
Mistakes That Invalidate Prenups | HOUSTON DIVORCE LAWYER # shorts # divorceshorts


#Mistakes #Invalidate #Prenups #HOUSTON #DIVORCE #LAWYER #shorts #divorceshorts

divorce lawyers near me , Mistakes That Invalidate Prenups | HOUSTON DIVORCE LAWYER # shorts # divorceshorts


10 thoughts on “Mistakes That Invalidate Prenups | HOUSTON DIVORCE LAWYER # shorts # divorceshorts”

  1. The main reason for the prenup going into the marriage it's already one sided. The law doesn't care about that but wants it to be not one sided coming out. 🤔 That is why most women make money and gain wealth off divorce and if that incentive is taken away you'll get less issues.

  2. This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me; you could find Less favor in any situation to any part always. Sounds like Stupid people make money for a Dumb argument, it’s all. A Joke😂😂😂

  3. Why the hell should ANY man offer something of financial value to a woman who probably initiated the divorce? Also if she didn't put anything into what he already built before they got married then it should be one sided in my opinion. FU and move on with your life. 🤨

  4. Just get married to a none American in another country like the Philippines or something and don’t ever bring her here, end of story

  5. I’m currently going through court. The other side claiming it unconscionable when (he wrote it.) Then 7 years later, HE hires an attorney to write the postnup based off what he wrote. Crazy how one can claim now it’s unconscionable! Ever of hear of anything this crazy?? Why was your thrown out?

  6. lawyers and the family court is a fraud.. No matter what you do, they will pretend to listen to the female or care for the children.. NO… its all about passing as much resources through the family court system. It's all economics. They don't fu(king care…

  7. If the contract must provide something of value to both sides doesn't that mean that the original contract, the one the government and your state stipulates is Null and void since it heavily favors the less advantaged person?

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