
Migrant Arrests Begin in NYC 🔥 NYPD Blunt Warning 🚨 Gov Deploy National Guard to Petrol NYC Subway


Migrant Arrests Begin in NYC 🔥 NYPD Blunt Warning 🚨 Gov Deploy National Guard to Petrol NYC Subway

#Migrant #Arrests #NYC #NYPD #Blunt #Warning #Gov #Deploy #National #Guard #Petrol #NYC #Subway

Migrant Arrests Begin in NYC 🔥 NYPD Blunt Warning 🚨 Gov Deploy National Guard to Petrol NYC Subway
#NYC #trendingvideo #newyorkcity
Mayor Eric Adams reiterated his stance on modifying the sanctuary city law. He emphasized the need for changes that would allow the transfer of migrants who commit felonies to ICE for deportation. Despite commending his administration for their efforts during challenging times, Adams expressed frustration, citing constraints imposed by both federal and local laws.

Governor Kathy Hochul announced on Wednesday the deployment of nearly 1,000 New York National Guardsmen, state police, and MTA cops to conduct bag checks in the crime-ridden subway system. Addressing the recent surge in subway-related crimes, a high-ranking NYPD official issued a stark warning to address the challenges posed by unruly migrants amidst the ongoing border crisis.

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26 thoughts on “Migrant Arrests Begin in NYC 🔥 NYPD Blunt Warning 🚨 Gov Deploy National Guard to Petrol NYC Subway”

  1. How about. Change the BOUGHT DA BY GEORGE SOROS and keep those criminals in jail instead of releasing them. Keep those criminals in jail like El Salvador’s president does.

  2. Nyc only needs a 1 point plan, for the psychopath, lunatic fringe communist, Governor, and Mayor to resign!!!😅😅😅

  3. Pathetic!! When (ALL) they had to do was simply keep in place: 1. Border Wall, 2. Remain In Mexico, 3. Title 42, & Catch/Detain/Deport!!!! 🐂💩🖕🏽$hows what a little ("blind loyalty") & stubbornness can do!!!!

  4. I am voting Republican this time. Democrats will bring more crime due to open borders. I hate to do it. But…is necessary. Trump 2024.

  5. Our leaders are not serious about our security or our lives. Something which should have been avoided, this Governor waited until the worst has happened. These folks are not fit to serve us.

  6. Now New York knows how Texas feels. Only difference is Texans didn't vote for it.

  7. I guess the democrats are done with the illegal immigrants.
    The democrats will want them back in another 4 years.


  9. People will walk over broken glass to vote blue. I have zero faith that any lib is going to actually wake up and vote red this Fall.

  10. the texas governor sent mexicans to NYC with the purpose of causing chaos and havoc look it up.

  11. Since when did the MTA get it's own National Guard? Why is the governor running point on city business rather than the city's own mayor? NYC today is NOT the city I grew up knowing. I don't recognize this place…

  12. If the people in power in New York are so emasculated that they can't get rid of all these illegal people with ill intent then they are going to find out real quick what Texas has been trying to tell the country. You will not have a city left. I can't believe how foolish these people are. Disguising

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