
Maricopa County Arizona Criminal Lawyer Julio Laboy on Hannity. Fox News.


Maricopa County Arizona Criminal Lawyer Julio Laboy on Hannity. Fox News.

#Maricopa #County #Arizona #Criminal #Lawyer #Julio #Laboy #Hannity #Fox #News

Sean Hannity, former LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman, and Phoenix-based criminal defense attorney Julio Laboy discuss the release of Timothy J. Szad, a Vermont sex predator whose release from prison was deemed so alarming that local police officials took the unusual step of issuing urgent warnings that parents with young boys with blond hair and blue eyes between 12 and 13 years of age exercise extra caution when Szad hits the streets. The news reignited an ongoing debate about whether pedophiles will repeat their crimes and whether controversial civil commitment statutes are an alternative avenue.
criminal lawyer , Maricopa County Arizona Criminal Lawyer Julio Laboy on Hannity. Fox News., Timothy Szad,Julio Laboy,Mark Fuhrman,Sean Hannity,Fox News,Arizona Criminal Defense,Cates & Laboy Law Group,Defending Pedophiles,Civil Commitment,Fox News Channel (TV Network),Police