
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Rust Trial Days 8 & 9: The State Rests! Defense’s First Witness May Win It


LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Rust Trial Days 8 & 9: The State Rests! Defense’s First Witness May Win It

#LIVE #Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Rust #Trial #Days #State #Rests #Defenses #Witness #Win

#lawyeryouknow #alecbaldwin #rustshooting

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criminal lawyer , LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Rust Trial Days 8 & 9: The State Rests! Defense’s First Witness May Win It, rust,alec baldwin,halyna hutchins,alec baldwin snl,alec baldwin interview,Alex Baldwin,Alec,Baldwin,News,Celebrity,Lawyer,Lawsuit,Wrongful death,Accidental shooting,Alec Baldwin,Alec Baldwin shooting,Baldwin shooting,Baldwin shooting set,movie set,Halyna Hutchins,gun safety,Alec Baldwin gun,New Mexico,Alec Baldwin rust shooting,rust shooting,rust shooting alec balwdin,celebrities,gun prop accident,gun prop films,joel souza,rust movie set,rust movie

21 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Rust Trial Days 8 & 9: The State Rests! Defense’s First Witness May Win It”

  1. Totally love ur work as I’ve said before u make boring court cases so much more interesting by condensing and adding all ur laywer explanations it’s excellent totally without competition which makes things easier for lay people! Just wanted to say I do kind of believe that Alec Baldwin was the line in defence and as u pointed out he shouldn’t b pointing at people regardless. But for argument sake let’s say the scene 11:43 called for him to place the thing at his head instead to simulate himself unaliving himself don’t think then he definitely would’ve triple checked the weapon? Just that my opinion, I totally agree with the amount of negligence on this set was an accident waiting to happen!!

  2. Good grief, did anyone else hear Runkles head explode when the defence's "expert" armourer waved the gun at the judge!

  3. Halls already admitted he was negligent. He's her boss. I think the buck stops with him. In any case I don't think guilt or negligence of Hannah had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt

  4. Seth should be the #1 suspect for who mixed live rounds in with the dummies. His company did provide the dummies. The police said they couldn't determine how the live rounds got there. The live rounds were handloaded with Starline brand shells just like the dummies. Most people buy their ammo not make it. They also found the same handloaded Starline rounds at his prop business in the same boxes the dummies used on set. Btw anyone know how his employee, Sarah, got immunity?

  5. Everyone is talking about negligence. Of course there was negligence but the negligence indicated does not rise to the level of criminal.

  6. A person died due ti negilence! ALL who played a role in this tragedy needs punishment, not just probation!

  7. I've been in management for a long time. While I might get super upset when employees make big mistakes, I've never doubted the concept that management bears final responsibility. I could say "I didn't know they were doing that" or "I told them to be more careful", but that raises the question of why, as a manager, didn't I know what was occurring? A manager maintains control of operations. Apart from an employee committing a singular grievous offense that could not have been foreseen or prevented by anyone, a manager bears responsibility for most critical failures in operations. In this case, one could surmise from multiple witness testimonies that Hannah's mistakes were so routine & obvious that responsibility would have to shift to her supervisors. She was young, inexperienced, & informally trained. She couldn't even answer the question of whether she was licensed. I believe she bears criminal negligence. However, if she does, then for certain, several higher-ups bear the same or greater degree of criminal negligence. So many people are willing to show up at court to testify against her and offer their own sworn-in opinions of what an armorer's so-called duties are, but how many of them spoke up prior to Halayna's death when they were witnessing Hannah's gross incompetence unfold in real time? A handful of staff walked off set, and some reported their concerns of safety violations. What about the many others who later testified against Hannah, citing their decades of experience in the industry, but who didn't speak up prior to Halanya's death? Hannah hasn't been alive as long as some of these seasoned witnesses have worked on movie scenes. To attempt to pin the guilt of this tragedy on one or two individuals is wild. It's evident that several, perhaps dozens, of people share in the blame, whether by commission or omission. Ultimately, the highest manager (aka the highest-paid decision-maker in the room) bears the greatest degree of blame. In my opinion, that's Alec, who was ultimately responsible for overseeing the entirety of the project.

  8. If I'm a juror and I was sharp enough to catch "highest OSHA fine ever in New Mexico" vs "highest OSHA fine possible in New Mexico" . . . I'm still going to forgive that, if the Rust shit show was shitty enough to warrant the highest allowable OSHA fine, that's what really needs to be taken away from the evidence/testimony.

  9. One thing the prosecutor failed to explain is the nature of everyone on film sets being self employed working for a day rate. Hannah wanted more days to get paid more and that’s it. Even tho all of these people at the time were “technically” employees of rust productions, LLC, that’s only for insurance purposes. Unless u work in the industry, which I do, I think the general population things it was the employer (production) who was strong arming her. Everyone who works freelance knows what they’re signing up for on these jobs. When u work on a bigger production, u make $1500/day vs these low budget which are $200/day. For the same job. It’s the contractor who makes the decision to take a low budget day rate

  10. I love ❤️ you channel but why wouldn't they send someone from OCI that knew his report very well. It sounds like he really didn't want to be there or talk about this, he did ok, but he just needed to be more comfortable and sound in what he was saying and the other guy that came after him as well.

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