
Matt Walsh Has An Honest Conversation With A Divorce Lawyer


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James J. Sexton Esq., prominent divorce lawyer and author, joins Matt Walsh to chat about love, marriage, and divorce.

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38 thoughts on “Matt Walsh Has An Honest Conversation With A Divorce Lawyer”


  2. People delusion themselves that sex is not important but in reality sex IS a part of love. If you start losing sexual intimacy with someone that should be sending alarms in your head.

  3. My husband and I married young. We were 20, we're 33 now. Still very happily married. My friend married at 31, she divorced 4 years later. Its not age at all its the type of people and circumstances involved.

  4. oh come on now. women file most of the divorces. and most definitely is their fucking fault. just look at incentives. women are REWARDED for divorce. most men get destroyed in divorce. it's NOT a misleading stat.

  5. My husband's friend is getting divorced. His ex wife is randomly trying to take their 2 young kids back to Mexico with her even though he is a great father and it is not what they discussed prior to separating. In the year since their separation she has done nothing to earn money/get a job and is trying to rip him apart and take all his money. He has been paying her rent and her car payment since the separation and paying for everything for the kids since then. He is now fighting against her to keep the kids in 50/50 custody. I told him he should fight for full custody. It's so sad she's doing this to him.

  6. I am a 53-year-old man that has been married for 27 years. I think the biggest problem with marriage is men and women making the wrong choices. Young people don't know what marriage is like because so many of them come from single parent households. If you don't know what a marriage is like, then you have absolutely no idea what kind of person would make a good spouse. And a good spouse usually has nothing to do with sex appeal, or money, or anything like that. People simply marry human Rejects and expect things to work out. Young men, don't marry a girl based on the way she looks. Instead, look at her family, look at her values, look at her religion, and look at her interaction with children and old people. That will tell you all you need to know about who is going to be an amazing wife and mother.

  7. The problem with marriage today is that people care more about themselves than anyone else and they refuse to put the work in.

  8. Not even going to watch this. A divorce lawyer is financially incentivized to keep a divorce going as long as possible. Bring on a Constitutional lawyer to discuss the actual legal infringements of divorce upon parents and their children.

  9. Dude blurted out sex quick as i dont think women understand the need for sex and the release that comes with it. Women also dont generally understand that most men will never actually feel truly desired sexually. Most women are truly sexually desired day to day. If not by their husbands then by someone else. Most men never get that feeling or its really rare.

  10. I feel that there aren't enough penalties for infidelity in marriage (for both men and women).

    Penalties that might affect infidelity before, during or after divorce.

    And further to that, it should only be considered infidelity if there is tangible evidence of its occurrence.
    Not if you cry crocodile tears in a court room.

  11. "I'm not worried because I don't go into a marriage wanting to leave…" Dammit Matt, NO ONE DOES.

  12. "Cheating is involved in the majority of cases…" is ALWAYS the reason for divorce. Everything else can be worked through. Once it happens, the cheater has just become connected to someone else. There's nothing the other partner can "do."I was married 31 years, he was cheating online for 21 years of that. Then he finally left. It was never a question of if but when. But add in a lot of kids, pastors saying don't leave, and there wasn't a choice for me. Waiting to hear why this guy got divorced…guessing he cheated, there's so much of other reasons he lists for how marriages end…

  13. This guy, gross! Anti-God! He loves to be the modern God thinking he has a prescription for marriage and love.

  14. I'm not worried about a prenup, I'm never leaving.
    One reason i could see one coming into play is if your spouse had a mental break (tumor/accident/genetics/ whatever) and decided to divorce you.

  15. Divorce isn't real nor canonical. "Until death do we part".

    Marriage = permanent union that calls upon God to ordain it

    "Divorce" = Perpetual breaking of vows proposed and incentivized by government who seeks to be a god

    Anyone who naively believes in a phony "divorce" will be damaged by every extramarital affair they have while believing the permanent union has been undone, the breaking of marital vows is selfharm and a lifelong curse.

    If someone believes in divorce, they do not believe in marriage. Marriage is a permanent union ordained by God, and He made it clear there is no undoing it outside of death, as do the vows openly state "for better or for worse, until death". Anyone who believes in divorce would be far best off never getting married, as it is doomed to fail anyone who rejects or denies the core fundamentals/tenets that both define it and make it successful.

  16. Show the stat on the reasons women listed for filing and I guarantee it’s not infidelity

  17. Until Christians and the church realize that the problems in our society are directly related to the failings of the church, things will only get worse. So often Christians shame the redpill when they really should be listening to it and applying biblical perscriptions to ALL involved parties. And for the love of God, STOP PROTECTING THE WOMEN

  18. The court system in Arizona isn’t set up so women are given an unfair advantage in it. It is set up for whoever has the most money gets to make the rules. My ex pled guilty to five counts of felony child abuse and yet he still gets 50-50 custody. He has used the court system as a weapon. He has used the court system for litigation abuse. Adult probation is a joke. They’re just there to take money.

  19. My parents are almost 70 and have over 40 years married. Now my mom is destroying her marriage and my sisters are encouraging her. I went from almost idolizing my mom and sisters to seeing them as just another woman to stay away from

  20. No this is wrong you don't understand the issue why guys don't wanna marry..
    And what some of the red pill guys saying..

    It's pretty simple marriage is contract where one party (wife) will get rewarded for breaking it and other party ( husband) will get punished for breaking it..

    So why would men go and sign this unfair contract ??

    You also agree matt that most women are not worthy marriage, take risk, nowdays most women are not wifey material..

    But you will say but men are also not husband material they are also low value men.. 😂

    It doesn't matter if husband and men are low value because they already got punished by court if they marry..

    But low value women are rewarded..

    If A women cheat on her husband break marry vows then husband files for divorce then he got punished by court.. And cheating wife still be rewarded..

    If wife say I don't feel happy anymore and she files for divorce still men get punished ..

    Also even good traditional Christian women cannot be trusted look at steven crowder Or kaka football player wife.. 😂

    So a man be in long term relationship if he wants partner there will be no additional benefit for him to go marriage.. He only have things to lose if he marry..

    So that's the issue..

  21. "Till death do I part" makes no sense, Matt. It's until death parts you. You aren't doing the parting; death is.

  22. As a happily married woman of almost 9 years. This was spot on! Thank you Matt for having this conversation!

  23. I believe in his thoughts of cheering for them. Well its an anecdote from my personal life but ive dated A LOT. I was really really trying to find my husband. Turns out I was really narsisistic and I didnt build up those men at all. In fact some I was even not very nice to. I'm about to celebrate my 1 years anniversary with the man of my dreams that I truly hope will propose to me one day- the big difference? I build up that man like hes gonna reach the moon one day. I love him so fiercely. I am devoted to him. I accept him and love him in the way he wants to be loved not in the way I think I would like to be loved. Thanks Gary Chapman! James Sexton here has so many gems of advice I want to bring to my man and have him listen. Love is built everyday through your actions and making a concious choice to make effort at nourishing your relationship is the only way to keep it. Married or not- you have to actually put in effort.

  24. I have been married for 14 years my husband and I got married young..we have come to realize that marriage is difficult but yet very fulfilling! Marriage is to love someone unconditionally, love is a selfless act, it is to put someone needs above your own and it only work when both parties agree that to be the case and hold to that. Marriage is trying your absolute best every single day, recommitting every day. The challenge is finding someone who wants the exact same things and willing to work hard. There can't be selfishness in marriage, you have to completely surrender to selflessness. You have to see the other person as an extension of your self. The world's view is going the opposite direction of this, and this is the reason why we have so many divorce. 14 years of marriage some parts had been hard but we are both committed and understand why and what we are committed to. ❤

  25. The lawyer talking about men running off with their mistress is a white-collar divorce. An everyday Joe divorce will not be at the females expense, it will be at the man's majority of the time.

  26. @Matt Walsh, I understand why prenup doesn't make sense for you. But let's say you passed away, and a few years later, your wife wants to get remarried. Would you want her to get a prenup?

  27. I watched this guy on another channel recently. Two hours? I almost passed it by. But it was totally worth it even though I broke it up a little.

  28. I love it when two people with different outlooks are able to come together and have a civil conversation and coexist.

    Too bad Candace Owens didnt get this from Ben Shapiro

  29. Read G. K. Chesterton.
    He said something along the lines that if you don't know why you're getting married, you don't know why you're getting divorced.

    If the reasons for marriage are frivolous and thoughtless, the reasons for divorce are carried out in the same spirit. If the exception (divorce) is the rule, the rule has not been understood or taken seriously. The sacred element of marriage was not even included in the preliminary considerations of marriage. No wonder we have "no-fault divorce", because basically, when a man and woman marry without taking vows, without swearing fidelity until death do them part, they are like children who marry for unrecognised reasons (rebellion against the parental home, escape from something, sexual attraction – the most fleeting element – romance, etc.). Neither of them will be responsible for the failure of the marriage if neither of them feels responsible for the success of the marriage at the beginning.

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