
Man wrongly sentenced to 18 years in prison,now framed again #viral #movie #shorts


#Man #wrongly #sentenced #years #prisonnow #framed #viral #movie #shorts

lawyers near me , Man wrongly sentenced to 18 years in prison,now framed again #viral #movie #shorts


21 thoughts on “Man wrongly sentenced to 18 years in prison,now framed again #viral #movie #shorts”

  1. You're right. The system doesn't work, but on one side of the argument, you have those who want a reform system. On the other side, you have dipshits who want to just release dangerous criminals. I'm looking at you, LA and NYC.

  2. He served 18 years in prison for crime he didn't commit.Now the officer say"he is as dangerous as they come".True to life,the system is a joke😮

  3. If it wasn’t for the system, he wouldn’t have to stomp out a peace officer?!?
    WTH kind of writing is that. Totally unbelievable. Show really went down hill.😅

  4. It is sad. The current system does not work. You do see this across a plethora of government issues. I am a domestic violence survivor, a survivor from gang violence. (Individuals trying to trap me within a life I could never accept as my own) I had tried to flee to another state. The government told me to go to a domestic violence shelter where I was further mistreated. Women there had lost their children rather than try to help them survive and cope as a family.
    The problem with the current system is that they act in accordance to mere assumption. Claiming the statistics are what forms the current system. However, when you act due to your biased views you are unable to take action that is necessary to truly aid these people and correct the current issues. Abuse victims become further abused rather than be provided a safe environment. Men who end up in the system for false accusations are then treated in a way where they are antagonize to the point of explosion so that they stay in the system. You abuse a person enough, of course they are going to react to their environment.
    The current system needs to be reconfigured and analyzed. We are still going off of decades of what classic psychology asked of us generations ago. We need to rethink these topics and widen our perspectives. Ask the necessary questions and fight the narrative.

  5. I did get a lawyer. Who worked with criminals. Fat chance in the ny court system of seeing a legitimate court proceeding. The judge and lawyers were openly in cahoots. Kindergarten children show more understanding of justice than these mentally ill staffing the courtrooms

  6. Whenever you watch stuff involving cop or interrogation cams, you always hear the narrator or see people in the comments section going "Why doesn't this person ask for a lawyer?" "They should request a lawyer!" The problem is, generally speaking, that public defenders are appointed by the court to represent the attorney, but to do so adequately requires funding and time, which these types get very little of depending on cases. It's why their best option is about brokering deals than it is getting people free. Even if a person is innocent. This is especially true with black men, who are more likely to be incarcerated and then later found innocent 66% more than white men in similar situations.

    EDIT: I just want to add that I'm not saying that you shouldn't ask for legal representation. If you find yourself in custody, especially if you're innocent, then you ABSOLUTELY should ask for a lawyer or, if possible, find an attorney that you can pay for after the fact. At the very least, asking for a defender will cut any interview from the police. I'm just saying that you should still be wary and know that you're still just one more case that's being worked on.

  7. Oh, them “bad apples”! lol
    As far as I am concerned: biggest organized crime institution is the militarized police force in the country. They are not “peace officers”; they are “let’s protect the interests of our bosses” officers

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