
MAGA Lawyer DEBATES Liberal Analyst On Trump Legal Cases


#MAGA #Lawyer #DEBATES #Liberal #Analyst #Trump #Legal #Cases

Ryan and Emily are joined by Will Chamberlain and Brian Beutler to debate Trump’s legal cases.

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Will Chamberlain:

Brian Beutler:

(1:03)NYC Hush Money Case
(22:17)Presidential Immunity
(44:04)Post-Debate Thoughts
(48:32)End Of Show

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39 thoughts on “MAGA Lawyer DEBATES Liberal Analyst On Trump Legal Cases”

  1. campaign finance is not subjective. It’s objective if I buy a suit that I would never normally wear, but I’m doing it for speech that can’t be written off as a campaign finance. It’s an objective standard. Will is right. If you don’t believe me, call the FEC and ask them yourself.

  2. @29:10 yes, I’m sure Biden went through the normal processes of presidential acts and getting the advise while being president for taking classified documents as a senator.

  3. @25:00 Ryan: trump supporters did something bad, so trump should be prosecuted.

    So by that same logic, Hillary and the DNC should be in jail for the Steele dossier?

  4. What point is there in bringing a propagandists on to propagandize your audience? This discussion was a waste of time as only one person was engaging with the topic earnestly, while the other repeated the playbook talking points.

  5. 19:28 The "norm of having a president that's an inveterete criminal"–well, gee, that's certainly an interesting theory that all Presidents before have been law-abiding. Hell, in this century alone we've had a President who lied us into invading Iraq (and who also condoned torture), who is now considered a "decent, honorable man" because he wasn't Donald Trump, even if he was a Republican. And the current dottering old fool flagerately lies to us and breaks US and International law in aiding and abetting genocide.

    And before this century we had plenty of other Presidents who flagerantly broke the law–and got away with it.

    The only "norm" that was violated here was actually prosecuting a former President–and for one of the most laughable reasons (you know, lying about sex, like Clinton did and he got away with it).

  6. Republicans have been low keys saying that any election where a Democrat is elected was fraudulent since the 90's and have been working to steal elections via voter suppressions for decades. the 2000 election was stolen by Republicans.

  7. MAGA guy making threats and showing that Republicans take precidents created by Democrats to hold Politicians accountable and abuse them for nakedly partisan purposes.

  8. I love how the argument is, Trump should be immune if not we will have to jail all the crooks…. if anyone is a crook deserves to be in jail, I don't care of their name is Trump, Biden, Clinton or any other. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW MEANS NO ONE!

  9. So, now I can legally run a stop sign at 150 mph through an intersection next to a primary school at 0800 – as long as nobody sees it and no one’s hurt? What a clown 🤡 🎪

  10. The guy at the bottom was the most dishonest, disgusting "analyst" I've seen in decades.
    He wasn't even called out on 80% of his lies. Why softball this guy?

  11. Trumps is a convicted felon . All his associates are convicted felons. There is no two sides . The law doesn’t need a victim .

  12. His sex payments happened BEFORE the 2016 election. That is important. He defrauded the american people. The victims of this crime are the amercian people. He actively hid his payments to change his image, to hide his infidelity. The american people don't respect a cheater and he knew it. and it worked. This also raises a stronger question: Who else is hiding extreme situations with novel records? say pizza parties? Food for thought…

  13. I think this case is just going to vindicate and further radicalize MAGA, I hope however that this could possibly open a pandoras box where EVERY CRIMINAL POLITICIAN regardless of party gets prosecuted for breaking laws us average citizens couldn't even dream of, sadly I think thats just a pipe dream. I wish the system actually operated on principles that were applied to all but we as humans are imperfect dagnabbit.

  14. Brian obnoxiously and emotionally talking over Will, weak partisan arguments…yeah Will won this one clearly

  15. Its funny to hear a Republican talk about treating the other party with respect when they literally have zero respect for Democrats at every level. They have called them everything from terrorist to slurs my entire life. They have been attempting and sometimes succeeding stealing elections and using any slimy technique possible including abusing the filibuster and then eliminating it as soon as its convenient. F them

  16. President Barack Obama proved that a president could serve for life.
    Donald J Trump proved that anyone can be elected.
    Joe Biden proved that your country can be run without a president.

  17. Richardson v. United States (1999) – The Supreme Court held that a jury must unanimously agree not only that the defendant committed some “continuing series of violations” but also about which specific “violations” make up that “continuing series.” The Court concluded that the statute requires jury unanimity in respect to each individual “violation.”

  18. It would have been odd if Alvin Bragg hadn't prosecuted this case. What??? Hell, he doesn't even go after people that push people in front on trains. He started off instructing prosecutors to avoid seeking jail time for crimes including robbery, assault and gun possession. Listening to Brian talk about protecting NY business law, it almost seems like he has convinced himself this is the reason Trump was charged. Bragg hasn't charged Hillary who did the same thing as Trump (except that she ACTUALLY received a fine for violating FEC rules), he hasn't prosecuted a single person involved in the Epstein fiasco. The snowball is rolling and I fear things are going to get really bad.

  19. Donald failed his interview for hosting the infomercial for the Popeils©️Automatic Nose Picking La Machine, because they said he was way too dumb, but also he had far too many priors on his rap sheet.

    Donald failed his interview as a fart taster because they said he was far too ugly-faced to be facing peoples asses for even a nanosecond, and also far too many priors on his rap sheet.

    Donald failed his interview to be the Pillsberry doughboy's replacement, because they said he was far too doughy and they couldn't overlook all those 34 some odd priors on his rap sheet.

    Donald failed his interview for an I-5 rest stop toilet brush, because they said he had too many priors on this rap sheet and he was way under-qualified.

    Donald failed his interview at propaganda due lodge because they said he was a snitch and he couldn't be trusted and besides, they're far too many priors on his rap sheet.

    Donald failed his interview to be a schattenkrieger squadrismo ras because they said they didn't accept criminals (with that many priors on their rap sheet).

    Donald failed his interview to narrate and host bitchute video advertisements, because they said that too many psycho rightwingers hate him on bitchute 😂so that his videos would be ratio'd by them and obviously he has too many priors on his rap sheet for bitchute's "high" standards.

  20. Its really telling when you listen to someone who completely loathes a Trumo voter. The liberal analyst guy starts talking about violence and then he finishes that thought up with " That sums up the MAGA movement". The overwhelming amount of violence thats happened on behalf of a ideological side has been the left and im not a republican but the way he tries to categorize an entire slate of voters is gross and just shows his unwaivering bias. Another thing niether one of these guys brought up is that D.As themselves are supposed to be impartial to the defendant and thats settled law so does anybody thinks that Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, or Jack Smith are "impartial"?

  21. Hi BP.
    I was wondering if you are going to take the Hamas d#$k out of your mouths and do a report on the rescued hostages?

    Held by Civilians.

    There is no such thing as a Civilian hostage holder, Civilian hostage guard, Civilian lookout.

    When Brazilian and Russian hostages escaped they were recaptured by Palestinian Civilians that gave them back to Hamas.

    BP is propaganda for Hamas.

    Intentionally or not.

    Be honest with yourselves for the sake of journalism

  22. If we’re going to throw Trump in jail over this why can it not be for a war crime? Literally every president would be in prison if we actually cared about the law. Obama bombed an American citizen

  23. A “non criminal” who’s 9 family members made millions from foreign gas companies. Whose net worth went from 0 to 20 mil on a 200k salary. Who vacations in billionaires houses. Who used former cia officials to lie about the laptop calling it Russian. Etc.

  24. I made it 8:15 seconds before I heard show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. The state is unironically weaponized against its political opponents and that’s fine to these people.

    I’m not for Trump or Biden. But this shouldn’t be ok for constitutionally minded Americans.

  25. The religious zealot said Hillary did nothing wrong, Obama did nothing wrong & Biden did nothing wrong.

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