
Miu defense attorney: ‘Surprised, respectfully disappointed’ over guilty verdict


Miu defense attorney: ‘Surprised, respectfully disappointed’ over guilty verdict

#Miu #defense #attorney #Surprised #respectfully #disappointed #guilty #verdict

Attorney Aaron Nelson spoke about the guilty verdict of his client, Nicolae Miu, who was convicted of reckless homicide in last year’s deadly Apple River stabbing.

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criminal lawyer , Miu defense attorney: ‘Surprised, respectfully disappointed’ over guilty verdict, [ local,news ],nicolae miu,isaac schuman,apple river stabbing,wi v nicolae miu,court tv,apple river stabbings trial,apple river stabbing trial,wisconsin river stabbing,apple river,apple river stabbing update,apple river trial,nicolae miu trial,nic miu,nicolae miu verdict,isaac schuman stabbing,apple river stabbing verdict,apple river stabbing trial verdict,aaron nelson

39 thoughts on “Miu defense attorney: ‘Surprised, respectfully disappointed’ over guilty verdict”

  1. He should have lawyered up without talking to police first. Never talk to police first without a lawyer.

  2. Sometimes a jury will get it right, sometimes they will get it wrong. This jury got it wrong.

  3. The defense did a great job. This was clearly self defense. This is another lazy, slow, and demented OJ type jury.

  4. He said it himself, "jury's are unpredictable" however, the truth is not and that is why Miu is going to live in prison for the rest of his life!

  5. Nic grabs tubes. Girl touches Nic. Nic punches girl. Dante punches Nic. Somebody slaps Nic. Aj pushes Nic's back, gets stabbed. Nic gets up and stabs Rhylie. Nic turns to Tony, stabs him twice. Isaac shoves Nic, gets stabbed. Nic stabs Dante. Nic walks away. Nic started both aggressions by grabbing tubes and punching girl. He stabs two people who never posed threat. He stabbed 5 people only after he hit the girl. At no time did boys threaten Nic with violence. Rude and vulgar? Absolutely. But never did they pose a threat of violence. Everything changed the moment Nic punches girl and starts the assault. Nic is at fault. It's that easy.

  6. More death-spiraling perpetuated by GOD fearing REPUGNICANS! Meanwhile, their REPUGNICAN children got away with beating Nicolae Miu resulting in his Apple River stabbing and killng a young bully – Miu stabbed him in self-defense but he was convicted today for trying to find a lost cell phone as Minnesota young adults CREATED the incident! So DO NOT ASK WHY a man shot 400+ young adults from a Las Vegas hotel window before killing himself! All of this is abhorrent behavior – Everyone involved! But, as REPIGNICANS like to say, STAND YOUR GROUND or It is what it is.

  7. Interesting how a man who should have been found not guilty was found to be guilty on the day OJ Simpson, a man who was guilty but was found to be not guilty died.

  8. So if one of the teens were to have a gun with them at the time and shot Miu after he witnessed his friend being gutted like a fish then that would be self-defense? There was that shooter during the riots who had a rifle and shot several people on the street and people were going after him because he murdered somebody and he continued shooting then don't those people that he is shooting at have a right to self-defense?

  9. Wonder how those jurors would respond to an attack by 13 people. Too bad they’ll never experience it

  10. I don’t understand how everyone is backing Miu. He was the aggressor, he walked up to them and started putting his hands on someone and their belongings first. Literally told this man to go away probably 30 times before the fight started. How is this not justice?

  11. I’m sure you are surprised, you thought you owned the court. Justice prevailed. It’s a good day.

  12. If they had the option I'm sure they would have found him guilty of r*pe and looking for minors to have s*x with.

  13. The life of a good man was destroyed today and all because some drunk and drugged young people decided to humiliate someone they didn't even know. ok, a young life was lost but I can already see that because these kids didn't receive any punishment for what they created, they will have a very sad end as they will continue to do stupid things. As for the members of the jury, one day, who knows, they will be in front of some young criminals and understand what Mr. Nico really felt at that moment when he thought his life was truly threatened. Here in Portugal, if this were to happen, these young people would also be called to justice, just like the parents who gave these poorly educated people a horrible education. Drinking and taking drugs at those ages shows how much these parents do not have control over their children's behavior. If Nico was sentenced, the offenders will also have to be punished. That Mr. Nico, live a long life and be resilient so that one day you can see some of these kids behind bars too.

  14. I hope these jurors will sleep well tonight. Wait I take it back!!! I hope they will never sleep well again knowing how they poorly did. Prayers for Mr Miu as well as Isaac’s family .

  15. It was self defense, but lying cost him everything. Video proved he was innocent, but when you lie you get burned. He probably came from a country where mobs do kill you and full of corrupt cops so I can kinda understand, but bottom line is don't lie and don't speak to the cops. Let your lawyer do the talking

  16. So when can you defend yourself….. when it's too late ? Unbelievable verdict he should have been acquitted, I feel so bad for him.

  17. this is joke! how is diffrent from this kid who run around with AR killing people? is the reason that he throw knife and lie to police?

  18. Did this Jury watch the video??? This is clearly self defense the proof is in the pudding right in front of your faces!!! Everyone lied. Everyone was at fault But you have to defend yourself or get beat even more

  19. "The girl wasnt punched, there are no marks on her face"

    same person: "two punches to his face is a lethal attack!" (no marks on his face)

    Once upon a time a man could take a punch and walk away. Its like no one went to high school.

    Douchey kids arent an excuse to murder. Looked to me like an egotistical gentlemen walked over all crazy eyed, never said a word and starts rifling through the stuff of a bunch of drunk teens…then gets upset when they get upset about it. Not normal behavior. Not a victim. Sorry

  20. Shame of this Jury!!! Rushed the verdict and slept through the video that clearly showed self defense omg!!!

  21. Great defense team. You did a great job. The jurors were complete idiots who let themselves be manipulated by the State's cheap tricks.

  22. Many thoughts . . . . . The Prosecution sucked, but I have to admit that the older one scored a touchdown where he said that all the lies this guy told showed that HE KNEW he had done wrong. That's what the law calls "mens rea" . . . the guilty mind. Stabby Nic screwed up by not walking away before slugging The Drama Queen (Queen Of The River). Also screwed up by not calling 911 and reporting the incident. What the hell is that . . . laying on his inner tube and gently floating down the river after sticking five people . . . WTF? Stabby is clearly a fruitcake. I feel sorry for his wife and friends. As far as the victims . . . eff-em. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Lastly . . . is there anyone in Wisconsin who doesn't look and act totally white trash? One of the female witnesses showed up in court in a see-through shirt with a black bra underneath. Again, WTF? What's going on in Wisconsin?

  23. While the defendant's actions were unacceptable and led to a guilty verdict the group's behavior was equally shameful and played a significant role in the tragic outcome. Their relentless bullying and harassment were unacceptable and disgusting.

    The group's bullying and harassment led to a tragic event. They should be ashamed and never claim to be victims. Their actions had consequences, and they must take responsibility.

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