
LIVE! Read Trial Day 30: Is This Thing Over?


#LIVE #Read #Trial #Day

#lawyeryouknow #karenread

View the entire Karen Read playlist here:

00:00 Welcome
0:48 Intro
02:36 Dr. Frank Sheridan – Forensic Pathologist – Testimony Summary
04:15 Dr. Sheridan – Direct Examination
12:25 Q&A
14:19 Dr. Sheridan – Direct Examination
20:00 Q&A
23:36 Dr. Sheridan – Cross Examination
31:00 Q&A
33:57 Dr Daniel Wolfe – Accident Reconstructionist – Testimony Summary
34:20 Dr. Wolfe – Direct Examination
56:31 Q&A
1:01:00 Dr. Wolfe – Direct Examination
1:11:27 Q&A
1:15:40 Dr. Wolfe – Cross Examination
1:24:20 Q&A
1:27:45 Dr Andrew Rentschler – Testimony Summary
1:28:08 Dr Rentschler – Direct Examination
1:45:06 Q&A
1:51:51 Dr Rentschler – Cross Examination
1:59:35 Q&A
2:04:26 Dr Rentschler – Cross Examination
2:12:00 Q&A
2:18:58 Conclusion

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49 thoughts on “LIVE! Read Trial Day 30: Is This Thing Over?”

  1. I was attacked by a dog, on my arm & back, and the marks looked just like the victims.

  2. No that is my opinion. Just another over zealous Karen Read supporter. I am not surprised .

  3. When my dog was hit at 25 mph he broke his pelvic bone in a few different places. He didn’t have any open wounds on his body anywhere either. It didn’t kill him. They didn’t break before impact. When I first heard about this case I was unsure who was behind it but after seeing so much evidence I think they are dirty cops and she’s not responsible for his death.

  4. It’s too easy to conclude ‘reasonable doubt’ for the jury (based on case evidence) for them to ever have to consider her innocence.

  5. Seriously impressed with your commentary on this case Peter. Thank you for your unbiased views all the way to the end. Much appreciation all the way from South Africa 🇿🇦

  6. I still don't get how people think KR killed him with a car. People, there is NO evidence that ANYONE hit him with a car. He had no bruising. Some people have even said Chloe found John dead and tried to drag him, which again ignores everything in the trial and just seems like you're only getting bits and pieces of the trial and then deciding a woman murdered her boyfriend and orphaned 2 kids she helped care for to the point some witnesses said she was just a babysitter with benefits. They're cops. Why get rid of the dog then if she was trying to save John? Why not go outside and help John? Why not attend his funeral? Why text the group before speaking on the news "tell them THE GUY never went in the house"? If that was fact, and there's a dead body on YOUR lawn, would you need anyone to remind you that? Why wasn't there more fear that a murderer was on the loose when there's a dead cop? I could go on. You're entitled to your opinions but it seems more like some people just want to search for anything to make her guilty, rather than actually take the time to watch the whole trial. No time? Then keep your opinions about her to yourself. You're not helping anyone involved, not John, nor his family, nor actually finding the truth

  7. She defnitely hit him in my opinon, deliberate or not i don'nt know,! That no of people deciding to conspire to cover for a murder carried out by a friend of family is rare, no evidence in normal life but yes in war situation.!!

  8. The first witness mentioning the hand bruising reminded me of the CW witness that said the hand bruising was from an IV, but typically emergency services/ER won’t use a hand as first IV placement, typically the AC is used.

  9. Peter, you tell us all the time not to come to our conclusion until we have heard all the evidence, but i think this time, you did exactly that.

  10. Well, of course these witnesses are going to agree with the attorneys that hired him.

  11. Excellent coverage on this case!

    My husband watches your videos with me. He's wondering if you will cover the Dr. Disrespect case?

  12. The fact that they didn’t get these expert witnesses to discuss how scalp wounds can bleed profusely just ate me up!!! If he suffered a concussion and was knocked out, the. He would have bled from the scalp wound where he fell. The amount of blood or lack there of would cast doubt on the prosecutions case. Something soooo simple that I believe the defense could have had the Neuro pathologist and ME confirm this.

  13. I know this comment is in the future of this post but I watched the closing arguments today and I think the defense really killed it.

  14. I'm not an expert, but I have had a dog the size of the one in question. It isn't a big stretch to me to believe that a dog that size felt the need to defend their territory against a stranger, bit the "intruder" and knocked them down, causing them to sustain some head injuries in the fall and defensive injuries on the arm, eventually leading to hypothermia.
    That, to me, is less of a stretch than either a jealous lover or two beating him up (with only injuries to arm and head), or an angry partner hitting him with a car in a manner that proves fatal with no injuries below the shoulders / arms. He would have had to be in a very odd position for that to have happened, I think.
    So, I would vote not guilty if I were on this jury. Sure, it's still possible that she did this. I just don't think it's plausible given the evidence.

  15. What’s so awful is the family will never find out the truth they won’t investigate anymore once it comes back innocent

  16. I can only tell you how I would vote if on that jury – Acquittal -gnashing my teeth every time Lally quotes a Karen msg showing concern for bf. He's got to be kidding.

  17. So if the cops beat him in the house, what was their reason? Karen accuse him of cheating. Did he cheat with someone's wife? Or maybe they beat him up if they found out he was cheating on Karen?

  18. As a current law student I must say I thoroughly enjoy your videos! Your analysis and overall outlook are appreciated and beneficial to real life application. Keep up the work because your content is gold!

  19. I was in a resturant last night. At 1 table there were 2 glasses with clear liquid…1 with a lime 1 with a cucumber. I started to giggle. My mom asked what I was laughing at. I said "inside joke" 😂

  20. Why didn’t they test his arm for dog DNA or particles from the break light? I mean come on

  21. Will there be any perjury charges against the DA’s witnesses? Because there sure were plenty of obvious lies

  22. First it was his head to hit the brake light, then it was his arm and now he threw a glass. I wish they would make up their fucking mind. 1:50:12

  23. I wonder what the odds are that the prosecutor knows it’s a sham charge but was forced to bring the case so he’s just throwing reasonable doubt around the room.

  24. Sigh, no good trials after this (Baldwin is boring as hell). I don't know what I'll watch now with this one finally over 😅

  25. Went and watched the turtle guys video real quick. That family and their goons just can’t help themselves. The one chic jumps out of her car and immediately assaults the turtle guy. It’s just insane.

  26. Love this channel. Appreciate the objectivity! Not a fan of the flirting (or is it a bromance?) with Yobe Trice. What's up with that?

  27. I pray you are watching this circus this am!!!! They have dismissed one juror maybe two!!!! On closing argument day! They trying for a mistrial I think!!!?? And they know no double jeopardy so mistrial. Idiots!

  28. Can a juror use common sense when/if they have dealt with an accident being the same as John or just can see in their minds eye that the way his face was so badly beat and not the rest of him from a big vehicle, that if the evidence doesn't fit, you must acquit.

  29. My theory: he was standing a dog let out to potty. Dog jumps very drunk JO. Defensive wounds on arm, fell and hit his head. Glass thrown and broke taillight

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