
Manchester Airport: Lawyer breaks away from family as ‘shocking’ police videos surface


#Manchester #Airport #Lawyer #breaks #family #shocking #police #videos #surface

Manchester descended into “scenes of absolute chaos” after a video emerged showing a police officer appearing to kick and stamp on the head of a man on the ground. A second video has been released showing the moments before, where the men involved appear to assault the police officers.

Now, Akhmed Yakoob, a controversial lawyer, has announced he is parting ways with the family involved.

The Times’s crime editor Ben Ellery reports on how one viral clip led to national outrage and an IOPC investigation.

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lawyers near me , Manchester Airport: Lawyer breaks away from family as ‘shocking’ police videos surface


24 thoughts on “Manchester Airport: Lawyer breaks away from family as ‘shocking’ police videos surface”

  1. The police officer while trying to handcuff one of the brothers threw the first punch and things escalate from there …
    The brothers reaction albeit wrong were a result of that initial agressive intervention .

    Officers are highly trained and while there was goid officers doing a good job one of them showed no restrain no mental fortitude but just gratuitous violence because his ego was a bit bruised.
    His unrestrained reaction the kick the stomp and initial punch put fellow officers the brother on the floor and other bystenders at risk ….

    Was there any biases and prejudice or discrimination when the arrest was made!?

    Would have they approach in the same manner were they not from Pakistan or arabs!?

    It did look like there was excessive force and from him to have not died from that kick while he was unharmed in convulsions from the taser was a miracle ….

  2. It’s funny how they say it’s not racism but then call them tow racks…the two mens mum was racially abused which sparked this incident & the police who only escalated the situation are being praised for punching & kicking the tased man while on the floor… this is appalling behaviour

  3. Firstly violence , racial hate , religious, country hate in any form obvious & subtle is non acceptable. We humans don’t learn it from history that worshipping our egos will only bring disaster in our households to nations on earth.
    Secondly, why was police so bias & prejudice ?
    Why didn’t they here the boys story why they just went and grabbed the boy from behind at the pay station without any sensible investigation ? Why?
    And in the whole picture the idiot who racially abused the lady in aeroplane has been totally spared and ignored who actually lit the fire amongst the boys & the police ! If that makes sense to you. He has just slipped away doing his evil deed. The man who actually was at fault of racially abusing the woman totally has escaped acting innocent and complaining to police. He is actually the one who has has spread hate.
    We all as human race need to watch our triggers and work on ourselves why so much hate? Why?
    So much brain washing that we are just using ng our energies in violence, competition, degrading eachother on colour & religion
    Is that really being spiritual or human?

    It’s a shame.


  5. Also, the police have stymied themselves by using a photo taken of a female officer with a broken nose from several years ago in a completely unrelated matter. Google reverse search – simples
    "they went up to this man and he phoned the police" what these lads didn't have the wear with all to contact the police themselves. The Police didn't promise them a crime number, the police sent out armed officers to investigate a racial slur on an old asian lady. This bloke isn't very good at lining up an even half credible story – almost a sense of contempt.
    the officer kicked the lad in the head irrespective of any context – not only was it unjust it was unprofessional and brings the police force into disrepute.

  6. Newspapers and Mainstream TV and Radio have a lot to answer for, their reporting/headlines have a tendency to provoke racial hatred, by misleading/biased reporting/headlines.

  7. It all seemed to start with their Mother being insulted; then one has to look at how the Police handled it, which led to anger against the Police resulting in a Policewoman being assaulted, which then led to a young man being kicked and having his head stamped on by the Police. Police were supposed to help, not fuel the situation.

  8. It is important to look also at something the Police did to provoke such a reaction: E.g. I heard that the Police had treated their Mother badly and for that reason the male exploded. The Police have been known to provoke people.No excuse for any violence from the Police or against the Police.

  9. I completely support the police…those people protesting are jumping on the racist bandwagon without waiting for the facts to emerge. The violence from those lslamic men was appalling…poor policewoman who got her nose broken.

  10. If the woman was gay? The person would have got arested for it and her kids would not need to confront that person who abused the mum. All sad anyway.

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