
LIVE! Sarah Boone Writes Another Letter, Thanks The Judge, She Won’t Like His Response


#LIVE #Sarah #Boone #Writes #Letter #Judge #Wont #Response

#lawyeryouknow #sarahboone #suitcasemurder

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48 thoughts on “LIVE! Sarah Boone Writes Another Letter, Thanks The Judge, She Won’t Like His Response”

  1. In all seriousness, this trial will be a total and utter 💩 show.
    All her erratic ramblings.

    Question- Can she call experts to question her own mental health as her own defence?

  2. Question:
    Most of the time, all the jurors know about the defendant is what is said during the court trial. In this case, we have a lot of letters that show how she tries to manipulate or to make things go her way by playing dumb, lying, etc…

    Do the jurors get to see these letters or are they just for the judge and the letters can't be used to show the jurors what kind of a person she is?

  3. Sarah is mentally ill / personality disorder…. Every time she cancels a lawyer she should be transferred to a real prison for 3 months. No legal representation. Just a time out. Bring her back to court w/ her lawyer and if she is wants to cancel the lawyer, not work w/ a lawyer again…..back to a real prison she goes for 3 months….and keep repeating this process. Sarah knows how to work the system and these last 4-1/2 years she’s done very well accomplishing just that.


  5. I just hope she understands how ridiculous she looks with that haircut….. and, withdrawing from the alcohol must’ve taken a heavy toll, she has more cheek wrinkles than a chipmunk 🐿️…..LOL

  6. I would love for her to request a psych eval for herself because I want an official diagnosis. The delusions! 😱

  7. Peter, IF the defendant,s.b. chooses to be disruptive, shows no decorum ,no civility in the judge’s courtroom during the trial, I Truly pray that THIS JUDGE, knows about The MODERN TECHNOLOGY that LEGALLY can be used in situations such as the defendant’s s.b. Trial. This judge hopefully has “a backbone” and won’t ALLOW the defendant, s.b’s courtroom antics. The MODERN TECHNOLOGY LEGALLY CAN BE USED IF EVER NEEDED. When darrell brooks caused trouble in his WI. v. darrell brooks Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack Trial, MODERN TECHNOLOGY was LEGALLY used.

  8. Sarah is such a fool. A really good lawyer like Cashman could probably have got Sarah convicted possibly of involuntary manslaughter but failing that of voluntary manslaughter. I understand Sarah thinks she is innocent because the death "was not intentional". She says this in her police interrogation several times. She fails to understand that causing someone's death without the intent of killing them is involuntary manslaughter. But Sarah insists on being totally innocent so she fights with all her attorneys. As a result of not having an attorney I think she will be convicted of 2nd degree murder. I think her attitude is so belligerent and unpleasant that a jury will not want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Sarah thinks she is so smart that ultimately she has outsmarted herself.

  9. The old saying, “a lawyer that represents himself has a fool for a client” comes to mind. If it’s considered foolish for a lawyer to represent themselves, imagine what it’s like for Sarah Boone, who is not a lawyer, who’s uneducated, and whose confidence is bigger than her competence.

  10. How did you not try the fries at Steak n Shake?! 🤯 Their Shakes & Fries (especially cheese fries) are probably what they’re most known for & they DO HAVE THE BEST SHAKES OF EVERYONE! I’m a bit offended Raphae. Steak n Shake was a place in my youth everyone looked forward to & always was higher priced than McDonald’s. Even my parents enjoyed it since it’s been around a long time & stick to their roots with the diner theme! I can assure you ground steak that’s never frozen quality & flavor is far superior to whatever beef with added fat McDonald’s is serving. Had you ordered off the value or combo menu you would have saved a lot of $ & gotten fries. They also have coupons available for almost everything they serve. It actually costs less to get a combo meal from there than McDonald’s where I live. You should have tried a chili 5 way or a chili Mac which they’re known for their chili. It’s surprising they said the best selling item was a garlic butter burger. (Which we do not like at all.) I’m sure corporate would correct that. The grilled sourdough sandwich you had is probably more popular but IS their highest priced burger. The shakes are also expensive because they’re hand scooped & made from real ice cream not a milk mixture poured into a machine whipped with air like all the other franchises with a ton of chemicals. They also offer a natural banana shake on the menu as well as strawberry but they have the “flavor” options like you got too.

  11. So what happens when she goes in front of a jury and tells them she's forced to be her own lawyer because the whole system is rigged against her and the judge is biased and everyone is lying about her? Omg there is so much she could do to screw this whole trial up even more than she already has…

  12. Sarah's new attorney is her biggest fan. I do wonder how long it'll be before she wants her attorney fired though lol

  13. Sick of Sarah wasting tax payer money in ridiculous ways! She certainly gave her victim no such consideration, as she demands constantly for herself. Narcissist!!

  14. She has an alcoholic personality. I’ve thought that since I saw her interrogation. I’m a recovering alcoholic and this is from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Fits Sarah to a T.
    “The first requirement is that we be convinced that any life run on self-will can hardly be a success. On that basis we are almost always in collision with something or somebody, even though our motives are good. Most people try to live by self-propulsion. Each person is like an actor who wants to run the whole show; is forever trying to arrange the lights, the ballet, the scenery and the rest of the players in his own way. If his arrangements would only stay put, if only people would do as he wished, the show would be great. Everybody, including himself, would be pleased. Life would be wonderful. In trying to make these arrangements our actor may sometimes be quite virtuous. He may be kind, considerate, patient, generous; even modest and self-sacrificing. On the other hand, he may be mean, egotistical, selfish and dishonest. But, as with most humans, he is more likely to have varied traits.
    What usually happens? The show doesn’t come off very well. He begins to think life doesn’t treat him right. He decides to exert himself more. He becomes, on the next occasion, still more demanding or gracious, as the case may be. Still the play does not suit him. Admitting he may be somewhat at fault, he is sure that other people are more to blame. He becomes angry, indignant, self-pitying. What is his basic trouble? Is he not really a self-seeker even when trying to be kind? Is he not a victim of the delusion that he can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this world if he only manages well? Is it not evident to all the rest of the players that these are the things he wants? And do not his actions make each of them wish to retaliate, snatching all they can get out of the show? Is he not, even in his best moments, a producer of confusion rather than harmony”?

  15. I can’t believe they have let this go on for this long! This is absolutely insane! She sounds like a small spoiled child! Unbelievable!

  16. My hypothesis is she's up for Murder 2, on the low end she'll get hit with 10 years at most life. With 5 years already served she can probably take a plea at this point (if there's one on the table or one coming) and avoid a football number. I hope not, hope she gets the book thrown at her, but part of me thinks she's going to get something light and be out. She doesn't deserve to get out before 2050 but something tells me she'll be out by 2035.

  17. A request if u can. I’m sorta new to the case, in that after her 3rd attorney I checked out. In your playlist, and other creators do this too, the dates on which U made the video is not shown. Idk which is oldest or newest. Can dates be added so ppl don’t have to click on each one? TY

  18. You brought up that going pro se a person could just sit and say nothing if that's what they want to do. Tiffany Moss did that, and hers was a death penalty case. She literally asked no questions, gave no opening or closing arguments and called no witnesses. It was the quickest trial, and SO WEIRD.

  19. In that hearing, where SB insulted her lawyer, didn’t the lawyer say she would be SB’s “second chair” so to speak? If she decided to be pro se? Or did the lawyer say SB would need a lawyer to be her “second chair”? Idk what the term was she used but don’t they get a lawyer to “guide” them? What is the term? TY

  20. Can she ask for a bench trial? Or can the judge demand it? IDT he can, but could he “suggest” it? Seeing what I have of her, she probably thinks she can convince, a jury, everyone “it was unintentional” 🙄 the pretrial hearing is live? What could she do to extend this? Medical emergency? What else is there?

  21. Wait. She’s written already? WOW. Maybe she will realize she has more access & “freedom” while being her own lawyer?🤷🏼‍♀️

  22. I have a premonition, that when sarah boone stands up in the courtroom to represent herself, she's going to just spew out all the things she's already written in these letters. Diversion from the facts, and it's all about how she was disgruntled. Man I hope it's televised.

  23. I get annoyed when Pro Se defendants refer to themselves or others refer to them as their own atty. That is a profession that requires a ton of education and knowledge. And I'm not even an atty!

  24. When you look at her behaviors from at the crime scene & the interrogation up until the judges ruling that her days of abusing & disrespecting the process including a parade of court appointed attorney are over, you get a frightening glimpse into how manipulative, self entitled, delusional, controlling & deeply rooted in denial she has shown herself
    To be. She decided at the interrogation that "living without Jorge" was punishment enough. And she has decided that because she claims she didn't intend to kill Jorge Torres, that she is now somehow the victim. She refused to see that that's not how our legal system works.. and there is plenty of evidence just released to the public that puts a huge question mark on
    what her intentions were. Even if there wasn't presence of certain evidence she still would've been charged with a crime in my opinion. I wonder if the state will be allowed to present evidence of the details of why this case has taken close to five years to get tried. I'm no lawyer, but I think it is very relevant to show a jury the pattern of behavior this defendant has exhibited these past 4.5 years, the lengths she will go, the lies she will tell, the baseless disrespectful mug slinging she'll throw, or the unfounded self serving nonsense that comes out of her mouth when she doesn't get what she wants,doesn't get her way or things aren't going as
    "planned" i think it's important to show the total lack of respect she has for the judicial system, no line she won't cross, and her need to control things that are not for her to control, ie PD dropping out like flies. I think the evidence speaks for itself, but it might be helpful in the interest of justice, to show her as the person she is, not the person she wants to be seen as. Those are two very different people..


  25. Take a look at the length of her letters. Her opening argument might take a couple of days alone 🤪

  26. Is Sarah Boone so disillusioned that she thinks she has one up because she is representing herself.

  27. What I’m waiting for is how she got Jorje in the suitcase when she is under oath.

  28. After the third lawyer things were starting to look like WTF! If she goes in the court room with 0 remorse and if I was on the jury we’ll give you your day in court. Literally one day, and we will have ours. If you heard the judge when he spoke to Ezra McCandless for her sentencing his most important judgment in my opinion she showed no remorse and I have a feeling this judge will be looking for that too.

  29. She's done an excellent job of stalling which is her intention. Let's see what she's got planned next. 😂

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