
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 22: PROCTOR Takes The Stand And It Is Truly Unbelievable


#LIVE #Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Read #Trial #Day #PROCTOR #Takes #Stand #Unbelievable

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49 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Read Trial Day 22: PROCTOR Takes The Stand And It Is Truly Unbelievable”

  1. Peter thank you for taking your time to explain things I do learn a lot from your posts . I know time is valuable and all your work is super appreciated thanks for all you do!

  2. I’m so glad I found your video commenting on this trial. Haven’t been able to sign in since Maya’s trial which I watched with you. Thanks for explaining to my novice self!!

  3. The thing about bad cops is the so called good cops no who they are and do nothing.That makes them all bad.

  4. I do not trust that judge at all. She is so quick to show all her emotions and it's very unprofessional. She seems like she's leaning in an obvious direction.

  5. What! I’m sorry not this trial has highlighted that? What?! How about all the millions of videos and trials millionnnssss of corrupt cops?!!!!! Our govt as an entirety needs a complete revamp!!! We live in a world where it’s more common than not!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ not guilty!! That’s it! My family is in law enforcement. This PD is an embarrassment & this judge is incredibly rude!

  7. It's taken me two days to watch the replay because I get so heated over how the judge has acted towards the defense. Being a nurse who has taken care of patients who have severe anxiety about their colostomy bags didn't make listening to Proctor easy to listen to either. This guy does not belong in any professional position.

  8. Day 23 – 16 hrs into the ‘investigation’, how did Proctor know about KR’s gastric/bowel situation when in the text group with his high school friends? At that time he had only spoken to 3 people regarding the case 🤔
    Christine- Wales, UK

  9. I’ve gained a whole lot of respect for defense attorneys. All judges should be required to have been prosecutors and defense attorneys before becoming judges. I’ve seen a difference, they are generally more neutral. Like Judge Jennifer Dorrow. It makes it fair. Having a judge siding with the prosecution is not a fair trial.

  10. Proctor is the Mark Furman of this trial.

    The OJ verdict represented dirty cops and if this jury is paying attention without some farfetched ideology that police are, by and large, honest, they'll come in with a not guilty. Yet again, the prosecution's collective ego told them that the defense wouldn't catch all the shady crap they're party to.

    For all of those apologists in the chat: there may be some decent cops but the culture of policing in America leaves them in the minority not the majority.

    JUDGE IS UNPROFESSIONAL , her sighing and cutting off the defense while hes talking. HORRIBLE

  12. There are bad people in our world. Always has been. I’ve seen video of surgeons being nasty and making horrible comments about the patient they are doing surgery on. We assume people who are in certain roles have a moral compass. There is evil everywhere.

  13. 28k likes! 🎉 I hope YT rolls back the new layout. Quite the endeavor to Like & Comment now. And scroll elements…

  14. They never knew he never went in the house..he basically realied on jen for his storyline of the jealous girlfriend route and ran with it from day one.

  15. This isnt about finding the truth they are trying to railroad karen and worst case they get an aquittal or hung jury and dont re bring charges but will never bring the charges against the real killers that were in the house

  16. 1. The best accident reconstructionists were sent by FBI….and they did NOT side with the Commonwealth.
    2. The ME took one look at John O’Keefe’s body and KNEW that was no hit and run. Period.

  17. Here's the thing. I've dropped my e-cigarette which is probably 4 inches by 1 inch by half an inch into the snow before as I was walking. I saw where it fell into the 4 or 6 inches of snow and I could not find it for the life of me until the spring thaw. I looked for that thing for months and couldn't find it even though I knew where it fell and it was big. So I believe that they could not find those little pieces of glass in that snow.

  18. Judge- rude, unprofessional heavy breather
    Proctor- why people dislike police
    Officers. His piss poor behavior will affect his
    Entire life. Fired and divorced. Pathetic.

    My vote: NOT GUILTY

  19. What if she drove him there knowing they didn't like him. Then it all went bad he was beat up and killed then they all turned on her?

  20. If you don't admit now karen is being framed then you're a complete fraud and a liar who sits on the fence to get more views 😮 i can't listen to your bullsht anymore?

  21. I truly feel that if court cases were not televised and if normal citizens were not aware of such judicial bias, towns and jurisdictions like these would continue to get away with injustices! This judge needs to step down – she is horrible and she should not be a decision maker in any case period!

  22. What people do not realize is this corruption has existed in that community for a time for it to be this pervasive.

    What Gob smacks is he is so conditioned and complacent to acting like this he thinks just stating " he's not proud of it" makes everything okay.

  23. Proctors comments made me feel physically ill. His supervisors are equally disgusting. The standard you walk by is the standard you accept! Disgusting behaviour by them all!! My heart and support goes out to Karen Read and her family for this injustice.💕
    And to the O'Keefe family as well for the incompetence exhibited by the investigation. John deserved so much better!

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