
MAN GETS CUFFS FOR A CUSS! #shorts #short


MAN GETS CUFFS FOR A CUSS! #shorts #short

#MAN #CUFFS #CUSS #shorts #short

criminal law , MAN GETS CUFFS FOR A CUSS! #shorts #short, first amendment audit,1st amendment audit,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,accountability for all,id refusal,cop,cops,police,cop owned,cops owned,owned,destroyed,lackluster,james freeman

34 thoughts on “MAN GETS CUFFS FOR A CUSS! #shorts #short”

  1. According to national research and investigation……
    No less than 27% of Police Officers; 34% of Sheriff Deputies, and even more concerning, over 68% of Private Security personel are psychologically unfit to wear a Badge much less carry a Firearm. Federal Agents (FBI, ATF, IRS, NSA, CIA), apparently operate as they chose with little or no oversight whatsoever.
    THIS NEW INFORMATION is a classic example of why citizens have lost respect for and trust in Law Enforcement organizations in our nation; so much so, that many now consider the United States to be a "Police State" .

  2. Yeah I’d been doing the same that’s a slam dunk lawsuit right there they would of been running to him to settle out of court if it was me I’d never settle out of court I’d want it all on the record

  3. Stupid cops cannot be the complainant and who have complaint and it’s disturbing at this point not profanity 🤦🏽

  4. Great example of tyrany!
    Roll models who swore an oath to cr@! all over the constitution.
    Feckless incompetence!

  5. It is not vulgar nor is it a threat to bodily injury? Covered under the first Amendment is controversial speech, and anybody can say what the Fuck they want!

  6. It still amazes me how the police in this day and age of UTube don’t know how the 1st Amendment works.

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