
Mayor Whitmire meets with Houston law enforcement to discuss reducing crime


Mayor Whitmire meets with Houston law enforcement to discuss reducing crime

#Mayor #Whitmire #meets #Houston #law #enforcement #discuss #reducing #crime

As of late December, homicides in Houston were down 20%, according to the Houston Police Department. Still, Whitmire said people don’t feel safe.
criminal lawyer , Mayor Whitmire meets with Houston law enforcement to discuss reducing crime, [ crime,local ],news

21 thoughts on “Mayor Whitmire meets with Houston law enforcement to discuss reducing crime”

  1. I could finish up this meeting In 5 minutes. And it has nothing to do with police. It has to do with the courts.

    Stop letting the violent criminals out on bond, and stop filling all the cells with petty crimes.

  2. Public safety in Houston right now is NOT mainly a LAW ENFORCEMENT issues… it's a CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM issue (aka FAILURE). BUT… that being said… we have WAY too MANY different "law enforcement" organizations and entities operating in the Houston area. Salt Lake City had that same problem a few years back… all of these smaller towns and cities that had their own cops–that Salt Lake had expanded out to. They consolidated a lot of that and formed the UNIFIED Police Department of GREATER Salt Lake… which was designed to cut costs, reduce overlap and redundancy, shorten and coordinate response times, unify investigations, etc. Houston / Harris County should consider something like this. We don't need no METRO police… and HSID police… etc, etc. Just a waste of time and money.

  3. Let me understand this! Democrats first ruin cities and now the want to better them? Sounds crazy.

  4. The problem isn't LE, its the DAs office not excepting charges, giving easy plea deals and dropping cases that may smudge future political chances. Get rid of the liberal Harris County DA..

  5. You left out the part why they're short on Cops because of a woke Administration that didn't have their back so they left the other parts of Texas to another state and it is a proven fact that mayors Mayors city managers Commissioners sticking their nose and police business that they know zero about is why Police Department are dysfunctional it is also proven that the police chief and the Chiefs Administration do a better job running the police department without interference from a mayor or a city manager or commissioners I have no clue what they're doing

  6. The police don't matter if liberal judges and DA's don't punish the violent offenders and actually keep them off the streets. The same criminals are being arrested over and over, and I'm sure the police are tired of it. I know the citizens are tired of it.

  7. ALL options? So Judges can be held accountable since they are the problem? Law enforcement is doing their jobs they are stressing these dangerous to law abiding citizens but judges are letting them out amongst us over and over again. Audit departments huh first should be the water department.

  8. less commercials about high crime. and less segments framing this as the cities top issue should be the push the need.

  9. All Jackson Lee was doing with all of our tax dollars was buying more fake weaves for her head…… Bald head ho

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