
Maya Kowalski Bawls Uncontrollably as Jury Returns Verdict Against Florida Hospital


Maya Kowalski Bawls Uncontrollably as Jury Returns Verdict Against Florida Hospital

#Maya #Kowalski #Bawls #Uncontrollably #Jury #Returns #Verdict #Florida #Hospital

A Florida jury concluded Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and its doctor’s actions were responsible for — and led to — Beata Kowalski taking her own life. Maya Kowalski and her family — who were the subject of Netflix’s “Take Care of Maya” — sued the hospital claiming its treatment toward the family and claims of child abuse pushed Maya’s mother to take her own life. Read more on this case:

#MayaKowalski #TakeCareOfMaya #LawAndCrime

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43 thoughts on “Maya Kowalski Bawls Uncontrollably as Jury Returns Verdict Against Florida Hospital”

  1. Just finished the Netflix film. And I wanted to get an update about them. I’m so glad for this decision. It would not bring Beata back, but it closed a very painful chapter. The Kowalski fought and won. And I really wish this doesn’t happen to anyone anymore.

  2. What I find most compelling is that she was only really affected by the judgement – the money was not affecting her – it was that the jury found the judgement in her favour against the hospital for the loss of her mother.

  3. Just finished watching the documentary and headed here to YouTube to see the verdict for the first time. This shocking documentary opened my eyes to a world I did not know existed in hospitals. The pain and suffering that they put the Kowalski's through is nothing short of devastating. The perfect closure for this family is to have their mother back. Unfortunately we don't live in that world.I hope they found some closure to their story that will allow them to move on and at the same time never forget

  4. More like cries in relief. Than the crude and insensitive word used to explain her God given justice

  5. Maya was taking ketamine, an extreme treatment for a young girl. The hospital was correct to question this treatment and search for other safer solutions to her illness. The adults mistrust of each other's intentions created a catastrophic outcome for all.

  6. The mom was a warrior, a fighter. I’m so upset that they drive her to that madness. She was a force! She loved her children so much.

  7. Thank you LORD for the justice this family has finally received. It's a tragedy what this hospital caused this beautiful family to endure. They should also be put in prison for their evil actions. Maya you and your family are good good people I know no amount of money could ever replace your beautiful mother She's always always with you. GOD bless u all.

  8. That hospital needs to be shut down. ZERO ethics and a code of silence!!! I'm glad they're taking it up the a**. Happy to fraudulently charge her parents for treatments for a disease they turn around and say she doesn't have! How does that make sense??? Then they medically kidnap her after DCF tells them they have no legal right to hold her! It's disgusting!!!

  9. Finally, the justice system worked for these victims. Hopefully this will bring the whole corrupt medical system down.

  10. Jesus blessing and protecting and watching over this family. They all gotten their justice from evil doers deeds.
    Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ family Kowlowski. ❤

  11. Did I misinterpret the verdict? It sounds as though the jury's decision was in Maya's favor, yet she seems very upset about it.

  12. Crying so hard I’m so happy this family received justice I’m so sorry for all the pain they’ve endured this world is so scary

  13. Pain is a VITAL SIGN. This hospital and nurses involved make me embarrased to be a nurse. DCFS should be taking the kids who actually need help (Gabriel for instance?!) Pure disgust.

  14. Their crying is so heartfelt I hope it's helping them release all the trauma they have endured shame on all the doctors, social workers and nurses who were involved and didn't try to help this family. I hope this is never happens to anyone again!

  15. Doctors and hospitals in Florida have way too much power (referencing medical professionals in Florida all now of the free kill law/cannot sue a doctor in florida), or so the medical staff in Florida thought, in this case. Laws need to be changed in this state!!!
    This could have been avoided. Money doesnt replace the damage that all the medical staff and hospital did in this case. So sad!!!

  16. I couldn’t even watch this doc it was brutal from the beginning This poor child. Breaks my heart. CPS is the largest child trafficking ring in the United States!

  17. What about the State of Florida government abd child protective services department? I apologize if l missed it but im very curious about whether they're being held liable and what is being done in that regard.

  18. Florida healthcare is crazy entitled. I worked with them for eighteen months…. Brats is a light term. I don't get the audacity. These poor babies.

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