
Megyn Kelly Breaks Down Sleazy Stormy Daniels Lawyer Hammered by Trump Defense in Cross-Examination


Megyn Kelly Breaks Down Sleazy Stormy Daniels Lawyer Hammered by Trump Defense in Cross-Examination

#Megyn #Kelly #Breaks #Sleazy #Stormy #Daniels #Lawyer #Hammered #Trump #Defense #CrossExamination

Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss Trump’s lawyer vs. Stormy Daniels lawyer on the stand in fiery exchanges during cross-examination, what Megyn thinks will happen with the trial, and more.

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43 thoughts on “Megyn Kelly Breaks Down Sleazy Stormy Daniels Lawyer Hammered by Trump Defense in Cross-Examination”

  1. Unfortunately, Trump chose Sessions as his s AG. Trump did make a dumb decision about StormyDaniels who I doubt was worth it.

  2. I’m assuming if found guilty there will be an appeal & if so then this whole case will be torn apart.

  3. Is this guy on the far right Matt Welch? if so Welch calling Trump crazy, gee Trumps four years as President were pretty good sans Covid which was released up on the world. Biden is the crazy one not Trump, My wife and I went shopping at Publix two days ago and it cost us over $400 dollars, Biden and the Democrats have really screwed America. This welch guy must be the token liberal on this show.

  4. After reading Sidney Powell’s book ‘Licensed To Lie’, the name of Andrew Weismann makes me hate, which is terrible. I call him ‘Mr. Scorched Earth’. What pulls me back of the brink of pure hatred of that man, thus making me as bad as he, is that he will pay far worse for ALL the HELL he has inflicted his whole career inside many people than anything I could dream of. But I will draw some pleasure when all that he is & what he stands for is revealed. This time he will not escape.

    Time is up for those who are corrupt!

  5. Oh boy. The best evidence is a few second of the heavily edited tape, which is illegal in NY state law.

    Even CNN cannot afford to be jubilant. In fact, they are all looking as though just got fired.

    Bragg and gang can get ready to indict themselves for perjury. hehehe

  6. Often wondered whether we should have professional jurists. A pool of people who do this for a job, who are pre screened as non nut jobs and where the lawyers and judges have no input as to who serves. Ok, it will have problems but surely anything is better than this circus. You might even be able to use jurists from another state?

  7. Trump will be ordered to perform 100 hours of community service providing soup to illegal immigrants.

  8. In a normal world these witnesses would be on trial for extortion

    And Michael Cohen would be charged with breaking attorney client privilege. Recording the call and handing it to the prosecution. Unbelievable

  9. Justice Clarence Thomas once found himself in a very similar situation. Justice Thomas called it a Political Lynching. Trump calls it Lawfare. In both cases, Biden is/was watching from the Wings. A Driving Force maybe?

  10. Pickle-Nose on the right called Trump "crazy" when most likely this confused Pickle-Nosed Freak likely voted for Joe (The Braindead Cadaver) Biden. Pickle-Nose is by default the crazy one.

  11. And according to Andy McCarthy and other experts in New York law all of this is basically parading Trump's whole life in front of the jury in order to persuade them that he probably did something wrong but we don't necessarily know exactly what it is. That is illegal according to New York law and they should only be talking about this case but there's no charges so they can't do that at the very basic level. The fact that we're even talking about this in any sort of serious way just so shows how much of a joke the American justice system has become. There is a God in heaven and he is righteous and these judges are making a mockery of whatever human being knows is right and whatever human being knows is wrong. In the early 20th century even hard to criminals knew when they got caught that they had done something wrong and they paid their time. We now have judges on the bench who are his heart and are breaking the law as brazenly as if they were machine gunning down their enemies in the public square. They just do it with a black robot because the end game is to take the life away from their enemies and throw them in jail.

  12. Lol yea attacking stormy is such the right way to go, the jury has already seem how sleazy Trump is

  13. Sleazy huh? Well your President cheated on his wife with her. That says more about him and you than it does her.

  14. Hung Jury and mistrial!!! I think there will be one maybe two jurors who throw a wrench into this case!!! 🤔

  15. When Trump wins , we will witness rats fleeing the sinking ship. Big dummies have cooked their own goose.

  16. They are all grifters
    The girls were looking for money and career
    They are both guilty of extortion
    My only question is why Trump was even around them

  17. Islamist with their rich sponsors and American haters are behind Donald trump trial. It’s sad to how a strong America has become one of the wea democracy in the world to refugees and uneducated Americans.

  18. Give Davidon some consideration its hard out there for a pimp. Michael Avinati thinks if he testifies for Trump he will become the first jail house Attorney General

  19. Trump hammered stormy while his wife was at home with a new born. Trump is going to get hammered with justice soon.

  20. We need to vote out of Office all these soft on crime, woke, liberal leftist Democrats. They are ruining our Country.

  21. It's a record of blackmail for the Trump team as judge Joe brown said, their just wanting more people to think , like they do…

  22. If he’s found guilty, I thought that it was a four-year sentence. I want him to be innocent, but how does he stay out of jail?

  23. I am enjoying the comments of Trump supporters. My only question is with him being guilty as hell for all 91 indictments where does sleepy Don do his time at?

  24. Again this is about a women who gets paid to have sex for an occupation and Trumps convicted perjuror lawyer who draws up non disclosure agreements with women who are writing a book so they can extort money from Trump whether its true or fiction. ?? Every famous wealthy person and politician has done this. The Trump hate is diabolical 🎉

  25. This makes me like Trump even more. Fight for the country fight for the people, don't stand for corruption.

  26. Trying to get money like these two women Stormy and Karen, isn’t this extortion. Is it the news media that calls it “hush” money? This is not part of the court trial, other than what someone calls it. That was never used in-the court in any conversations.

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