
LIVE! Read Trial Day 31: Dramatic Closing Arguments


#LIVE #Read #Trial #Day #Dramatic #Closing #Arguments

#lawyeryouknow #karenread

View the entire Karen Read playlist here:

00:00 Welcome
00:54 Defense Closing Intro Summary
03:08 Jackson – Defense Closing
14:46 Q&A
15:46 Jackson – Defense Closing
28:00 Q&A
30:13 Jackson – Defense Closing
43:08 Q&A
44:45 Jackson – Defense Closing
1:04:46 Jury Instruction Explanation
1:07:38 Lally – Prosecution Closing
1:10:51 Q&A
1:12:56 Lally – Prosecution Closing – Timeline
1:21:07 Q&A
1:22:40 What Prosecution Timeline is missing
1:24:40 Lally – Prosecution Closing
1:47:28 Q&A
1:49:16 Lally – Prosecution Closing
1:56:32 Q&A
1:59:32 Lally – Prosecution Closing
2:02:35 Summary/Q&A
2:09:05 Conclusion

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47 thoughts on “LIVE! Read Trial Day 31: Dramatic Closing Arguments”

  1. Why can’t j McCabe be charged with perjury? McCabe and alberts need to go to jail and proctor

  2. 1:58:42 which only proves that JO did NOT get hit by vehicle on his arm. Because there would be pieces of taillight embedded in his arm wounds

  3. 1:35:00 I think Karen didn’t call 911 because the first thing they will ask is where is he and she wouldn’t know where to tell them. That’s why she was trying to call others to help her find out what to do and where to look. I’d be freaking out and want others to help me look and go with me.

  4. we have a strict rule about no shoes in our house…BUT I can guarantee you that I would ignore the $h1t out of that rule if my husband was missing.

  5. Since this stream chose to focus on the CW's timeline… did they ever prove when her last drink was? like didn't they argue that she was drunk because her last drink was at 12:30 or something? And that's how they calculated her BAC? I still have soo many questions.

  6. 1:13:18 Actually, Proctor doesn’t have to specifically state he is going to “cover-up”…recent example, Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow Daybell. They didn’t EXPLICITLY say they were planning to k i l l …Proctor does state he’s going to make case “cut and dry”, how does he know that within only several hours. Investigators are supposed to look at all evidence not just zone in on one person at very beginning and ignore anything else. Canton citizens should be vary careful

  7. Jackson should be played by the guy who played Moriarty in Sherlock, they look like twinsssss

  8. These dang dogs runnin' my neighborhood are driving me CRAZY. If that Lally-Gagger feller is lookin' fer work, we need some one ASAP!

  9. So no poll?
    I say hung jury.
    Or guilty of involuntary manslaughter
    Do I get a mug or somethung if Im right?
    * not following this case at all except popped on my TV a while ago (you – reading jury instructions- I think I heard involuntary manslaughter was an option?

  10. I agree Peter…Jackson’s closing argument was phenomenal. However, I wish he’d used more ‘reasonable doubt’ type language.
    He reeled off numerous issues that cause that doubt…I just think he could’ve spelt it out better. No shade to Jackson though

  11. Hi Peter, will you be able to cover the My Only Fans trial? Korui Richins Trial too, please.
    Sonja, from South Africa

  12. Question – how can the prosecutor present something in his closing argument that was not testified to at during the trial? For example a different version of how the injuries to the victims arm occurred. It doesn't make any sense to me that he can just get up there and say anything he wants that was not testified to in evidence as if it were true?! If his arm was folded and basically in front of him – where are all the injuries after being struck by a car going 24 miles per hour? There are none!

  13. I truly believe she is guilty but the state didn’t do a good job. How do u explain truck reversing at that speed? He has head injuries. Karen was proven to be a maniac towards him. She was drunk. She admitted she must of hit him. When they were looking for him she knew exactly where he was.

  14. This case exposes the lack of objectivity and integrity by people with the power to imprison you. It's crazy. I dont know if KR did it, but we'll never know because it was such a tainted, botched investigation. This trial was so important because it exposed unapologetic institutional corruption. Ask yourself, would you want Trooper Proctor leading an investigation involving you??

  15. If I was on this jury I would not vote to convict even if in my mind she might have done it. I was actually on a jury in a case like this and I was the foreperson. The investigation was so shoddy and deceitful there is no way they proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. It's not enough for the prosecution to show she likely did it. They have to prove with evidence and testimony she did it beyond a reasonable doubt. The state blew it big time right from the beginning. Not necessarily the prosecution because they can only use what they are handed from the investigation.

  16. With so much animosity in the media and this chat, I am very concerned that the verdict may come back guilty of a lesser charge just to appease people. I truly believe that not only is she not guilty, she is innocent of all of this. I pray justice is served for Karen Read AND John O'Keefe's family.

  17. If you watch Brian Albert’s face throughout the defence close, it is SO telling. Looks like he’s about to have a heart attack 😂

  18. A Juror states to Judge they need to stop deliberating by 4:30 because of a commitment of one of the jurors from Emily D. Baker

  19. AJ did not provide ANY evidence for example, no evidence Alberts got in a fight, no evidence they carried him out to the lawn, no evidence they disliked him the list goes on. Defence presented NO EVIDENCE of their theory just assumptions and a good story for TV. On the other hand, the CW presented a ton of evidence, including her admission to the crime. It's very simple KR is guilty. It's a no-brainer. This is not about the police or the Alberts or any other smoke n mirrors diversion from the truth. There is a difference between Reasonable doubt and Imaginary doubt. Manslaughter is what the jury should find KR guilty of without a doubt.

  20. How can the state offer a completely different scenario in closing? Is that not against the rules? Shouldnt the defense have objected? Such a dirty, slimey move by the state.

  21. I can't get past the fact that the Commonwealth is trying to make all of us believe that we cannot rely on the time of a Google search, and the movement/activity tracker can't determine if I am walking and going up and down stairs, or if I am in a vehicle and going up and down hills. It made me think about Progressive insurance and how they use your smart phone to gather data and give you a safe driver discount!

  22. If I just killed my hubby, I wouldn't be leaving VM like she did. I would be leaving lovey dovey VM.
    It's very possible she thought she could have unknowingly hit him when they found him. Just like I could think I hit an animal dead by my car..until you get more evidence that shows you that you didn't do it.

  23. I have no idea how good KR's attorney really is. I know he's not a bum. I know he isn't chopped liver. But all I know for sure is what a piss poor job the dishonest prosecution did in railroading his client, and that KR's attorney wasn't drunk during the trial.

  24. It is not proof that she did not hit him!! It’s an alibi you are thinking like a sober person she was panicking and half drunk and creating an alibi that’s what she was doing absolutely! She knew she hit him she knew where he was and to me this proves it!!BUT she has to be found Not Guilty because the prosecution did not prove their case! But she will get away with manslaughter please take away her licenses

  25. I wonder if the Ford Edge wasn’t moved to possibly load the body into it for disposal elsewhere, but when the snowplow went by, they figured, “Oh, sh!t, that’s Lucky! He saw us!” And then someone rethought the plan.

  26. Why didn't call the Alberts or Jen McCabe whenever she was looking for John right after dropping him off?

  27. The police didn't do a great job and weren't as meticulous as they should have been, and Proctor is obviously a douche. But that hardly makes Read innocent. There's just too much evidence pointing to her culpability.
    Her inebriation didn't help her cause. It was probably involuntary and not a crime of passion. But it's still manslaughter.
    Two things can be true at the same time. Happens all the time. Let's not forget the OJ case. The police and prosecution made a lot of stupid mistakes,, which her crafty big-ticket lawyers milked to distract from his guilt by concocting a ridiculous conspiracy story against a very unpopular police force. That worked in LA and it will work in MA.
    In the end, is there reasonable doubt? Yes.
    She will get off.

  28. I don’t think she called 911 or assumed he was missing initially bc he’s a cop and he’s a grown man. They’re not married. They are not necessarily a habitual couple. My ex husband went out one night and didn’t come home until 7am the next morning. Yes I was worried about him. Yes I called hospitals. I called around trying to
    Locate him bc I was worried. But I did not call 911 and report him missing bc I did not want to jump to conclusions. She probably thought he would be so angry with her and that she was being hyperbolic by reporting him as missing bc he didn’t come home if he was still alive.

  29. Karen Read is so guilty. All I needed to hear was, "I hit him" she wasnt lying then but she and her lawyers are now. Although these lawyers created a lot of doubt. The truth is in the pudding. My guess is jury will come back, either dead locked or Guilty. Nobody says "I think I hit him", if they knew for sure they didnt hit him. All the rest of the testimony was a ruse for confusion. And those misleading cell phone times, that dont quite corospond properly, by a few minutes, are because of the heavy snow, which I have seen happen. The scratches on his arm were mostly caused by her in the car as they argued before she hit him. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Guilty IMO.

  30. Let me say 1st im hoping for an i nnocent verdict….
    Not that this matters except to cast more doubt that karen killed her boyfriend, but if anybody had motive it was higgins. He wanted a relationship with karen based on those text. Karen had no motive.

  31. I think the reason John’s shoes were off is because he was so used to taking them off at home. No doubt he took his shoes off when he went in that house and then they had to find them to put them with his body.

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