
#LoriVallowDaybell’s friend says “sex was the driving force” for Lori and #ChadDaybell | #CourtTV


#LoriVallowDaybell’s friend says “sex was the driving force” for Lori and #ChadDaybell | #CourtTV

#LoriVallowDaybells #friend #sex #driving #force #Lori #ChadDaybell #CourtTV

“They were an evil match for each other.” #LoriVallowDaybell’s former best friend says “sex was the driving force” for Lori and #ChadDaybell to push their doomsday theories.

Melanie Gibb testified to those beliefs in Lori’s trial and is testifying now in the Doomsday Prophet Murder Trial.


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36 thoughts on “#LoriVallowDaybell’s friend says “sex was the driving force” for Lori and #ChadDaybell | #CourtTV”

  1. …and still you went along with their drivel, Melanie…you have a lot of culpability in this too.

  2. Too bad the police can’t go into their so called temples and do a search of those too? It’s super secret for a reason and it ain’t because of god at all. More like technology being used against humanity still. Got hacked did ya Mel? I’m sure that other famous mel can help you and you know? Vouch for your purity. As IF either of you are. Disgusting 🤮…

  3. And she was right in the middle of it. She must have known about the whole plan, they were an open couple who thought they were demi-gods.

  4. Melanie is a reminder that "best friends" don't exist. In my opinion, she sang like a (BIRD) to gain immunity as a co-conspirator! ((She knows everything! )) This lady, repeatedly in court: had a "convenient loss of memory" for both dates/times to prevent her prosecution for possible inclusion in wrongful doings. PS: Color her "dark"!💯🎉

  5. This woman has nutty ideas of her own.. she followed those two ppl.. knew A LOT and did NOTHING to stop them. Then acts high and mighty. Her maker is gonna want a word with her.

  6. Melanie Gibb is the best we have as a witness. We can’t have witnesses made ‘to order’. We have to take the ones we have.

  7. Melanie Gibb was doing the podcast about Chad's books. She was the catalyst for this whole thing. I hate that they gave her immunity.

  8. I'm starting to notice that it's looking more and more like Chad was obsessed with Lori, and Lori took FULL ADVANTAGE of Chad!! I'm NOT saying that Chad is just as nutty as Lori!!! They're BOTH GUILTY and deserve everything they get..

  9. Karma is when two aholes meet each other and are forced to take a look in another broken mirror in reverse..

  10. Absolutely!!!!! Melany makes sense. No doubt. She’s saving her own butt. Did anyone see the interview with Nate Eaton. This lady’s as big a part of this as Lori and Chad. She the jilted want to be lover for Chad. She was after him and doing well until Lori came into the picture.

  11. The Melanys and the rest involved are co conspirators. By the time this circus act ends nobody’s going to remember all the death they created, only the doomsday killers got recognized. Melany Gibbs made a crap ton of money out of this already. Her book will be released as soon as the trial is over

  12. I think this entire situation was planned. I believe Lori didn’t throw Chad under the bus is because like many “ profits” before him possessed mindful powers. She is taking most of the blame and he’s going to get his hands slapped like OJ did. And he threw his dumbfounded idiocy, will free her from prison and then they will rule the world.

  13. Just say it was sex. Illicit scandalous cheating forbidden fruit sex. No light or dark forces, no imaginary angels gods goddesses or demons. Just s e x

  14. I think the ‘partners in crime’ actually met before Melanie and Lori jumped into Melanie’s work to find a common ‘open’ path … too fast to be otherwise

  15. Throwing the murderers right under the bus! Gotta love her though I feel she is a weirdo with those fake AF beliefs herself!

  16. … "there lofty ideas …" What plant do they live on? It's call demonic delusional thinking, fueled by the LDS mystical deception.

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