
Medical Injury Lawyers Near Me | Medical Malpractice | Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Edmonton


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Medical Injury Lawyers Near Me | Medical Malpractice | Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Edmonton

Successfully suing a doctor in Alberta is not easy. The Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) pays for all legal bills, court costs, settlements and judgements against doctors – and they have deep pockets.

But don’t be intimidated. We’re not!

As experienced medical malpractice lawyers, we know what we’re up against. If we commit to litigating your case, we’ll invest the financial and legal resources needed to resolve your claim. We have access to an entire network of professionals who can provide expert advice and testimony as needed. And remember, we won’t charge you a fee unless we win a settlement or judgement in your favor.

A toothache can cause agonizing pain and leave you with no option but to visit a dentist to seek a cure. In the normal course you will get better after your cavity is filled or your tooth extracted. Unfortunately, there are instances when a visit to the clinic gives no relief. In fact, you may notice that in addition to your existing toothache, you have developed a new source of discomfort. It is in situations like these that you may need to consult a dental malpractice lawyer in Edmonton

It is not uncommon to find that a dentist has extracted the wrong tooth or injured your tongue while conducting a root canal treatment. There can also be instances when due to defective equipment, the surgery cannot be completed or is botched with distressing consequences for you. If you are a victim of such negligence, then it is your entitlement to be compensated for your pain and for the losses that you may suffer.

To have a fair chance of getting an adequate amount from your dentist or his insurance company it is highly advisable that you seek the advice of an Edmonton dental malpractice lawyer. Some basic steps that you need to follow to ensure that your legal case is successful are:

1. Make your complaint as soon as possible. A direct connection is required to be established between your injury and the dentist’s negligence. The more time that elapses between your visit to the clinic and your complaint, the greater will be the difficulty that your Edmonton dental malpractice lawyer will face in winning your legal case.

2. Keep copies of all relevant documents safely as they will be required as evidence during the trial. Your referral slips, prescriptions, invoices from the pharmacy, X-rays and any other record of your visit to the dentist’s clinic are all important documents. In fact, it is a good idea to keep a diary of the series of events that led up to filing of the complaint. You will strengthen the hands of your Edmonton dental malpractice lawyer with these documents.

Medical Injury Lawyers Near Me | Medical Malpractice | Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Edmonton

3. You will be successful in your legal case if your lawyer is able to establish that your injury is due to the negligence of the dentist. In view of this it is very important that after you have decided to make a claim for your injury you should not exchange any correspondence or emails with your dentist unless you first seek the advice of your Edmonton dental malpractice lawyer. If you correspond with your dentist without the knowledge of your lawyer you may inadvertently jeopardize your case.

If you have suffered because of the carelessness of your dentist it is your legal right to be compensated. Appointing an experienced and competent Edmonton Dental Malpractice Lawyer is the first step that you should take to ensure that you get fairly compensated.


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Medical Injury Lawyers Near Me | Medical Malpractice | Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Edmonton

Medical Malpractice & Negligence Lawyers

Medical Injury Lawyers Near Me
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