
Mike Lindell LOSES All His Lawyers As Legal Problems Mount


#Mike #Lindell #LOSES #Lawyers #Legal #Problems #Mount

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has now lost all of the lawyers that were representing him in his “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge, where a court ordered him to pay $5 million to a man who accepted his challenge and proved that his data from the 2020 election doesn’t show any malfeasance. Lindell is struggling to maintain legal representation as he faces serious defamation lawsuits that threaten his entire pillow empire. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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MyPillow, CEO. Mike Lindell is once again in a world of trouble after his last remaining lawyer abandoned him in his attempt to appeal a ruling from February that says he has to pay up $5 million to the man who proved him wrong in the prove. Mike Lindell wrong challenge. Now, if you’re not familiar with that, this was when Mike Lindell was doing one of his little cyber symposiums a couple years ago, and he said, if anybody can prove me wrong, can prove that this data does not show that the 2020 election was stolen, I’ll pay you $5 million. And it was an official contest. There were rules, there were applications. So it was a real thing. And this one guy, uh, engineer Robert Zeidman, who by the way was a conservative, uh, he entered, he proved Mike Lindell wrong. Mike Lindell refused to pay up. They went to arbitration.

They then had to take it to federal court, ’cause Lindell still refused to pay. And he got a verdict against him in February saying, you have to pay this guy $5 million. He followed the rules. You were proven to be wrong, dude, Lindell doesn’t wanna pay still to this day, doesn’t want to pay. So a couple months ago, two of his lawyers abandoned him In his attempt to appeal this ruling. They said, we’re, we’re not gonna do this anymore. Right? Like, you’re not gonna win, man. Please stop making us look like fools. So two of ’em left. So he got a new lawyer, and now about a month later, that new lawyer was also like, I can’t, I can’t do this anymore. Right? Okay, you lost, I’m outta here. So the lawyer filed notice on June 4th with the court saying, I am out of here. The court said, okay, that’s fine, but you actually have to issue an official notice to Lindell management, uh, company, which the lawyer then did.

Now the lawyer’s gone, and Mike Lindell has nobody. The reason this is such a big deal is because Mike Lindell, as we all know, has some, uh, pretty serious, uh, things coming up on his calendar in the very near future, including multi-billion dollars worth of, uh, defamation lawsuits against him from Dominion Voting systems and Smart Matic. So not having any lawyers willing to represent you in one case makes it all the more likely that you’re not gonna be able to get lawyers to represent you in a later case. Now, I do not know off the top of my head what the status is with his lawyers on those other cases, but I have to imagine, based on these other stories, that it’s probably not great. Not to mention the fact that because this proved Mike Lindell wrong challenge was handled by a federal court that’s gonna be used against him in those defamation cases, right? The lawyers for Dominion and Smart Matter are gonna be able to walk into court and say, Hey, one court already

Determined that this man’s data was completely wrong, that it was all false, that it was basically fabricated. Therefore, everything he has said about us has already been proven to be untrue in court. That’s probably gonna be one of the fastest defamation trials we have ever seen in this country. If you ignore the fact that it has taken years and years for this thing to even go to trial. In fact, I don’t even think it’s supposed to go to trial till like January or, or early of 2025. And, and this happened at that point over four years ago. So it’s, it’s a little delayed, but we are getting there. Mike Lindell is gonna limp along with apparently no legal representation. Uh, there’s no word yet on whether or not he’s gonna drop the appeal for the 5 million. At this point, Mike Lindell needs all the money he can get. Obviously things are not going super well according to him with my pillow. So yeah, he needs to save all of his money because he’s gonna find himself in a Rudy Giuliani situation very quickly, possibly by this time next year, where he owes more to the people that have sued him than he has in the bank.
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47 thoughts on “Mike Lindell LOSES All His Lawyers As Legal Problems Mount”

  1. All of this for a con man,a convicted Felon,a convicted rapist,and now he is on the hook of paying 5 million to someone that proved him wrong,hope it was worth it Mikey Boy.

  2. Maybe Mike could talk either Rudy or Alina Haba into representing him, free of charge. Oh yea, that's right, Rudy has lost his license to practice law. Mike could offer Alina a bunch of his pillows as payment, lol. She is such a stellar Attorney! Just look at her record representing Trump . . .

  3. He hitched himself to Donald Trump so he did this to himself. Losing his lawyers and eventually everything he owns is Mike Lindell's own fault.

  4. Hey did you know with the end of the year approaching felons make $100 dresses up as Santa can make this money taking selfie pictures with families! Felons in need are encouraged to apply!

  5. Everyone: You're wrong
    Pillow guy: bah, I'm good

    4 lawyers later… er, wanna buy some pillows?

  6. Maybe ol Mikey should call up his good buddy Donnie, see if he could spare habba or Todd, as neither of those idiots have any quams about ruining their careers over a lost cause

  7. I was going to suggest he could ask Alina Habba to be his lawyer, but I think that would be worse than having no lawyer at all!

  8. I feel like Mike Pillow is trying to put himself in a place to run for president when Trump is too old to dictate.

  9. These delaying tactics on all levels need to be stopped! We , the people have the right to see justice move swiftly. The prominent and famous
    have been getting away with this for too long! The average joe would be sued into oblivion, or jailed a long time ago!

  10. Support for Biden among women is now starting to slip. He has the lowest support among women of any Democrat since 2004.

    Women are one of the last reliable parts of the Democrat coalition that has stood by Biden despite his disastrous presidency. Black voters are abandoning him, as well as Latino voters and young voters. If he loses women, he is toast.

    And even worse, this is coming from the liberal New York Times.

  11. Lindell really should have stuck to the pillow business. His reputation would have remained intact. But he crossed a line and let his mouth overload his ass and deserves everything that's coming his way. Now everyone knows without a doubt he's not just a nutjob, but a broke nutjob. And he did it to himself.

  12. i don't mind the big defamation cases against mike don't start till next year. if anyone deserved the struggles he is having, mike lindell does. wheres your buddy trump, mike?

  13. Pillow man, FOX opinion network, alex jones – all of them had to be taken to task for their defamation and the lies that really hurt others and our country.

  14. He really has an addictive personality. He probably would have more money now if stuck with his addiction to crack.

  15. Wow Mike has not paid off the $5 million yet! Mike must be broke!

    And now no lawyer. So he is not probably paying the lawyer or the lawyer has determined Mike is insane.

    Guess Mike will be representing himself in those voting machine cases!

    Not going to go well!

  16. I don’t understand how Americans see conservatives operate…and still vote conservative. That’s the American educational system failing us all. But at least Republicans are making sure that the Ten Commandments are posted in public schools. 🙄

    Conservatives are destroying America.

  17. How about top judge makes a ruling, must pay. Law then should be next day public auction on defendants stuff.

  18. Lindell was a successful business man. He had millions. Then he made the mistake of allying with a felon and a fraud.

    Lesson: don't ally with Trump. Hopefully the nation learns that lesson before November.

  19. i watch "real american voice" the CRAZY cult tv channel alot, they are now pushing tin foil hat no no they pushing thing agianst 6-g's and stuff like oohh yea tin foil dog beds mike lindel is on it alot and looks like shit lately really beat up like has not slept in days it is funny as shit

  20. The chickens have come home to roost for the trumpy supporting, liar, anti-American lindell…pay up and go to jail.

  21. Isn't there a state or federal agency that can give M. Lindell the psychiatric help he needs?

  22. Mike's downward spiral began when he first met Trump at the White House when the latter was POTUS. He got a taste of the heady euphoria of being present in the corridors of power and he was instantly hooked. We know he was a former drug addict, thus we know he is susceptible to seductive lures, one of which is proximity to power. Now he's paying the price for that particular craving. It's both sad and pathetic that he's going to lose everything he has created for himself because of a single visit with a demagogue, especially considering that said demagogue couldn't care less what happens to him. Lindell is throwing everything away for some naive power-behind-the-throne fantasy, and I'd feel sorry for him if his ambition wasn't so nakedly self-serving.

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