
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 28: Read’s Angry Voicemails + Medical Experts


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33 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 28: Read’s Angry Voicemails + Medical Experts”

  1. I want OUT of this state!!
    This whole state is drunk with Power!!!
    The fact that Proctor still has a badge and g*n is scary.

    For me, it comes down to this:
    No… zero pieces of bright red taillight when Canton PD did the initial search, but did find clear glass, 2-3 inches of snow MAX which I base that amount of snow accumulation based on what I saw in the photos & life experience living here.
    There was not 6in of snow at 6am. That’s why the plows weren’t deployed until 2am as Lucky the plow driver testifies to.
    Then 12hrs later after a total of 18”+ inches of snow, taillight just starts to reveal itself.

    Very simple… no taillight found at all at 6am means KR did not strike OJO.
    Taillight revealing itself after 12 hrs had passed.
    Put all of that with all the shady things that happened in this case… it’s over!
    And I personally want out of this state. There’s no fixing this mess!

  2. She looked into hiring a DUI attorney a few hours after having her blood drawn at the hospital. It makes sense for her to be thinking "I drank a ton last night, the police want to talk to me. Can I get a DUI?" The only consciousness of guilt here would be towards the DUI, but it's still appalling the prosecution tried to bring this in.

  3. One question I have not seen addressed. She dropped him off…waited a bit and then left. Kept calling him, where are you? Who did she expect to drive him home?

  4. Btw she said she HIT something…..she DID…..John's CAR. Saying she thinks she hit something doesn't mean she ran over her boyfriend lol

  5. Replay crew… this whole case MAY have made more sense if a proper timeline had been laid out by the commonwealth from the start.
    If I was on the jury, I’d have switched off and become totally frustrated due to the lack of context and timeline to consider the presented information against.

  6. That would be key if it were only the pooling of blood in the eyes and the swelling. But the fact he had abrasions and tears in skin in the front of his face is where I say he was still beat up. Plus we all know that when a head trauma happens in the back that this can happen. Bob sagget the comedian had this problem.

  7. I am very happy that Rachels killer has been found. The difference between Bryan Kohberger case is that they only had 19 picograms of touch dna, where the Minimum amount required is 150 picograms.!
    In Rachels Rachels case they they had a full dna profile of the bstd from his semen. THATS a huge difference imo.

  8. Here is what we need to have a fair and accurate "as much as possible" expert reading. Give them the phone without ever telling them about the case. Thar way nothing can be "fit in" where it doesn't belong.

  9. Why do we have experts when we can just pay experts to fit data in how they want it to fit in?

  10. I think we/ve proven the only two sober individuals on the night of the event, January 28th and 29th, were the snow plow driver and Chloe the dog.

  11. These days Lawyers are protecting our innocence as much as they protect the guilty. Karen was smart to call a lawyer after seeing they were accusing her already.

  12. The discrepancy in time is just too close to the real time. She was hungover, worried and distraught. That is not a smoking gun,

  13. I would have been fine not hearing those personal vm! I think we all understand these people are "interwined"..

  14. I believe John got beaten. Two black eyes, plus dog attacked him. Bites on arm. Dog trainers agree it is dog bites. Karen is innocent IMO

  15. Those are intense vms. That anger is visceral dude. I’ve never yelled at a partner like that bf, even in DV situations. That’s crazy and sounds very much like motive.

  16. Hi, Peter, I'm from the north shore of Boston. People say that the accent here is harsh and that the culture has an edge to it. I've found that local people can be hard working, brutally honest and very kind. The mcalberts are not these salts of the earth, but simply a few of many crabs in a bucket who have scrambled to the top.
    Karen's vms sound as familiar to me as SNL's Cheri Oteri yelling at anyone who comes near her porch. I hate you means i love you and I'm wicked pissed at you. Anyone from around here who has been in a relationship recognizes this stark, highly emotional song. Midwesterners probably think it's crazy. I trust that the jurors will interpret what she meant.

  17. I don't know I think she done it but the prosecution just messed up the case so much they didn't think she would have powerhouse lawyers and….
    l so hurt for John's family God put peace on them

  18. How do we know John O’keefe had possession of his phone? Are we sure the prosecution is trying to win this case?

  19. Fractured 4th ribs due to prolonged CPR would be indicative of incorrect hand placement ( upper third vs lower third of sternum) So, yes, punch in chest is plausible.

  20. What if any reasonable doubt is there? A TON!!!

    What if any chain of evidence is there? NONE!!! 🧐🤨🤦

  21. This is why I couldn't ever be a lawyer. I would have been turning over tables, jumping onto the judge's desk and shaking her while screaming/coughing/spittle spatting in her face for even remotely considering the prosecutions motion. It's such a clear 6th Amendment violation that I wanted to chew pig iron and spit nails.

    I think Read hit him. I think she hit him driving angry and drunk and freaked out after the fact. But I don't think the prosecution proved intent, motive or malice during the act.

  22. She hit John's car, is this what she is confused about. She was frantic, upset, and desperate and hit John's car and confuses hitting the car with hitting John.

  23. A friend had jury duty and he said it was almost called a mistrial because one of the detectives said something derogatory about the defendant lawyering up. Not good.

  24. I don't understand how the Alberts didn't come out immediately to try to help John. Their friend!! Jen was in the house frantic telling them how he's out there, severely injured and FREEZING!

  25. I'm so confused about people deleting things. I always delete every thing after I read or from my phone. I have always done that. I'm not hiding anything. I love Karen's lawyers. They are great.

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