
Mica Miller. John-Paul Reveals Wife’s Secret Beach Affair. Lawyers Speak On JP Videos 19th Jun, 2024


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lawyers near me , Mica Miller. John-Paul Reveals Wife’s Secret Beach Affair. Lawyers Speak On JP Videos 19th Jun, 2024


21 thoughts on “Mica Miller. John-Paul Reveals Wife’s Secret Beach Affair. Lawyers Speak On JP Videos 19th Jun, 2024”

  1. Why does this piece of shite keep running his deceased ex wife in the dirt? He is doing this because that guilty conscience is eating him up inside .

  2. unpopular opinion: granted JP is a liar, manipulator, and I allege he evilly participated in the coverup of murder of his wife, staging suicide.

    But. Here is what isn't dug into much: He has severe schizophrenia, bipolar and probably Borderline personality disorder as well. He is being manipulated by even more powerful evil who have taken advantage of the issues he has. Money laundering. Trafficking of drugs and sex. Lies and shame to manipulate with: Bigger criminals lurk behind this. They wanted her gone as she threatened to expose them as well.

    He is an easy fall guy to expose and throw under the bus. Vulnerable, with his mental disorders and addiction to evil things. He did well to contribute to the crime against Mica Miller, because he chose to align with evil instead of good. She aligned with good.

    He is not the only bad guy. He is simply the front page bad guy here.

  3. The only thing I believe is ever said that she was a God-fearing woman, and that was the truth only that

  4. Classic Narc. Everything they say is usually about themselves. Projected onto their victims. Everything else is a flat out lie or twisted truth. You'll be hard pressed to ever see them telling any full truth about anyone including themselves.

  5. JP is only telling the truth when he is projecting and claiming someone else is guilty of something

  6. Don’t forget JP and his involvement with prostitutes. I believe Chris Skinner was lured to the pool for some sort of meeting and Mica was also lured to the State Park for a meeting. Both as a result of being lured to a certain location were murdered. Skinner was ruled an accident and Mica was ruled a suicide. Both are now out of JP’s way. Isn’t that quite interesting.

  7. Truth be told the guy that kissed her working for jp….seeing how it works for him ( jp) traps and deceit everywhere….

  8. Don’t give Suzy so much credit.
    Bc IF Jp had a hand in causing her husbands wheelchair to go into the pool, she’s probably the one that got him to do it. But at least knows about it


  10. 15:35 I dont know as Suzi is under a spell. I feel more like she's a very willing accomplice. What makes me feel that way, is that after she got caught in the affair by her husband amd he went and told JP to stay away from his entire family, Suzi disgustingly, disrespectfully chose JP to do the eulogy for her mysteriously deceased husband. I'd wager, we'll find in the end that Suzi had sonething to do, possibly just knowing and allowing/abetting, with both her husband and Mica. ☹️

  11. That "tatoo" of Midas signature looked fake. A certain way he turns you can see a shine like those fake tattoos that use to come in cracker jacks. They ones you press on with a damp washcloth.

  12. The channel is probably the FBI ghost channel l & JP is not aware of that…I'm sure the FBI love JP getting up there and contradicting himself etc…

  13. Susie and JP are disgusting monsters with no shame. 4 days after Mica's horrific death, JP and Susie were having fun, laughing drinking in a restaurant. Two weeks prior to Chris'horrific death, Chris confronted JP and asked JP to leave his wife Susie and children alone. JP and Susie were having an affair before Christ death and and continue after Mica's horrific death. The shameless devil's had Chris funeral service at the church from HELL, where JP conducted the funeral service. Saying he was excited, also saying JP was Chris pastor and friend. With a friend like JP and a wife like Susie you don't need an enemies! I hope they got to hell, where they belong.

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