to feed the friendly coyotes they see. Why? Because they begin to associate people with food and if you don't have any they bite at your hand to induce you to give it up. This is what we are seeing here. These young people are being taken care of for most of their lives and when it comes time to man up and take care of themselves they fail. So they attack the only source of food and care that they've ever known. Women. It's sad.


  17. Unless this creature is sent to prison for at least ten years, some day, in the near future, there will be news story about him unaliving someone that points out that he was the thug that committed this heinous crime back in 2024, for which he was released without consequence.

  18. NY isn't soft on crime…enforcement is non existent….so long as you look a certain way or vote a certain way. If you don't…well, they'll just make up some ish to charge you with.

  19. U just got a sub the whole poverty thing what does it look like what is it wearing 😂 this is such bullshit and sad he did great bodily harm to her then robbed her dude kid shouldn’t see daylight for a long time!

  20. This is what is happening in Chicago, due to safe t law which makes victims the criminal and criminal are the victims.

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