
Looking for a Pro Bono criminal attorney? Here are your options


Looking for a Pro Bono criminal attorney? Here are your options

#Pro #Bono #criminal #attorney #options

Sometimes people are not in the best financial position to hire a private attorney. What are the alternatives when seeking representation for criminal charges?

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27 thoughts on “Looking for a Pro Bono criminal attorney? Here are your options”

  1. Need a pro bono civil attorney cannot afford one? Help direct me, if possible legal aide in california are not taking any new clients.mIn Sacramento. Help if possible.

  2. What can I do about police not arresting criminals that stole our store In Catoosa county Ga.? The crime IS CONFIRMED a felony it is called "larceny after promise". The police won't do ANYTHING. Anything i can do or anyone I can call?

  3. Hello. I'm my experience there are good and bad public defender. However, they don't have the time to REALLY help. sadly

  4. Ok so if my sister was found dead in her hotel & her body was sent to the morgue without a medical examiner ever stepping foot at her death scene & all the cop had to do it was write up a report that basically said “no foul play” & (I’m just ASSUMING/guessing that he put the death manner down as “natural” mainly because it seems to be one of the only ‘loop holes’ in all the police death scene protocol crap I read that would allow a police officer to complete their report for a death scene from start to finish without a medical examiner or pathologist ever being present at the death scene). If I’m wrong – please, someone correct me.
    But from there, the morgue receives her body only to see “no foul play” & (again, I’m ASSUMING it also included): manner of death: “Natural” ……
    & they go ahead with the autopsy 6 days after she was found dead. 2 days later we see my sisters body at the funeral home. Her face was covered in an array of bruises varying in size & color, various cuts/abrasions, a large protruding bulge on the left front of her forehead wrapping around to her left temple, & a black scab high on her forehead.
    She was found in the Morning around 9:30am by the hotel staff. They’d been receiving repeated calls from a man they described as “very caring & concerned” all morning asking them to do a welfare check on my sisters room. After a few hours of him calling asking – they decided to do the welfare check & sure enough she was dead.

    They called the cops & the cop handled it the way I described in the 1 paragraph. A small bag of meth was found tucked away in her purse. The cop seemed more focused on it than anything else.
    The cop did not attempts to obtain the hotel surveillance footage, & he did not even consider my family’s repeated attempts to get him to question her ex boyfriend who’d just got out of a 3 year prison sentence 1 week prior because we knew he was in her hotel room the very evening before. He was also the one who was calling the hotel front desk all morning.
    I’ll speed this story up but its been 3 months now & in all this time her ex boyfriend has not been questioned. We’ve never seen the police report. The coroners office was very short with us – giving us only at the last minute of a phone call this tidbit of insight: that even tho the toxicology report still wasn’t done & because of that they also had no information to give us about the autopsy report even Though it’s been done a whole month earlier at 6 days after finding my sister dead, that all they could tell us was that “there was in fact meth in her system.” & “oh. And no fentanyl.”
    …. Would they know that if the toxicology report ‘wasn’t done’ ?
    As for the wounds on my sisters face, the cops have told us all this time that “they were from the autopsy.”

    After weeks of intense research I am 100% convinced that there is no humanly possibly way that those wounds are from the autopsy. It’s physically impossible (even if they were made as accidents in a sloppy autopsy) for a non-living body to form a scab or any type of blood surfacing or blood clotted wound because their is no more blood flow, there is no blood pressure. A scab in itself is a process of healing. Dead people don’t heal.
    I’ve gathered all this information… & have hit a brick wall.
    I do not know who to trust or who to talk to for help. If anyone reads this can you help me? Please. Thank you.

  5. Public defenders just get paid and don't really defend or assist that person. I have experienced this first hand. Its not your experience but it is many people's experience. These public defenders give lawyers a bad rap. It would be great if you good attorney's would make them be accountable for the positions they hold. People's lives are at stake here. Now you want to really help show people what to look for in a good public defender and if these traits aren't present tell them to Run !!! How about that, make the Bar Association hold these lazy appointed Public Defenders who don't fight for the rights of those they are there to assist and just recieve a check for showing up. My request to you and your fellow colleagues is to uphold the fairness of the Law for the accused!

  6. Unfortunately, in this case the Public Defender assigned to represent; has made it clear, by his line of questioning and responses to the questions presented, that he has no intention of fulfilling his job of genuinely offering his legal services to protect the rights of the accused, overturn the violation of rights, and win this criminal case, in favor of the accused–based on the truth, versus, the charges based on false accusations. That is the reason why we need a Pro Bono Criminal Lawyer in our area, who will bring justice to the accused but don't know how to find one such attorney.

  7. Law firms can't pay there bills that way a good lawyer isn't cheap and a cheap lawyer isn't good hopefully that last part of that saying CHANGES WE WHO ARE APPOINTED ATTORNEY'S HAVE BEEN ASSAULTED BY MY SISTER SHE TWICE FILED FALSE CHARGES ON ME BECAUSE SHE WANTS CONTROL OVER TOOK ALL MY PARENT'S PROPERTY CARS VEHICLES AND PARENTS DIED AT THE HANDS OF HER CARETAKING RESPONSIBILITY DOESN'T WANT TO TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THAT FACT AND HER ASSAULT ON ME WHEN I ASKED HER TOLD HER SHE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY PARENT'S SHE ASSAULTED ME AFTERWARD APPOLOGIZED WENT CALLED POLICE TO GET ME ARRESTED AND OUT OF HER WAY OF ESTATE. AGGRAVATED BURGLARY I GOT CHARGED WITH AND ABDUCTION FOR DIFFUSING THE SITUATION DEFENSIVELY DISARMED HER ONLY WHILE SHE WAS BEATING ME NOW PUBLIC DEFENDER IS APPOINTED FIRST PUBLIC DEFENDER REALIZED CASE WAS DISMISSED w/o prejudice Perrysburg Municipal Court, Dec 4, 2020 case. Dismissed. State's Attorney disgruntled refiles case I was at home my apartment got served Notice To Appear SHERIFF Jan 8, 2021 shortly thereafter I was arrested misdemenor charges Lucas County menancing attempted to and was admitted to a hospital distraught over Notice To Appear security guard hospital says to me your not getting admitted assaults attacks me. I am in Lucas County jail misdemenor charge while State's Attorney failed to file necessary paperwork with Court of Common Pleas Wood County case prosecutors attempting to has breathed into resurrected but didn't include me defendant to any of the hearings including preliminary hearing and also the Jan 8, 2021 second arraignment now left in jail 11 months new appointed defense counsel asks me to sign a waiver of my rights to speedy trial rather than file a motion to dismiss case on procedural violations speedy trial grounds I unknowleagable in law sign waiver and wood county appointed attorney withdrew as my attorney 8 days from a jurytrial 2022 August 27th . Number Two Appointed attorney two days assigned also resigns now third attorney all of which are Court Appointed out of Wood County Public Defenfers office no discovery not timely case was dismissed should be dismissed speedy trial violations procedural grounds its turning out to be a real situation which doesn't have to be becsuse when your not present at preliminary because prosecutor didn't motion for your appearance all your Rights Constitutionally have essentially been fushed down the TOILET……TROY STOLL

  8. Well the deal with public defenders is you have to sit in jail until your court date and you cannot bond out because if you bond out they assume that you can afford to pay for your own representation and I am in a very specific category where I must be fucked because I was able to bond out because my phone was only $300 to bond out or set at $3,000. To avoid losing my job and home it was easier to bond out but now that I've made that decision I've lost my ability for the court to appoint me one…it's a misdemeanor possession CDS charge and my wife can't afford our home on her own and her and my 4 year old son will be homeless if I don't figure out something I don't have long either if anyone can point me in a direction to help I'd be forever grateful

  9. Public Pretenders…. they make things worse and often plea out so not good to make them look any less like crooks

  10. Thank You for this. What about needing one in a very very very serious emergency guargianship or custody with lots of proof? Wisconsin

  11. My boyfriend, Randall Ray Pokrzywinski was wrongfully convicted of the murder of Vernon Edwards during a robbery in the first degree. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. 
    On June 14, 1987, Vernon Edwards was found dead in his trailer. He had been shot in the neck with a shotgun.
    Randall killed Edwards ,a drug dealer who sexually abused Tammy Foust, my boyfriend's friend. 
    Randall was totally disgusted and horrified of seeing his friend mistreated.
    Walker and Randall went over Edwards's trailer .
    Randall put the shotgun on Edwards's face .
    Walker talked to Edwards and told him that he wanted back the money Edwards owed him.
    Time before Vernon Edwards brought some drugs from Walker , and he still had to pay him .
    Edwards gave to Walker his $200. 
    That wasn't a robbery. The police found a huge amount of money and drugs in Edwards's trailer. 
    They are hiding all this because if it trully was a robbery then Randall should have stolen everything.
    Randall didn't touch those things.
    Nothing was missing from Edwards's trailer , but still he was charged for murder during a robbery. 
    Randall , horrified for his friend's rape shot him  , and  Walker repeatedly told him to kill him .
    In Court Randall's friends were scared of being charged too and they made false statements, omitting some important parts : 

    • Tammy Foust declared the false she said she wasn't raped : Edwards just started "jerking her pants down."

    • Walker totally omitted his selling drugs to Edwards,and the owning of the $200 bills.

    • They omitted the fact that Edwards was a drug dealer/rapist. 

    • They omitted the UNTOUCHED money and drugs they found inside Edwards's trailer. 

    I always thought there was something fictitious.
    In fact the mother of Vernon Edwards was seen talking with two female jurors in the restroom during a court recess.
    And also , Randall's lawyer was initially a public defender , public defenders are usually appointed by the Court, and if it was tampered as we think then this lawyer made a lot of errors on purpose. 
    They got Randall barred , so he couldn't file anything.
    Randall was ready to pay for the murder he committed, he knows that even through Edwards was an horrible person , he didn't have to kill him . 
    Unfortunately Randall was wrongfully convicted of murder during a robbery. He is innocent of robbery, he did not kill for money. He was sentenced to life without parole. He paid for the murder he committed he spent almost 34 years in the Alabama state prison, and he is still serving. He was 25 years old, today he is a 59 years old . He doesn't have the chance to appeal becouse he can't afford a lawyer, I don't know how much successful a Pro se could be ..Randall deserves a second chance, he is victim of the Alabama justice system.

  12. I keep hearing and reading about good faith or Attorneys that are encouraged to volunteer 40-80 hours a year of their time for the public good essentially and as a way to give back. I guess that doesn’t apply to mud to criminal law. I am a Veteran currently in a medical disability pension. Trying to find out if there are any special interest groups that he’ll fund any organizations or law groups that might help Veterans in this type of circumstance. Thanks You

  13. My public defender and prosecutor are working together. Tell me how is the prosecutor going to defend my public defender when I’m trying to fire him for not doing anything for me. How Am I going to get indicted from another county when my case in a different county. How am I going to get a warrant that’s not my name for my blood and get my blood drawn and In The bottom of the warrant for my blood put my real name

  14. Can you do the same, or shed some light on Pro Bono Lawyers that help the little guy fight big corporations in cases of homophobia against employees? Who are the biggest pro Bono lawyers that focus on GBLTQ claims?

  15. I think my pd is really good 👍. honestly I'm just freaking out about stuff. can I sue after I win for being fraudulently charged?

  16. It's not that public defenders are subpar as attorneys. Where I live it is obvious that to maintain a friendly relationship with prosecution and the judge, defense attorneys learn real quick where defending ends (getting charges dropped due to lack of evidence or proving the defendants innocence) and pissing off begins (interfering with the extortion process). A few years ago I received a summons in the mail. I was being charged with "possession of methamphetamine w/o a perscription", in district court. My public attorney told me the prosecutor was doing me a favor keeping it out of superior court. All I had to do was plead guilty to a misdemeanor in district court costing a mere $1000 and after 3 months have it erased from my record. Unfortunately for them I still like exercising my brain. My PB spent a whole 10 minutes 3vdsys before court trying to convince me of my good fortune on such a generous plea bargain. Leaving his office he hollered down the hall "It's called constructive possession!"
    He showed up late for court planning to accept the plea deal but I told no. I wanted a trial. He tried to talk me out of it using the usual scare tactic package given to everyone desiring a trial so I asked him "Are you going to stand here and try to tell me if you were in my shoes you would accept this bullshit before a trial?" Exactly!
    The prosecuting attorney was livid over my refusal of his undeserved generosity and said "I'll be seeing you in superior court! I never heard from him again."
    The whole game was played for a $1000.00.
    payout that 99 times out of 100 goes in their favor. They will sacrifice all they have within that is good to extort from their fellowman.

  17. Can you suggest me any pro bono lawyers or firms or whoever that may assist me and a filing papers against the state of Virginia making a claim against the state of Virginia for cruel and unusual punishment

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