
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts – Karen Read Trial Day 2


LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts – Karen Read Trial Day 2

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39 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts – Karen Read Trial Day 2”

  1. Our legal system needs to be overhauled. Most defense attorneys
    Really only care about about winning and boosting their ego for
    wins. It doesn’t matter they twist and turn and distort in order to
    To get so many guilty people off. I’d like to see how they feel if
    Their family was harmed and defense gets them off. Holding the
    prosecution accountable for proving the case just doesn’t matter.
    I see and hear the defense lawyers on you tube act like it’s a game
    and justice is out the window. I think sometimes you care about
    Justice, but more often I see that you care more about the “win”.
    I have seen other channels that are much worse, but the focus is
    just not where it should be imo.

  2. I don’t see how these charges were brought before a court? The prosecution so far has just came out as far fetched and grasping at thin air. Where is the evidence? The motive is weak at best. So far the prosecutors have shown me that they are harassing an innocent woman and if that is the case I hope she sues the sh** out of them and get all the $$.

  3. I’m sorry – I know I’m leaving a million comments,
    I’m just really invested in this case. Anyway – you pointed out how officer Shariff just sits up there, totally nonchalantly agreeing with Alan Jackson every time he points out his “mistakes”. Like you said – I’d be beyond embarrassed!!! He didn’t even remember what he said yesterday! This is a perfect example of the phrase “if you tell the truth, you don’t need to have a good memory”. What’s interesting is this LEO has such a nonchalant attitude about all of these “mistakes”. We know he’s been on the force for some time. In fact, he’s probably approaching retirement age. His attitude, as a veteran LEO towards all of these ‘mistakes’ is completely different from the attitude the next LEO displays, who only has a few years under his belt. Why do I think that’s worth pointing out?? Because anyone who’s slightly familiar with this case knows there has been an overwhelming number of people who either currently live locally, grew up in this area, has family working for, or retired out of these jurisdictions – who have publicly stated these agencies are corrupt and have been for YEARS!!! This officer KNOWS EXACTLY WHY reports and his own testimony are inconsistent – he’s probably done it countless times and never got caught so he thinks he’s invincible, he has no fear of losing his job, or facing any other repercussions
    However, the younger officer is being honest – he wants to protect his job – he didn’t want to have any part of this investigation because he knows it’s all lies.

  4. I have an interesting perspective as an ER nurse.

    The thing about professions like ours is that sometimes things blur together. This call, although somewhat unique, isn’t really THAT unique for a paramedic in northern weather. They arrive at probably several severe exposures including deaths every winter. Remembering the winter jacket is a bit of a generalized memory potentially.

    And also the statement of “I hit him” being made might not be verbatim. Sometimes in high stress situations you can hear something like “it’s all my fault” and it could just record in our brains as an explanation of what happened and if people had been talking about him being hit by a car or it being a possibility of a pedestrian vs car on the dispatch then you might remember “she hit him.” Or if could have been her, after cops and other bystanders wondering if he was hit by a car that prompted her to start being scared that she had hit him. It would be easy to have partially heard “i hit him” from a longer sentence of “could it be I hit him?” Or “do you think I hit him?” Or even “i don’t think I hit him.”

    The number of times that I have misheard something out of the corner of my ear in the middle of a code is not zero. It’s the reason that closed loop communication is so important. Give epi! I’m getting epi. Epi given. Epi given (by recorder)

  5. This judge is not only biased but she is also friendly with the law enforcement and prosecution. They call her Auntie Bev. She has hosted some of these people at her house on Cape Cod. She should have recused herself, but she probably wants her 15 min of fame. Frankly, she’s just as corrupt as the prosecution.

  6. the case is already over, and it was during opening arguments. Lally stated his experts will show that Read hit John at 12:45, but as we know, Karen was in John's garage at 12:41 leaving a voicemail on John's phone. Case closed. It's over.

  7. If you listen to this judge, you will hear CONSTANT sighing and ‘aggravated breathing’. When Yannetti is questioning one of these first responders, he mentions the FACT that on the morning John O’Keefe was found, an initial search of the crime scene area the only things found were drops of RED blood in the snow and some broken pieces of a CLEAR GLASS. Nothing more. He says “you didn’t see 45+ pieces of a broken RED tail light at all did you?” She makes such an obnoxious, loud sigh into her microphone, I really hope that’s something we hear because of it being streamed and not something the jury is able to hear. It’s so obvious that she gets aggravated when the defense is able to make an impactful point on the jury. Her sigh sounds like “really, we’re going down this road again”. It’s just so unprofessional.

  8. BUT, as a professional. An EMT, how did he miss the mark on the back of the victim's head?

  9. It’s really aggravating that the judge specifically told the lawyers if they have an objection, they are ONLY allowed to say “objection” they are not allowed to state the basis, then she just says “sustained”‘or “overruled”. IF she FEELS a sidebar is needed, she’ll have one. Complete BS. Every single time the defense asked any questions to the paramedics on the stand today, that involved the homeowner being a LEO, Lally objected and the judge sustained it. Not one word was spoken as to why. They are perfectly legitimate, legal, RELEVANT questions – why the hell is there an objection and WHY is she sustaining it?????? It’s beyond aggravating!!!!!

  10. The first emt/fireman, i think the prosecution got to him and got him to change his testimony a smidgen, about what he heard Karen say.

  11. "hit by a car moving that fast" hard to believe she was able to get the speed even with a running start.

  12. If she ever said,
    "This is my fault", it could very well mean that she was fighting with him that night, instead of having a good time. And if only she stayed at the party with him, instead of leaving him there, then the outcome of the night mightve been different. I can TOTALLY understand that.
    Because i am a female and have left my man behind many times, and given the circumstances i wouldve said the same statement. Its all my fault.

  13. I certainly can’t say for certain whether Karen is innocent, but there is certainly HEAPS of reasonable doubt, according to reports. The defence is masterful to watch.

    Another discrepancy: the first EMT said no one was working on O’Keefe when they arrived, but the second (senior) EMT said that one of the female bystanders WAS working on him upon their arrival. Both testified they arrived in the same vehicle

  14. I’ve followed this case religiously. Another ‘fun fact’ – Michael Proctor, the lead detective who botched up EVERY part of this investigation, is currently under investigation by IAB, yet he is still on 100% active duty. He’s also the investigator on the Ana Walshe case – the woman whose husband CLEARLY killed her. AND he was just assigned a brand new murder investigation within the last 6-8 weeks or so. WHY is this man still allowed to be on full duty???? Shouldn’t he be behind a desk, NOT INVESTIGATING anything, because he’s clearly incompetent.

  15. The people watching think its a TV show and don't get why they repeat themselves. They are playing to the jury's memory not yours.

  16. I’m a lawyer. I absolutely love your coverage of this case. It’s completely unbiased.

  17. Peter… replay watcher here… I really like your commentary break down of this trial!!!!! Will be following you thru this trial

  18. I've heard chatter that the jurors might not like a hotshot LA attorney but how can you not like Alan Jackson? He is sharp, quick, and confident!

    Thank you Peter, I always look forward to winding down and watching your amazing recaps! 🙏

  19. Another sad case to consider covering-NJ v. Christopher Gregor: Treadmill Abuse Murder.

  20. I decided to watch the Chad Daybell trial so I find these videos very helpful. Thank you Peter!

  21. Interestingly the big puffer jacket is missing! Dog bites & not Jon’s DNA on it , in it perhaps 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 AND Jen probs suggested to Karen she may have hit him.. 🤷‍♀️

  22. Peter… the prosecutor never asked if he knew the Albert’s!!! Cleverly missing 🤷‍♀️ Also why arethe no defence not allowed to ask more questions after redirect 🙄

  23. I’m hoping the objective evidence comes out in this trial and nails Karen. She seems like a narcissistic sociopath who freaked out with regret at what she did in a drunken rage. But so far the prosecutor is taking some evidence that is pretty incredible for them and making it look like nothing burgers. Things should be weighed so much more heavily towards the state already and yet I wouldn’t be surprised if jury is sitting in the middle or even on defense’s side at this point. The prosecutors need to pull it together. They should bring a top dog in to come in for some of these direct examinations. This case is huge for them and they’re withering away during their own portion of the trial. The way it’s going now it will never survive the scrutiny of the detective’s misdeeds

  24. Darell Brooks would at least say “Grounds” after he said “objection” hahaha😁

  25. I thought the location issue was interesting only because I wonder if the homeowner address would pop up as a LEO and someone(s) didn’t wish to draw attention to that. Makes it questionable in my mind.

  26. He’s just nonchalant about the situation…..the officer seems like attorney’s annoy him! It looks like the police officer is older and not wanting to testify. I’m shocked by his disrespect. But hey, I’m older too so no judgment.
    These cases I watch are really interesting, I think I’m a bit addicted. Good Channel.

  27. He was not there all night. If he was there would be green grass under the body not snow.
    And he did not have on a down puffy parka. Not sure why that paramedic invented that.
    And why did McCabe go into that house and not one person came out.
    And why did she do that "How long to die in the cold" search at 2:27am?

  28. I so wish the objection could be named. I’m not sure I understood why demonstrating furrows was objected to and sustained twice. If naming the objection is how we learn what’s wrong with the question, isn’t that important to the jurors as well?

  29. As i said from day one…. Karen has 2 of the best defense attorneys in the USA. That will get her over the finish line IMHO..

  30. Officer Saraf could have had a stellar career as a cop, but one high profile case with a lot of little mistakes makes people question his prior work as well. He seemed flippant about the inconsistencies and oversights. Details matter.

  31. I just can’t with this prosecutor! He’s all over the place, slow and extremely confusing! The only negative I can say about the paramedic is that if KR said she hit him, he’s obligated to tell the hospital staff and/or ask her with what. I was an AEMT for 8 years and regardless of the chaos, you find out what he was hit with.

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