
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Update – Will The Defense Experts Blow This Case Wide Open?


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49 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Update – Will The Defense Experts Blow This Case Wide Open?”

  1. Any one that has ever had a lager dog just jump on the and scratch them knows what those marks look like and when a dog does it being aggressive the nails dig in and as the dog paw pulls back the scratches spread out because the paw spreads changing the distance between the scratches or cuts depending how strong the dog is. Maybe it's just me but it is pretty obvious.

  2. But she can allow cops to talk like me, paul no knowing anything. Let lally put up a video defense didnt get to see ( also found out it was mirrored lol)

  3. I usually give Judges some grace. But this is really disappointing to me. It just has become so obvious she doesn’t like AJ. And I hope she’s not making decisions just because of that.

  4. The judge gave me a bad taste in my mouth when she started off rushing the trial (especially when the defense was crossing a witness) like someone’s life is not on the line. The fact she questioned if the first witness was qualified let me know she is not a fair judge in any right. She is allowing the CW’s witnesses to testify to things they are clearly not qualified in but questioned if a woman who has dedicated her life in educating herself in different fields is qualified? My fear is the CW and the judge couldn’t point out a qualified expert to save their lives.

  5. The Judge & CW are corrupt because the FBI gave both the CW & defense the findings from the reconstruction. The CW is violating KR rights to a fair and speedy trial. Keep in mind who the CW expert is, Trooper Paul with no degrees in mathematics or engineering, totally embarrassing.

  6. So Lallys cops can give medical evidence but Defense expert who experienced thousands of vehicular injuries isn’t allowed to give her opinion on vehicular injuries?

  7. KAREN HATERS on the run… 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃‍♀️ 🏃🏻 🏃🏽‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ (All 5 of them)!

  8. Why do all experts tell who they are, but not the FBI/DOJ? Everyone says where they work or who they work for! Seems that would be Uber important to the jury to know!

  9. Head Injury….Dog bites Jon during fight with son/nephew, protecting son/nephew. Father or homeowner hits John in back of the head with something like a fire poker, etc.

  10. Oh please Peter. If he wasn't hit by a car, HOW did those taillight pieces get there?? Are you kidding me?

  11. I can see the FBI/DOJ experts sitting around, drinking a few 🍻’s like, “A dog did this to this man!” Yup!!

  12. How the vehicle was stated to hit John the marks on the arm would have to be on the Inside part of the arm. Not the outer part of the arm

  13. Yeah the judge is for sure dirty or inexperienced. How is she not violating Karen reeds right to a speedy trial. Not to mention when there is an objection. How does she know why there is an objection? Does she know she can overrule an objection?

  14. What’s the difference between rehomed or moved away. Why couldn’t they get a warrant for Chloe

  15. There is no doubt it’s a dog attack. Those marks have nothing to do with broken tail light. You would have to consider the “PATTERNS!” The taillight didn’t brake perfectly in a way that all the shards are exactly separated at the same distance and curve! Not to mention, how did 8-12 inches worth of cuts happen from a small taillight? It doesn’t add up.

  16. "Lally is basically a nothing burger" Truth …and can be applied to most of this trial so far.

  17. Enough. Just enough. The wounds at the elbow are clearly not caused by a taillight. Hard time believing any reasonable person could convince themselves they are. They’re clearly punctures.

  18. The judge is horrendous…huffing and puffing and acting like she want to anywhere else but in court!!! Shes a disgrace

  19. It's possible that he was dead in the snow and the dog tried to help him..wake him up..noone will ever really know

  20. Karen Read drove John Okeefe to 34 Fairview ….Karen Read last person to see John O Keefe alive ….her shattered taillight left at the scene along with his shoe cap and the cocktail glass remains in the snow ….11 people testified that John O Keefe never went inside the house …not one charged with perjury…leaves Karen Read …."I hit him …"I hit him"

  21. Judge Bev appears to me a control freak and ego driven, who has a chip on her shoulder against Yannetti for sure. I came into this trial with fresh eyes. Have done some independent research. It is so obvious that Judge Bev is biased against the defense. She seems to coddle the prosecutor and protect the Albert family. Double standards. Outrageous. If KR and fam didn’t have the resources to fight then she would be in jail. Scary

  22. When the FBI witnesses are on stand in front of the jury, I’m not gonna be surprised if Lally Dally tries to get them to tell him who hired them. After trying to unethically get testimony out surrounding OJOs injuries, I can really see him stooping that low.

  23. I agree she took a risk talking to the press, but I think the move paid off. She was perfect with her statements, and was very believable.

  24. if the judge excludes dr russell from testifing that will only show more of her bais in this case!

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  26. This woman needs removed completely from this case. Go above her, contact the higher courts. Jackson is a way better attorney than " Aunt Bev" ever was and she knows it. Thats part of the reason for bias.

  27. Man its funny all the things witnesses have added on the stand but they get question all the defense witnesses

  28. A human body is soft compared to a taillight. It cant shatter being hit by one. Pretty sure the junpers of 911 didn't shatter the sidewalks they landed on.

  29. If I were Lally I would not be asking her if she knows that there was no dog dna result… she seems to have so much expertise that she would be able to give top 10 reasons explaining it on the stand. Possibly (not even intentionally) exposing some wrong methodology in the testing itself.

  30. This is the first time in any trial that I fr can't stand to watch a hearing again bc of outrageous frustration. The corruption of the judge is enough to convince anyone of this cover up. I cannot even begin to imagine what else this judge has done and used her power to hide before the entire world started watching this. This is not a justice system in her court because she does not seem to believe in the rights of a defendant. Just horrible.

  31. This was the first time I saw the marks on his arm. Now way the barely broken at time of accident tail light could make that many marks. The taillight only fell apart when removing it from the car. Small pieces were missing.

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