
LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: #Crumbley Final Day of Trial – Will He Testify? + Closing Arguments


LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: #Crumbley Final Day of Trial – Will He Testify? + Closing Arguments

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criminal lawyer , LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: #Crumbley Final Day of Trial – Will He Testify? + Closing Arguments, law,lawyer,lawyer you know,tragos law,Michigan,Oxford,Oxford High School Shooting,School Shooting,video,news,michigan,15 year old,charged,two dozen crimes,oxford high school,high school,school shooting,shooting,Breaking news,HORRIFIC LOSS Oxford High School,oxford high school shooting,michigan shooting,arrested,attorney,us news,Ethan Crumbley,james crumbley,jennifer crumbley

41 thoughts on “LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: #Crumbley Final Day of Trial – Will He Testify? + Closing Arguments”

  1. I love you Peter but you are wrong. He thought it was E because there was a school shooting and he knew he didn’t lock his gun.💕

  2. Peter, I raised kids in a house with guns. The guns were locked in a cabinet by the bed and the key was hidden in the wall. I practiced and could open it and get the gun in 10 seconds. I wouldn’t have thought it was my kid because my guns were locked like Fort Knox. If my husband had ever not locked the guns I would have felt betrayed and like he was not responsible. The natural consequence of not locking our guns has led to our children no longer being safe at school. Lock them up. You can make it work.💕

  3. Mental health should be ignored because when he was finally about to get it he shot up the school. Just like the parkland shooter Ethan admired he’s full of it. Thinks pretending to be crazy will get him a lighter sentence. The Dark Web is very dark. These kids today aren’t stupid. They feel the “world is dead” and they have nothing to live for. Social media has distorted their perception of reality and make them hyper focused on perfection and when that cant be achieved or the masks slips and they see the reality they become jaded and resentful because they feel
    Like they have been deceived by family and society. Some take this resentment to the next level
    and feel the proper response is revenge/retribution. Thats how you get school shootings. Children who come from homes where family is “fake” towards eachother and they are desperate for something real. Real◽️ sad how common this is.

  4. From the beginning when the parents were charged, i thought that Ethan was a manipulative attention seeking kid who intentionally or not threw his parents under the bus. A suicidal teen doesn't think about shooting up the school, they only think about shooting themselves. And today, on multiple platforms people forget who did the crime and empathise with the killer, self centered attention seeking entitled brat, who instead of going about his own suicidal path goes and kills his school mates. Ethan Crumbley tricked everyone around him

  5. I think the school system should be on trial. I live in the Oxford area and the school should have sent him home after seeing the things he was writing in the notebook? There was more they could have done. Also this is really awake up call to parents. Think of this?? Lets just say your son or daughter is at a party drinking, and you are texting them to come home and they say I can’t I’ve been drinking and they have a accident and someone dies god for bid it happens. Now you are at fault cuz you know and could have stopped it. So now you’re up for involuntary manslaughter. Cuz your underage driver killed someone??? It’s a sad story all around. But this will open the door for all types of lawsuits on parents. Only takes one case…

  6. Imagine of he had brought his son to an animal shelter to adopt a pup, instead of gifting him a gun. Imagine if they had taken his mental health concerns seriously. Imagine if James Crumbles had decided to lock up the gun. These are the kind of parents who never ask their children "how are you?" but think they are doing a great job. So many opportunities to avoid all of this. So many bad parenting choices!

  7. If you dont want to lock up your weapons then get a byrna hd so its less likely someone will die and you will face manslaughter prosecution. No one needs to die in order to properly defend yourself. Think about if a self defense class only focused on techniques that will kill your attacker? Thats crazy but thats what we are doing with firearms there are less lethal options that police and military are exploring because we are learning that eliminating threats brings little closure and little justice.

  8. I do not like that she said, "James loves his son." Love is an action….not just a word. He did not love him enough to have the type of bond Ethan needed. Loving him would should have been an action word. His son needed mental health help and his parents did nothing. Loving your kid means not giving them access to a weapon at his age, especially knowing what they knew. They KNEW! That math paper and counselor said it all! Hearing loss is an excuse.

  9. If you have a teen who isn't interested in horses, as a parent you should not own horses that require lots of time and money. They needed to invest their time and money in their son. Invested parents would have bonded more with Ethan and listened to his pleas for help. They ignored his needs. He was telling his parents he was hearing voices and was afraid to be alone. They were unattached and uninvested in their son. They caused the death of those kids and trauma to so many others. Hold his dad accountable. Make new laws! The parents should be required to take him home and not bring him back. Expell him. Anyone who is suicidal should be considered suicidal. They teach that in first responder classes. Do the research.

  10. This is horrible. They are NOT guilty. Bad parents? Maybe. Setting a dangerous precedent

  11. Every senior in high school needs to take Life Span development classes. No adult should have a child before taking the class. It tells you that a 15 year old brain isn't mature enough to be given a weapon, let alone access to one. Read up on it! Uneducated adults or teens should not reproduce!

  12. In reference to parents knowing everything about their child. When my son was 13, I received a call from his school counselor. At the school, I was made aware my son was having suicidal thoughts. NOT in my wildest dreams did I see that coming. Things at home we happy, we spent time together, we talked, we laughed and joked, we cried and got mad, etc. Never had ANY inkling he was having these thoughts until that day when he told me that the thoughts almost got the best of him. He is healing now, even 14 years later. But depression shows itself in many different forms. My point is, parents do not know every little or big thought our kids have. We all are just trying our best with what is front of us.

    S/N most parents don't go through their children's journals. That is their safe space for their thoughts and feelings.

  13. Did the parents say they bought the gun for protection? Did they keep it close enough where they could access it for protection? See a lot of people arguing not to lock up because you need it for protection.

  14. Do we truly know he is hard of hearing or is that just a ruse too? But I question how much either parent ‘knew’ what their son was dealing with. I have sons too who were not forthcoming in their thoughts or emotions.

  15. I’m not sure that I agree that parents can just willfully ignore the needs of their children and then claim “We didn’t know…we couldn’t foresee xyz “ EC told his mom about voices, seeing demons, etc… I know these jurors didn’t see that evidence which might affect this case separately but in general, be for real…if I saw what they saw on that math paperwork, I v. wouldn’t need v. a school to tell me to be a parent and to take care of my child. HELP ME…is all it would’ve taken.

    I just don’t believe a reasonable parent would not consider all of the evidence we’ve seen of how disturbed and begging for help EC was and buy into the storyline of they thought he was a well adjusted, great kid. Sorry. I just can’t accept that. The min they saw that worksheet, it was foreseeable.

  16. The prosecutor talked at length about "common sense" & the "reasonable person" standard in law. The drawings on that math paper were physical evidence & enough probable cause to escort any high school student to counseling & hold their belongings. Then contact the parents & the police. The question is, why isn't that sop?

  17. Watching the replay…. As for the journal, yes it should be private.; BUT as a parent, if I was concerned about my teens metal health, their journal or their phone is the FIRST place I would look! As a minor there is no privacy in a journal or phone that I pay for. Now that there is a trial…. I think that goes to show his true metal illness and begging for help!

  18. Suggesting that this guy being found guilty could set a dangerous precedent whereby people whose kids find their car keys on a table and steal their car, have an accident etc. is a stretch (to put it mildly). No – no reasonable person would look at those two sets of cicumstances as being remotely similar. Only a lawyer could think that these scenarios are "alike" in any meaningful way, that a prosecution and conviction for one could mean that people could be proseucted and convicted for the other. And by the way: About 10 years ago, in Flint, MI, a you black guy left a handgun where his toddler could find the thing and the toddler killed his sister – the guy went to prison….speaking of "precedents". This isn't even unprecendented, Clarence Darrow. How well do you know your case law, buddy? These people bought their obviously troubled 15-year old a freaking 9-millimeter handgun – a deadly weapon – as a gift and then didn't keep the thing locked up. On what planet is that normal? Among what race of reasonably evolved beings would people say that the behavior of the Crumbley parents is like people who leave their car keys on a counter? The minute this dude heard there was a shooting at the school his first thought was not, "I hope my kid is alright", it was. "I'd better go see if that gun is in the house." They knew this kid had problems, they knew he was 15, they knew that that only thing he wanted for his birthday (Christmas – whatever) was a freaking handgun (that's totally normal, eh??), they failed to secure the gun, etc. I mean, these people bought their kid a BB gun that looked like an assault rifle – they're dangerous loons and their conduct, in this case, was a form of criminal neglect. This happened 8-miles from my house. If Jason had murdered your kid or someone in your family I doubt you'd be indulging these extremely nutty, slippery slope legal arguments (that at some level you have to know are complete horse manure). No, if he gets convicted they're not gonna start arresting parents every time a kid commits a crime – dude, get real. This was extraordinary, egregious neglect….almost abuse. Why did the parents run? You're a bag of wind, dude. Your making a clearly fallacious argument – you making a preposterous argument….because you're a liar, I guess, and that's the gig for most lawyers. This is a very, very rare case in which the actions of the parents actually rises to the level of complicity in the crime, or damned near. Again – maybe that's why they ran – DOH?????? If there's one person on that jury with a "think machine" as broken as yours maybe the guy will get off, who knows? His ass should do some time. Those kids are dead, and will remain dead, in large part due to the lunacy and negligence of these screwball,, gun loving, "nobody tells me what to do", parents. If this guy goes to jail he'll be out soon enough – and those kids, again, will still be out at the cemetary.

  19. If you have a gun in a home with children, you need to be putting the safety of them and others at the same as your own in a home protection situation

  20. I don’t understand why we expect the school to be held to a higher degree of knowledge than the parents?

  21. The gun was not for home protection. It was a present for a 15 year old boy with mental issues so why not lock it up.

  22. When I was 13, everything in my journal was a complete fabrication. None of it was true. I made it all up.

  23. For me its them choosing to ignore their son's very obvious mental health issues and choosing to have an unsecure firearm in the home with a child with untreated mental health issues. When a kid steals a car their intention isn't to get into an accident, when they steal a gun what other intent is there then pulling the trigger? The choices these parents made make them both guilty. You don't have to foresee a school shooting but it's easy to foresee a tragedy with this child and an unsecure firearm in my opinion. And I'm sorry they both knew this child was troubled you didn't need his journal to see that especially as his parents.

  24. The math drawing was how the parents knew there son had the intention of shooting/killing him self or others. If the school knew there where firearms in the home even if they where locked up, they would have searched the backpack etc… The parents had info the school did not.

  25. This will effect patents of gang members and kid who commit crimes. It's about controlling the little bastards and if you can't you do the time.

  26. If you don't lock up your gun it's absolutely foreseeable someone could find it and either take it or cause harm. Too many damn guns in this country. All the studies we have show you're more likely to hurt yourself or someone in your family than live your wet dream of taking down a bad guy

  27. There are table side safes (holds a single hand gun) that only requires a quick digital combination to unlock. It limits child access but allows the gun owner to gain access in seconds if needed in an emergency. It’s quite a smart solution for gun owners.

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