
Mens Rea – General Principles of Criminal Law – Criminal Law


Mens Rea – General Principles of Criminal Law – Criminal Law

#Mens #Rea #General #Principles #Criminal #Law #Criminal #Law

The well-known maxim “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea” describes that an act does not itself make one guilty unless the mind is also guilty. ie, the mere commission of a criminal act or violation of law is not enough to constitute a crime. It generally requires some element of wrongful intention or other faults.
criminal law , Mens Rea – General Principles of Criminal Law – Criminal Law, Mens Rea,General principles of criminal liability,indian pena code

3 thoughts on “Mens Rea – General Principles of Criminal Law – Criminal Law”

  1. Which law can be issued when a senior citizen uses dirty slangs to 18+ innocent students?..
    Please answer me immediately.

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