
MAGA Lawyer Vs Liberal: Can Trump ASSASSINATE Biden?


#MAGA #Lawyer #Liberal #Trump #ASSASSINATE #Biden

Saagar is joined by Brad Moss and Will Chamberlain to debate SCOTUS ruling Trump has immunity.

Bradley Moss:

Will Chamberlain:

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29 thoughts on “MAGA Lawyer Vs Liberal: Can Trump ASSASSINATE Biden?”

  1. When rank partisan ideology becomes an immoveable rock, it will gather lots of Moss.

  2. What "we" is the Article III guy speaking of? 8:28: "President Obama should be breathing a sigh of relief because we certainly would have indicted him on day 1." This is from the representative of a group that's opposed to legal warfare?

  3. So basically even MAGA lawyers have shallow, one dimensional analysis of case law. These were just repeated Fox News talking points but with a JD title.

  4. How dumb are your viewers? Can a president take out another candidate? NO!!!!! When a president acts outside of his official duties congress has the ability to impeach the current president and once successfully impeached( meaning congress has voted to do so) then the president no longer has presidential immunity. And then can be charged with those crimes he was once protected from. It’s a process. How i can’t believe there are American citizens who don’t know these things and they are first every 4 years to register to vote

  5. Can you get a better lawyer for the Democrats? Then do this again with Will, he shouldn't get free rein like this, he needs an intelligent and serious Democratic lawyer to go up against. Will Chamberlain cited case law, precedent, and made very succinct, coherent arguments. Brad responded with sarcasm and generally ignored the arguments Will was making.
    Neither sarcasm, nor the phrase "give me a brake" are arguments addressing the claim that Obama could be charged for murdering that 16 year old kid from Denver if there was no presidential immunity.

  6. If the US Supreme Court has just legalized dictatorship, I really want to see Joe Biden flex the power of the presidency first. I trust that if he does so, he'll follow up like King Juan Carlos of Spain, and use his powers of dictatorship to restore democracy.

    How Biden should respond to the Supreme Court six:
    "Under authority granted by the Supreme Court recognizing that official acts of the president are no longer subject to any restraint other than the impeachment process, I am hereby ordering the following:
    – Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito shall be arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes, held without bail, and counted as recused from all future cases.
    – Brett Kavanaugh shall be arrested on suspicion of perjury during his confirmation hearings on matters of alleged sexual assaults, and held without bail, and counted as recused from all future cases.
    – The following members of Congress, [list], shall be arrested on suspicion of seditious conspiracy in relation to their actions during the January 6 insurrection.
    – Donald Trump shall be stripped of his US citizenship, on charges of seditious conspiracy in relation to the January 6 insurrection, the Georgia election manipulation, the secret documents mishandling charges, election manipulation in relation to the threats against US ally Zelenskyy, treason in relation to the private meeting with Vladimir Putin, and emoluments violations. He shall either held without bail or exiled to any nation that will have him. He may petition for reinstatement of citizenship if he chooses to stand trial for all charges and is found not guilty on all charges (except emoluments).
    – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh may be released on personal recognizance if they resign from the Supreme Court, effective upon confirmation of their replacements. However, they may still be prosecuted for bribery and perjury.
    – The Supreme Court is requested to reconsider its new doctrine of absolute presidential immunity on an emergency basis, with the consideration that these orders are legal under the current law of the land, even if they are to rescind the immunity doctrine. In particular, the stripping of citizenship of Donald Trump shall remain in effect until such time as he satisfies the conditions of reinstatement."

    Copy and share!

  7. As a life long democrat, I’m excited to vote for Trump in November. My life and finances were much better when Trump was in office. The corrupt democrats have imploded. Buh bye bitches👋

  8. Basically Democrats believe the system is totally corrupt but fortunately they are in charge, so nothing will happen. It's quite a cynical view. The reason they are upset is they did all that corruption for nothing basically.

  9. Will brings up the RussiaGate as an example of of political retribution. It's still a trial Trump is still provided equal justice under the law. What the minority opinion in the immunity case states is if presidents want to lock up or do worse to their political opponents they need not defer to the rule of law. Also to bring o
    up prior presidents crimes as if that was an unspoken rule this decision just made that a law. Will had the weakest arguments and per usual Sagaar gave his weasley Tucker Carlson reactions to justify complete authoritarianism.

  10. I am not the only one who is afraid of trump disappearing even if he does not become president

  11. Why does the guy on the left have to be schmuck? The guy on the right is being calm and respectful.

  12. Been watching forever this is the worst headline you have ever put out… don’t play in the mud with pigs sagar

  13. I hate how the extent of some of this argumentation is "well, the opposing party did the immoral or illegal thing first," like that somehow makes it okay for them, instead of simply meaning that both need to be held accountable.

  14. As with abortion, if people actually believe that SCOTUS is wrong, then the way to rectify that is to amend the Constitition. Why do Democrats always pretend that we are simply stuck with whatever SCOTUS says? Why don't they ever pursue the actual, Comstitutional, remedy?

  15. Shouldn't the separation of powers mean the justice department would have authority to prosecute the execute branch and thus the president himself. The decision seems contradictory.

  16. MAGA lawyer did not disappoint in displaying loyalty to the cult. Obama wouldve been indicted on Day 1 during Trump’s 2025 presidency huh? Really? Why didnt it happen in 2016 then? And then the “lawfare” argument, jfc🤦🏻‍♂️there it is, the NEWSMAX brainrot

  17. Can we please have more shows without Krystal? This is so much kinder and more reasonable.

  18. "Presidents might think about the consequences of their actions…" Oh. No. The. Horror.

  19. Judge Sotomayor was an Obama DEI hire. She doesn't understand basic constitutional law.

  20. Isn't the question now, can Biden assassinate Trump? I mean, they've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at thim at this point.

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