
Man attacks Las Vegas judge during court sentencing


Man attacks Las Vegas judge during court sentencing

#Man #attacks #Las #Vegas #judge #court #sentencing

Deobra Redden, who had pleaded guilty to attempted battery with substantial bodily harm, jumped over the defense table, landed on top of the judge and sparked a brawl with court officers and attorneys.

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criminal lawyer , Man attacks Las Vegas judge during court sentencing, Clark,County,Court,Deobra,District,Holthus,Judge,Kay,Mary,Redden,abc,attack,gma,judge,las,news,p_cmsid=2494279,p_vid=news-106095763,sentencing,vegas

34 thoughts on “Man attacks Las Vegas judge during court sentencing”

  1. It's crazy how he was able to clear that bench in one jump. Someone needs to rethink the security measures.

  2. Drugs vs. Herbs As Medicine: What Does The Bible Say?, doctors, secular religion, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, life expectancy, surgery, critics, business, modern medicine, healing, human beings, under the table, commercial enterprise, disillusionment, prescription drugs, JAMA, Journal of american Medical Association, drug deaths, Pharmageddon, ill-health, health, alternative medicine, invasive, natural, drug ads, FDA, age old knowledge, stewards, God, gift from God, wisdom, herbs, medicinal herbs, supplements, dangerous substances, weeds, Thomas Jefferson, quote, prophetic, tyranny, health care plan, warning, the bible, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, professions, merry heart, leaves, prescription, monopoly, research, side effects, illnesses, ailments, holistic medicine, medical treatments, trauma care, lose identity,
    Seems today people expect a lot of medicine and their doctors – maybe too much. For some, like my parents, medicine had become some sort of secular religion. They worshiped their doctors. Due to the triumphs of antibiotics, pharmaceutical creations, the ascendancy in life expectancy and highly-touted restorative surgeries, it has lead to the expectation that medicine could fix anything. But a crisis in expectations has lead to disillusionment.
    Critics of modern medicine today see it as a more of a business than a noble vocation – a place where profits outweigh the importance and safety of people. Critics believe the healing of human beings has become a vast commercial enterprise, often with under-the-table ties to the pharmaceutical giants.
    Prescription drugs taken as directed kill 106,000 Americans a year. This statement about drug deaths is unfortunately true, and it’s been confirmed in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
    Pharmageddon1 is “the prospect of a world in which medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health, and when medical progress does more harm than good”.
    Drugs vs. Herbs As Medicine: What Does The Bible Say?, doctors, secular religion, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, life expectancy, surgery, critics, business, modern medicine, healing, human beings, under the table, commercial enterprise, disillusionment, prescription drugs, JAMA, Journal of american Medical Association, drug deaths, Pharmageddon, ill-health, health, alternative medicine, invasive, natural, drug ads, FDA, age old knowledge, stewards, God, gift from God, wisdom, herbs, medicinal herbs, supplements, dangerous substances, weeds, Thomas Jefferson, quote, prophetic, tyranny, health care plan, warning, the bible, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, professions, merry heart, leaves, prescription, monopoly, research, side effects, illnesses, ailments, holistic medicine, medical treatments, trauma care, lose identity,
    Doc Mellhorn and the Pearly Gates by Norman Rockwell
    It is not surprising then that there’s a redirecting towards ‘alternative medicine’, seen as less invasive, more personal, gentler, of course, more natural than its high-tech counterpart.
    There is a yearning in people to get back to more natural ways of medicine and healing. The media’s persistent pharmaceutical ads targeting every imaginable demographic and the FDA have almost totally erased the age-old knowledge of natural medicine from our thinking. And increasing disassociation from our roots as careful stewards of the earth hasn’t helped. Almost erased is the notion that God supplied us with an endless amount of healing medicine for our use and that we can steward it with wisdom.
    For 30 years I’ve read that the powers-that-be could conceivably, one day, block the purchase of natural herbs and supplements, claiming them to be dangerous substances, but as one editorial wryly reminded, “even the FDA will never get rid of the weeds. Yes, believe it or not, the weeds are a gift from God and when God gives us something, no one can take it away.”
    The editorial goes on to say, “The Bible condemns the use of poisons for medicine and labels it as sorcery, and very plainly tells us that true medicine is leaves. The common name used for medical leaves is herbs. Ps.104:14 says that He has given us “herbs for the service of man.”
    Almost prophetically, Thomas Jefferson gave us this warning: “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Remember, this statement was made about 100 years before there ever even was an FDA!
    Do you believe for a minute that the government’s health care plan (under any administration) is designed to help us live longer healthier lives? Do you know how easy it is for medical universities (funded by pharmaceutical companies) to convince new doctors that “drugs save lives”? Have you ever wondered what The Bible says about all this?
    Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the Bible, which lists every word in the Bible, lists the word “sorcery” as word #5332 and tells us that it is translated from the original Greek word “pharmakon.” It gives the definition as: a drug i.e. a spell-giving potion, a druggist, a poisoner.

  3. Nursing Homes: Present Day Concentration Camps
    Up next
    Untitled Prezi
    Blair Gjevre
    Nursing Homes: Present Day Concentration Camps
    Blair Gjevre
    Tue May 07 2013
    Nursing Homes
    Concentration Camps
    cover up atrocities and mass murder
    made to believe that they are safe places FORCED TO TAKE pharmaceutical in American English
    (ˌfɑrməˈsutɪkəl ; ˌfɑrməˈsjutɪkəl )
    1. of pharmacy or pharmacists
    2. of or by drugs
    : Also ˌpharmaˈceutic
    3. a pharmaceutical product; drug
    Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.
    Derived forms
    pharmaceutically (ˌpharmaˈceutically) adverb
    Word origin
    LL pharmaceuticus < Gr pharmakeutikos < pharmakeuein, to practice witchcraft, use medicine < pharmakon, a poison, medicine YOU CAN NOT POISON ANYONE BACK TO HEALTH.

  4. Lawful Rebellion In America As Defined By Article 61 Of The Magna Carta? When Is It Legal To Rebel?What is Lawful Rebellion?
    The first thing to realize concerning this subject is that you have Sovereignty, do not be afraid to announce this and exercise it fully!
    The truth is that individuals retain Sovereignty over themselves! Individuals are NOT chattels belonging to a Government! We are Freemen and women, we do not have to consent to being controlled by a tyrannical Government. A Freeman does not simply succumb to any Acts, Codes or Statutes that have been legislated unjustly.
    Sovereignty is the idea that an individual owns his/her own body. This is a natural Right of a human being to be the sole controller of his or her own body and life! Also known as Self-ownership, sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy

  5. There is no good government but what is republican…[T]he true idea of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.' That, as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law, is the best of republics."

    — John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

  6. What is the punishment for violating civil rights?
    Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include death penalty

  7. Horses could pull plows through the fields and carts to transport crops. With their assistance and the improvements made to other tools on the farm, crops had better results. Horses were the driving power in agriculture until the tractor was invented in the late 1800's.
    There was an Old West saying that if you stole a man's horse, you had condemned him to death, which is why it became a capital offense and horse thieves were hanged.Driving has been A right according to the highest court in the land you should never need a license.God did not give them rule over us to scam with their manmade rules to steal the fruits of our labor WE THE PEOPLE BUILT AMERICA
    We hired them to protect our rights not to rob us of our rights and steal the fruits of our labour Im appalled that America doesn't get this anymore…… "LICENSES & PERMITS are claims that a group of people who call themselves "government" have been given the "right" to prevent others from exercising specific behaviors(even if such behaviors cause no harm to others or their property), unless those others petition(beg) or pay the government for permission to be allowed to exercise those behaviors. This amounts to the claim that rights are merely "privileges" that may be granted or taken away by government, based upon their preference or discretion. Remembering that the definition of a right is "any action which does not cause harm to another living being or their property", there is no such thing as a right to stop someone from exercising a Right, since Rights cause no harm. The claim over the rights of another person is called slavery. Even more so, it is the claim to be God, the claim that the rights of others flow from you. Therefor licensing & Permits are merely other euphemisms for slavery, regardless of the justifications made by those who claim such practices are "necessary for the common good". Since no individual anywhere on Earth has the "right" to claim ownership of another person's rights, such behavior can never be delegated to a group and called "right" There for all forms of Licensing & Permits are always WRONG according to Natural Law. Writer Unknown Judge Anna von Reitz Both the United States, Inc. and the United States of America, Inc. need to be liquidated—- but we need to have our own government up and ready to replace these out of control whaJudge ck-job commercial service providers. We also need to disentangle our currency from their currency.
    Look, bottom line— we hired and paid these vermin to protect us. They have done everything but. It's time to fire them. Kick them out and to the curb. Hire our own people and put them back to work. God knows we have enough unemployed veterans to kick their asses all the way back to Britain or S

  8. What is the natural law in Nuremberg?
    Everyone has equal natural rights (such the right to live and physical inviolability or personal freedom) irrespective of gender and his age, his position in society, time, place and order the state in wich he lives. Such as natural law is one universal right, applicable to all men and all times.

  9. Why is the Magna Carta important to U.S. today?
    The Magna Carta came to represent the idea that the people can assert their rights against an oppressive ruler and that the power of government can be limited to protect those rights. These concepts were clearly foundational and central to both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

  10. Right to Intrastate Travel

    The right of intrastate travel has been recognized as a basic human right protected by Cal. Const., art. I, §§ 7, 24. And the United States Supreme Court has observed that the freedom to loiter for innocent purposes is part of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Const., 14th Amend. This right to remove from one place to another according to inclination has been expressly identified as an attribute of personal liberty protected by the Constitution. The right to intrastate travel is based on its necessity for daily life. The right to travel locally through public spaces and roadways—perhaps more than any other right secured by substantive due process—is an everyday right, a right people depend on to carry out daily life activities. It is, at its core, a right of function. People v. Padilla-Martel.

  11. Is the law above everyone?
    This means that no person, government official or government is above the law. The following principles are fundamental in preserving the rule of law: All people are ruled by the law. Law enforcers, the government and judges must adhere to the law without bias or prejudice.

  12. Says more than one Landmark Case at U.S. Supreme Court Case, Including Castle Rock and Deshaney

    The Supreme Court says police are only required to protect the government, aka the “community.” Most police officers and the public think the thin blue line will stand faithfully between private citizens and evildoers as modern-day Knights Templars of sorts. Growing up on 1-Adam 12 and Dragnet, we Gen-Xrs were trained to adore police, who will always come to our aid. Alas, we were wrong. We soon learned that one set of rules applies to politicians and their agencies and the other to you and me. (See also, Deshaney v. Winnebago County, et. seq.)
    Does the government care about me?
    Does the government care about me?

    And until the government holds itself to the same standards it holds taxpayers to, don’t expect the police to intervene during your moment of crisis. Police carry guns to defend themselves, not u

  13. What rights are protected by the Supreme Court?
    In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of law.

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