
Man Saved After Video & GPS Shows Woman Lied About Assault. She Is Now Charged.


#Man #Saved #Video #GPS #Shows #Woman #Lied #Assault #Charged

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45 thoughts on “Man Saved After Video & GPS Shows Woman Lied About Assault. She Is Now Charged.”

  1. This is why we need to get rid of the believe all women and me too movement’s. Because women lie more then anyone

  2. Believe all women, are lying.

    Sue her? Is she worth anything? Probably to sue her, he would have to pay the laywer out of his pocket because she probably would not yield enough money to pay the lawyer's costs.

  3. There are many Men in prison throughout the world on the word of someone 30 years after the facts they instantly believe the Women and these guys are thrown in jail no evidence at all. Many Men have died in prison that where there on the word of a person, where is the evidence before you jail someone ???

  4. It is so blatantly obvious, that we are living in a matriarchy for over a decade now. Any woman can destroy any man simply by lying. That's it. And it does not work the other way around. It clearly hows you who's the boss in this modern society.

  5. She should be sentenced equal to her accusations. You accuse someone falsely of abduction you meet the sentencing guidelines for abduction.

  6. For the love f god if you beep out or remove spoken words, please indicate what you left out SOMEHOW.

  7. It's crazy he was in jail for a month when he didn't do it. They could only have had her word alone as the reason for his arrest and jailing him. That's crazy. That means any women can pretty much accuse any man and on their word alone be thrown in jail for a month possibly loosing their job and falling behind on payments etc just on a women's word alone. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? This sounds more like guilty until proven innocent. 😐

  8. Bail? She should of been kept locked up. She showed that she is willing to file a false police report on some random dude all because she thought he was creepy. She is a danger to men everywhere.
    Real victims should report it, but the police should investigate EVERYTHING to ensure they get the truth.

  9. She was willing to put a man in jail for no reason. She deserves time and consequences.

    On a side note, this also happened to one of my old roommates in college. His ex-girlfriend told the dean that he SA her and was put under investigation by campus police. They pulled us in for questioning and we told the truth. She's making this up. While they dated they were like rabbits in heat but had a mutual break up in front of everyone. Then months later she made these accusations after he began seeing another girl. They interviewed us, her friends, people around us. Her lies began unraveling as the stories didn't add up. The time and place kept changing, forgetting things she previously described, adding new details, etc. She finally admitted to lying. She was upset he was with someone new and wanted to hurt him. Turns out you shouldn't dip your ** into crazy, even if the sx is good.

  10. She should not be able to become a doctor she's a type of person that would lie kill a patient and lie about it I mean she lied on an innocent man What makes you think she wouldn't lie about killing a patient the board needs to really reevaluate her or whatever school she goes to because a person like that has no conscience She's very sick and they kept calling they kept referring to victims He's the victim in this case She is not been victimized He has been victimized His whole life has been turned upside downBut they keep referring to women as the victimsIf this prevents a victim from coming out will what about the men being victimized Pro baseball playersregular guys just being light about this is bullshit

  11. YouTube censorship is so over the top its not even funny live tv censors less then YouTube

  12. Here’s the thing… even though she lied, there are going to be people that still think he raped her despite the evidence.

    He’s going to be continually harassed the rest of his life.

  13. Here’s the thing… even though she lied, there are going to be people that still think he raped her despite the evidence.

    He’s going to be continually harassed the rest of his life.

  14. So, he was arrested and put in jail for over a month. Probably lost his job, and probably lost his girlfriend or wife. Turns out she lied, and she got a slap on the wrist? Yay, justice…

  15. Why she did this? Just for kicks? The fact that she would do this, watch him go to prison, and let him just sit in prison, and not say anything is incredibly troubling. If the police hadn’t done further work, I’m guessing she would have just let him sit in prison for the entire sentence. That is really messed up. She should be locked up for years in my opinion. I mean that is just extremely manipulative and premeditated. You don’t want someone like that interacting with members of society.

  16. This is madness. Turn the tables around. If he said she assaulted him, would she have went to jail? Guy sat there a month innocent, this troll admits she lied and gets bail, are you kidding me? Tax payers going to foot the bill for everyones wages while they looked into how this guy was nowhere near it, what a world it would be for her to be on the hook$ for the mess she almost sounds like it would be equal. Patriarchy indeed.

  17. Should have done more investigating before arresting. He wasn't going anywhere. She needs to be charged for filing a false information and damaging this man's life for NO reason.

  18. Worldwide how many men are doing time because of woman bullshiting about so called stalkers or just creepy men ???
    This woman needs to be shamed totally outright and put in prison
    This woman has no rights and needs to go to prison

  19. You are not being too hard on her. I used to be an investigator and investigated many cases of sexual misconduct. Most of the cases were valid; however, several were false. We took all reports at face value until proven otherwise. It’s unfortunate he had to spend all that time in jail due to a false report.

  20. This pisses me off beyond all belief. I had a friend who was falsely accused. It was proven without a shadow of a doubt he was innocent. As he couldn't of possibly done it considering he was out of town when it happened. Yet he was still arrested. His name was dragged though the mud. He lost a promising career. His marriage ext. Yet the girl who accused him got nothing. Rape is an evil act know doubt about that. Falsy accusing someone of it it's pure evil and psychopathic. So hearing this bitch wants to become a doctor is fucking terrifying. She should be in prison or locked in the funny farm.

  21. DA’S wrong, investigate first the county is so wrong and she needs to lose her licenses! She needs more time in jail

  22. Shouldn’t that investigation before this arrest! Ruined a man’s right and reputation!

  23. 👇It's rare that they charge the female for false report of crime. I've seen the male prove his innocence and then charges on him are dropped but that's about it. I'm glad she was charged.

  24. She should NOT serve 60 days. She should serve the entire sentence he WOULD have gotten had he been convicted. As a lesson to all the other people out there thinking of falsly accusing someone.

  25. Why is the word 'rape' silenced? And how many more words are going to be shhhh'd? If this keeps going, the english language is going to look like ** and sound like .

  26. This nasty lying woman should never be allowed to become a doctor, and should have been arrested and put in prison,this is so wrong on so many levels,that poor man was locked up for a lie,disgusting woman

  27. just think if she got away with this. the poor guy's family would would have been messed up…she deserves to be put to prison for the rest of her life…no doubt

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