
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: The Worst Part of Karen Read’s Case – Juror Speaks Out About Intimidation


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40 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: The Worst Part of Karen Read’s Case – Juror Speaks Out About Intimidation”

  1. What the mccalberts did to karen reed, just set up a demise for john okeef, poor mcalberts!! I have no sympathy for any one of them.. no, bev Is the one who put you in this mindset of thinking you're in trouble. And you all should have never left that juror room with NO EXPLANATION!! Who told you that was ok??? Then you find the guilty party..

  2. Yes, most def wrong.. as they said, must be female, and needs a few minutes of fame here.. bev did this, she started, with that bs about "oh no , they are coming to get you." The mcalberts did this 100, bev, did it, lally did it.

  3. Peter, the mcalberts still have something to deal with. What did they do to John Mckeef. They are still going to answer for him and why is he d**d..😢 they should have never left that courtroom convictions or not, without telling judge how they voted. They aquitted supposedly for murder but never told anyone??? Nobody wants they to not be held liable, again…

  4. Or maybe it's someone who just blowing smoke outta their butt. Nobody knows anything bcuz it was called a .mistrial. someone did!!! Or they are looking for $$$$.. not kidding.

  5. There's no reason why jurors can't give numbers only. This is absolutely b.s. anty bev was the only one who said the jurors were afraid. And it doesn't matter, again, if they just use numbers. And who's the abusers… the townies fools of canton..

  6. IMO Peter you are the most unbiased I’ve seen on YT, that is why I watch trial recaps with you. It’s untfathonable to me that what went on in this trial ended in a mistrial. I’m sorry I do not trust this juror’s claim, if it was being in fear of the McAlberts and LE I could get behind it.

  7. Who has all this free time to go stand outside a courthouse and yell at jurors?! Loudly enough to be heard throughout a courthouse where not only the jury hears, but everyone inside hears them as well? That disrupts everything going on and distracts from cases being heard. Crazypants.

  8. Aiden hasn’t been convicted of anything having to do with witness intimidation or harassment which is why it NEVER should have been allowed in testimony. This is absolutely ridiculous.

  9. This is going to affect how juries are handled in the future. Maybe there is a way to keep the juryshielded from being seen by those in the court but they are still able to see the witnesses and the defendant? That would alleviate some of the safety issues this juror is feeling

  10. I have no doubt that this witness is feeling intimidated, but they don’t’t have to have their name publicized to make sure they tell Bev that they were unanimous on counts 1&3. Bev should have handled this from the moment Jen McCabe opened her mouth and spoke about harassment. It was not relevant to her testimony. If this juror is angry with anyone, it should be Judge Bev Cannone for showing complete bias to the point that it created the protests outside the courtroom, and the calls for her to step down (she should have recused herself from the start so that didn’t help the situation at all)

  11. Also I feel like this juror probably heard the pole outside after the mistrial happened. It’s hard for me to believe they wouldn’t mentioned this before and they were 200 ft away.

  12. The one thing that gets me is the things they put in for you to “fact check” is all messages from @julie Carter” not turtle boy. She is a vial human being on the X. I have never blocked anyone except her. Also using the Boston globe seems suspect! I agree 100% we should be able to agree to disagree.

  13. The one thing that gets me is the things they put in for you to “fact check” is all messages from @julie Carter” not turtle boy. She is a vial human being on the X. I have never blocked anyone except her. Also using the Boston globe seems suspect! I agree 100% we should be able to agree to disagree.

  14. If one juror says they were guilty on 1 or 3, wont the other jurors accuse them of perjury. They were pretty emphatic that it was unanimous. 6th wasn't a typo by TB because he said the foreperson agrees and that's the 5th.

  15. Have you reviewed Turtle boys (Aiden Kearney) charges? I believe that’s who they are referencing in the letter regarding Witness Intimidation. I’d be interested to hear your opinions on his charges.

  16. Honestly, I believe the jurors wouldve contacted the DAs office but after learning there are officers/investigators like the ones in the Read case, I'd call California too. For those of us outside of MA, it appears law enforcement and the courts are sketchy. And watching the Canton Select Board meetings dont help increase confidence. So the safe option maybe to call Jackson's office. Not everyone can afford lawyers like Jackson and Yanetti if one should find themselves in trouble up there.

  17. Sadly this play is a reflection of the corruption in MA and their made up gimmicks.
    Where was this in the Chesna case. The jurors spoke to various news stations. Guess who the judge was!
    This gimmick is just more of the CW being the CW and to protect their interests.
    Look a little deeper at who is involved and the connections on the non- defense side, not what the CW and aunt Bev are spewing.

  18. When Jen McCabe was cross examined by AJ he opened the door because a question he asked elicited a response about the harassment if I’m remembering correctly. Wasn’t supposed to be allowed in.

  19. "Can't we all just get along?" Unfortunately, no, we can't. When there are people who simply refuse to even listen to or consider another side, another opinion, it makes conversation impossible. One cannot "get along" with someone who refuses to "get along" with them.

  20. I believe every jury member deserves the right to privacy and protection from the court.
    Unless they choose to speak out themselves and share all their names themselves, They should be kept secure. .
    But I also believe Karen Read deserves the right to have the judgement those jurers held over her case heard too.
    This all could have been avoided if the judge had taken the time to ask those simple but very important questions!
    Id like to think those on the jury would agree. Their names and details should remain private but I also do believe they deserve their right to be heard to their judgement and verdict on each count whatever they may be.
    I started this trial believing Karen was guilty. I left it feeling she was innocent but that's my opinion and it doesn't mean anything!!
    What the jury found to be the truth is most important.

  21. You clearly haven’t researched “Turtleboy’” involvement in this case have you? That’s the disgusting part of this debacle!!!!!

  22. Why did judge Bev let Jen’s daughter discuss that she was being intimidated? She wasn’t being intimidated by Karen Read, imo this shouldn’t have been allowed to discuss this in this trail. what did it have to do with JO death. This case was a mess from the beginning, there isn’t even an agreement on cause of death.

  23. This blows my mind to be honest. Juror not wrong. Canton has a mission and the KR case was a turning point. Basically , lit the explosion. It could have been any case. If you listen to the Canton town meeting they have long list of complaints which have nothing to do with KR. Example a hit and run , tagging people a lot with not necessary tickets, the town being sued due to the KR case, and just a really long list. Don’t like police chief or the DA. Soo this has just got out of hand. Canton has a bigger cause which people have forgotten. However, people need to get along and not cross the line. Comment on what we know as a fact. But threatening each other is not right. Peter I like you a lot and enjoy listening and you are honest about the law. I enjoy listening while I am working. I am a cook so I do alot of prep don’t need to talk to anyone. These trials keep my mind thinking and expanding my knowledge.

  24. This is terrible news. Our judicial system is under attack. You can thank Turtle Boy and his mindless followers for this. He belongs in jail.

  25. Can we talk about all the BS that Turtleboy is creating behind the scenes? He needs to chill already

  26. So turtle boy gets attacked by the McAlbert's and he's the one that gets charged with a witness intimidation? Especially after they parked the McAlbert's in the courtroom on the day of the verdict deliberations closing arguments? Who's intimidating who!

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