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criminal law , MAN OFFS A JBTP AFTER ILLEGAL DETAINMENT!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,deletelawz,delete,lawz,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,back the blue,audit,transparency,ID Refusal,Cop Owned,Dirty Cops,Rights,Justice,Know Your Rights,America,Freedom,USA,American,Honor Your Oath,Rule Of Law,Facts,4th Amendment,5th Amendment,2nd Amendment,2A,6th Amendment,14th Amendment,8th Amendment,SCOTUS,Supreme Court,Case Precedent,Law Boy,Jurisprudence,Bill of Rights,Court,Jury,Liberty


  1. Your biggest mistake you starting out the conversation is to tell me to sit. You’re only allowed to do that if you see a tail so don’t make that mistake

  2. I’m glad this officer is no longer on the streets. He was dividing the community against each other…

  3. This is what the Second Amendment is for we must never forget that we have this amendment for our protection against the police against the government and against anyone who tried to take away any one of your rights we must start using the Second Amendment all you have to do is say you're in fear😂

  4. Okay one the cop just asked a question they are at a hotel parking lot witch is private property dude beofre cops even asked a question jumped out the car and initiated it. I dont get along with cops either and tgink there should be more training but this guy killing a cop isnt right it would be the same me walking up to you asking you a question you start fighting me then kill me. Just fyi if your sitting in a parking lot they have the right to see whats going on but they dont have the rifht to asl for id or anything. Both sides are wrong in this

  5. I wanna check out the full story but cant find it… wish the guy who posted included more info in the description about what were watching..

  6. Dont take anything from this channel this dudes a cuck and puts out falsehoods. Read into the case yourself. This POS got 30 years

  7. What was the call for? funny how thats not covered. If you cant see how this guy was clearly trying to dip from the beggining. Your a sheep. Dude was clearly guilty af

  8. The narrator has lost his balance and can no longer present unbiased information. You're simply too emotional about the subject matter. Maybe it's time to step aside.

  9. Good. Cops need to stop this I have a badge you need to listen shit and I’m glad to see our justice system stood up for that. If there’s no crime NOBODY is obligated to ID, answer questions or do a single thing you say

  10. You forgot to mention how they will financially destroy you for arresting u for no reason , job loss , late on bills , pay all legal fees

  11. I was a CO. At least in Texas it is highly highly illegal to cavity search as a CO. You have to call in medical professionals.

  12. Said it before, all this police darkness is not simply terrible policing it is surely part of a conspiracy called DIVIDE & RULE.something is filtering down from high places. Here in Britain our police are following a similar path but obviously not on the same scale.London's Metropolitan Police are now so politicised that they are more or less a tool of government.

  13. I wish you could of helped me b4 I was sentenced I've Ben told I have ptsd plus I hear voices now.
    I'm scared of cops anywhere see them I feel stressed n not in control

  14. Like I said everyone is mortal in the human body and the consequences always catch up to those who are evil and I said it before the days and nights of every single person is indeed numbered no matter who they think they are the soul is immortal and the soul faces the true maker and bribery lies and social connections don't work in front of the maker
    And everyone face's the Lord the true maker one on One
    No one can hide from God
    They think that they are smart and they have delusions of grandeur and as for the news reporter who is giving a speech from the pre written script is part of the insidious
    Corruption and the wages for committing the deadly sins and without any repentance is death itself to the soul and time does not exist in the lot that these corrupted evil impostors have ready for them
    And it is not God who is responsible for sending them there they the corrupted police send themselves to hell

  15. You have a twisted mindset if you think anyone deserves to be murdered the cop didn’t deserve to die for trying to do his job it’s very apparent that someone called the police for the to even show up at that location. You say you hate cops well sir I hate you I’m not a cop but I am someone who respects the law and the men and women that try to protect us

  16. So by the way the cop pulled his gun out to shoot this black guy The black guy reversed and shot the cop with his own gun

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