
Los Angeles Criminal Attorney Explains What to Expect When Going to Trial | CBS Law


Los Angeles Criminal Attorney Explains What to Expect When Going to Trial | CBS Law

#Los #Angeles #Criminal #Attorney #Explains #Expect #Trial #CBS #Law

If you have been charged with a crime in Southern California, call Los Angeles criminal attorney Chris Bou Saeed at (213) 800-8005 to discuss your case details or visit our website here:

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CBS Law Inc.
633 W. 5th Street, 26th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071

hi I’m Chris Bou Saeed Los Angeles criminal lawyer and welcome to CBS law where we deliver results not promises there are three things that separate CBS law from other criminal defense firms results experience and passion first results we have a trial success rate of 93% and that’s because when we walk into a courtroom we are the most prepared have the greatest command of the facts and the greatest knowledge of the law and that’s how you change minds and get results how do we get those results well let me explain our experience we’ve taken dozens of cases to trial and that experience as they say has no substitute it allows us to examine your case from a trial attorney’s perspective and that allows us to pursue a dual track strategy when defending our clients the first track is something I like to call the dismissal track the dismissal track involves examining the prosecution’s evidence and determining where the weaknesses are but it doesn’t stop there we don’t just accept the police’s version of events as the truth but rather we employ our team of investigators and expert witnesses to evaluate each and every case that means sending our investigators out to interview Witnesses collect statements and also collect evidence whether that be surveillance videos cell phone videos bank records transaction records even dash cam videos to truly determine what happened second we’ve used dozens of expert Witnesses from ER doctors eyewitness identification experts Pathologists accident reconstruction Specialists dentists even gang experts to not only evaluate the prosecution’s case but to completely undermine it the reason why it is so important to pursue the dismissal track even if you don’t plan on going the trial is because the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is take a case to trial and lose and so when you’re able to demonstrate to the prosecutor hey you got some real weaknesses in your case and we’re not only ready for trial but we’re confident we’re going to win that’s how you get results the second track we pursue is something called the mitigation track this also involves collecting evidence but not evidence that goes towards guilt or innocence rather it’s evidence that goes towards leniency what does that mean we’re going to collect evidence related to your job your education and community service or charitable acts that you’ve done why do we do this because if the prosecutor and the judge only know you as a person from the allegations in the police report it’s easy to dismiss you as just some criminal deserving of punishment but when we’re able to present to you the prosecution and the judge who you are as a living breathing human being that changes their perspective and allows them to see you for who you actually are and not just the allegations from the police report now you may think those two tracks are contradictory but they actually compliment themselves and let me explain how when you’re able to go to the prosecution and show them hey your case isn’t as strong as you think and if you take this to trial you’re going to lose and by the way my client’s actually a really good guy that’s how you’re able to get what you want that’s how you’re able to change minds and get results that our clients not only desire but need second is Passion this isn’t just a job for us this is our calling you know when I meet each of my clients for the first time the first thing I like to do is go over the nature of our relationship and my role in it and what I tell clients is I’m here to help you I’m here to protect you that’s my job here and I like to go over some ethical duties that I have to my clients and I’d like to go over just three of them with you first is the duty of confidentiality that means everything you and I talk about is just going to stay between you and I I’m never going to share it with anyone especially not the prosecutor or the judge second is the duty of loyalty this means my job is to protect your legal interest and in this context that means trying to prevent a case from being filed against you or if one does get filed against you doing everything I can to prevent you from suffering a criminal conviction third is the duty of zealous advocacy and what this means it’s really important no matter what you tell me happen no matter what the evidence shows I’m G to fight in every way that I can to protect your legal interest in addition to those ethical duties there are three pillars to every relationship that I have with my clients and that’s trust respect and compassion this attorney client relationship is a sacred one I’m
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