
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Daybell Trial Days 15 and 16: Lies Exposed in Body Cam Footage


LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Daybell Trial Days 15 and 16: Lies Exposed in Body Cam Footage

#LIVE #Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Daybell #Trial #Days #Lies #Exposed #Body #Cam #Footage

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47 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Daybell Trial Days 15 and 16: Lies Exposed in Body Cam Footage”

  1. I don’t understand how they didn’t even properly investigate Melanie Gibb as a co-conspirator. It makes me feel that either they missed the ball or what I hope is that they are either holding that information or investigate after getting Lori and Chad so they can use her in these trials then go after her? Is that even possible?

  2. Watching the police bodycam footage from November 27th 2019, you point out when Lori lies to the detectives visiting her home, firstly about missing/murdered JJ's whereabouts. But you failed to pick up on the fact the husband she mentioned next, who she says 'passed away', is Charles Vallow – who she had actually murdered in cahoots with her brother Alex Cox 4 months previously, in July 2019. Her motive for murdering him was to be free to marry Chad Daybell, but mostly to receive his $1 million in life insurance.

    Lori later states someone was trying to kill her for her insurance money, because that is exactly the crime SHE herself has repeatedly committed! Murdering innocent, unsuspecting people for financial gain had by this time become a very nasty habit for her.

    Many believe Lori is behind the suspicious death of her third husband Joseph Ryan, found dead in his apartment approximately one week after he died. It was officially ruled natural causes – but Lori had him cremated very fast, without consulting his relatives (she did the same to Charles Vallow), so no further investigations were possible.

    Lori received a lump sum payment of $80,000 from Joseph Ryan's death, and her daughter with him, Tylee Ryan (his only child), received sizeable ongoing benefits monies of around $3,000 per month. Around one month before Tylee's murder, Lori switched the bank account these payments would go into from her daughter's to her own. She was later prosecuted for fraud, for continuing to collect Tylee's payments after murdering her.

    Lori's motives for killing the children were twofold – to be rid of the inconvenience of caring for them, and to continue to collect the financial payments both received, which gave her a good ongoing income.

    As we hear from her indignant statements about Charles Vallow's $1 million life insurance going to his sister Kay Woodcock – Lori had fully expected to receive that payout, and that's exactly why she enlisted her 'protective' brother Alex Cox's help to kill him. She pretends to police her husband simply gifted the cash to his sister, leaving her penniless with 5 children to raise. Not true!

    First of all, she never raised Charles' two sons by his previous marriage – they already have an excellent, loving mother. In fact Charles left the $1 million to his sister Kay because he knew he could trust Kay to spend it on his children – his two adult sons and little JJ. Charles' fears about his estranged wife Lori were spot on – as it would tragically transpire, he could not even trust Lori not to murder JJ.

    Incidentally, the brother she ludicrously accuses of trying to kill her is Adam Cox, who with her Uncle Rex hosts the 'Silver Linings' podcast. Adam had remained supportive of Charles Vallow, after Lori cheated on him with Chad Daybell, and told the rest of her family to shun him (all except Adam did refuse to speak to Charles in what would turn out to be his last weeks alive – they are a disgrace).

  3. Thanks for keeping up with this case and Koburger and more.i also saw on another youtube site Charlie Adelson back in news again.something going on with him…please keep up with Dan Markel case also and Adelsons. Trial.THANKS from Biloxi!😃😃

  4. I thought it was just Idahoans that we needed a 3x speed for but turns out the Bostonian prosecutor is added to my list of people we need a 3x speed for!

  5. I may have to go out on medical leave soon because two trials at the one time is exhausting 😂😂

  6. Heather is NOT Chad Daybell's sister! She is his sister-in-law – Heather married Chad's younger brother Matt Daybell.

    Please get such details right – accuracy is all. As an attorney you should know, the devil is in the detail!

  7. Peter, I agree. Taking on DB right now might just be the last draw for your ring. My grandmother Lee advice for you, is to rest your brain this weekend. Enjoy being with your family and put these trials out of your mind. You deserve a break.❤❤❤

  8. Peter, God bless you for the work you were doing. And, you are doing a great job. I just want you to know that your hard work is appreciated. Thank you so much.❤ that defense keeps throwing stuff at the wall, but nothing is sticking. Although I can barely stand to listen to.Prypr, I have to give him credit for the effort he is making. I’m sure it is hard to try a case like this all by yourself. On the other hand, I do not think he has one many points with the jewelry. His arrogant Manor just turned people off.I would not want him to be defending me.

  9. Google made them take off 2 phones bc they were overwhelmed by all the phones n researching it bc they weren't in triangle they took off the 2 obvious phones

  10. Yup, insurance money, from Charles, nope, Tammy, check, monthly checks for Kylie, done. Out a million bucks, but obstacles eliminated, damn Kay getting the cops to snoop around. Her & Chad are stupid murderers, who never thought someone would wonder about the children because they figured they were unimportant.

  11. ( that they would be labeled dark, esp after Melanie called Lori confronting her asking her y she told cops she had jj? Melanie gibberish knew to record that call

  12. There is body cam of Chad talking to cops and lying. And yes Melanie gibberish got immunity she went into hiding when this started bc her and David were afraid of Chad n Lori

  13. I think Pryor attacking the cops is frankly pissing jurors off, for attacking the detective. They hadn't contacted Chad YET,

  14. He said not convincing bc they knew she was lying but not enough info to detain her

  15. I think neighbors tipped off cops bc he was burning stuff ( they tipped it off among others)

  16. I thought he meant not at this time DURING THE INVESTIGATION. and Google was so overwhelmed when they wanted the searches on the phone and took off 2 phones ( Melanie gibberish and David warwick)

  17. So a couple of y this is even more incriminating.
    1. Chad was MARRIED to her at this pt. Cops knew that, but she referred to him as brothers friend.
    2 the brother she's trying to say is trying to kill her is her brother Adam, not alex. Charles vallow reached out to her family and only Adam responded and helped him try to locate the kids. ALEX, her other brother IS living with her at this time…. important points more reasons that connects Chad to all of it.
    4. And the other reason ( cops r suspicious of This alex and violence history) cops seen a shadow. Moving in stairwell, so we're not sure if he was going to come and attack them. And they wanted to gather more info, didn't have enough to detain her.
    5. She told cops husband died of a heartattack but they knew he was shot.

  18. If you ask me look at the 4 pictured in the court who's dark? Hmm Chad & Prior! Ah Chad & Alex lied to thier on camera saying thier friends!

  19. Nobody tipped the police about the location of the bodies. They figured that out with the CAST data and the racoon text.

  20. ? The state has said several times that they are going to use the experts and LE for rebuttal. Is it done during or after the defense's case in chief?

  21. If she was so religious why all the lies!! She talked to Jesus personally!! And and Chad was supposed to be a prophet!! Come on now!!

  22. Isn’t it normal to buy wedding outfits and wedding rings whilst you current wife is still alive, but not for much longer….. Poor Tammy, she was like a lamb to the slaughter, it also appears to me that she was the breadwinner despite the fact that her health was ‘failing’. Poor Tammy didn’t deserve such disrespect from her husband and children. Same with Charles, he was a really good chap who was desperate to try and get help for his delusional wife. Tylee had outlived her financial usefulness, no more state benefits for her and JJ was too disruptive to the new life of the goddess Lori. This bunch of thugs put a death sentence on people for the flimsiest of reasons, it’s only fair that the same should apply to them. C and L are a couple of parasites, break out the DDT.

  23. The most telling connection is that Chad was right there talking to Melanie G – right after this interaction with the police – and asking her to lie. I am sure the jury will get that

  24. Please explain to me why the judge allows Pryor to continue to be hostile, sarcastic, accusatory and just plain damn nasty to the witness's.

  25. Lori makes no sense. Is her brother the beneficiary for the alleged insurance policy? Cannot wait till these two are far from memory and view

  26. I hope Lori is being allowed to watch this. Isn't it about time Lori and her husband had a conjigal (sp) visit ?.😂

  27. I definitely think law enforcement dropped the ball as far as co-conspirators. All of the members of that small sect group were involved with “castings” and would’ve been quiet if stink didn’t hit the fan. They knew about the plan to kill Charles and were involved in SEVERAL text messages regarding the children being zombies. They minimized their knowledge and involvement. Both Melanie’s and Zulema. They were all praying for the death of Charles, Tammy, and the kids. And I think Zulema is the only one that got immunity.

  28. Chad isn't completely stupid, he made sure to leave little hands on evidence. I think he did that on purpose.

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