
LIVE! Read Trial Day 29: Commonwealth Rests – Defense Comes Out Swinging


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50 thoughts on “LIVE! Read Trial Day 29: Commonwealth Rests – Defense Comes Out Swinging”

  1. I think the part of his testimony that was difficult to follow was the fact that he comes back to the street and visually checks but doesnt plow it unless he needs to. The question was when he was back at the street not when he next plowed it (or tried to but was blocked).

  2. I gotta disagree with you on this one, respectfully. The CW referenced an article about identifying and matching HUMAN BITES not dog bites and this did not trip the doc up at all. She also did not get nervous about dna she was saying it was her recollection the clothing was tested not the wounds and guess who did the swabs of clothing and sent them to the lab? The disgusting lead investigator. Come onnnnn! Also, Lucky was very clear in his testimony and withstood cross. I think misspeaking when nervous is pretty common and Lally tried like hell to confuse him on cross and he stuck to his guns. #FKR

    Watch Azget Industries reenactment videos based on trooper Paul’s investigation. They’re amazing and puts into perspective how ridiculous their theory is.

  3. 35:42 Because John’s DNA would be on that glass…and if the Albert’s were not able to keep their house free from a search that morning, how would they explain a glass that has John’s DNA if John supposedly had never been in their house.

  4. Peter I'm shocked that you missed this. Proctor is the one that changed the report to make lucky look like he lacked credibility by changing the timeline of when lucky saw fairview. It is not lucky that changed his story, it is Proctor who purposely went back and altered the report

  5. Lucky was never inconsistent. Proctor actually changed the reports, he doctored the reports so Lucky's timeline is correct. Lucky the plow driver is color blind. Being colorblind will not impede him from seeing a white Ford Edge or a body. Lucky is extremely consistent and credible Both on direct and on cross. This man is a national treasure to come forward and speak the truth in a town that is fearful of the Albert and McCabe clan.

  6. Next up is the pathologist for the defense, and the Reconstruction team hired by the fbi. The jury want this verdict. The defense does not need to call any more witnesses because the jury is done. They are so annoyed with the Commonwealth and they want to deliberate not guilty so the defense will give them that

  7. For an immoral two~timing drunk: she managed to garner my sympathy and hopes that this trial will go in her favor. I live in MA, and KNOW how the cops act like they are a law unto themselves. I know how they treat people, innocent people and make excuses for the guilty.

  8. I think the dog attacked him and he fell back hit his head and unfortunately came to his resting place. No way a car hit him! And I don’t think a body can brake a tail light!

  9. You keep yourself SO BUSY! Thank you for all you do. And please extend our gratitude to your wife for her willingness to share you with us!!❤

  10. My question is why every woman who PAYS to comment is all made up with their hair perfectly coiffed . My guess is they're hoping to get The Lawyer they know , wants him to get to know them better !

  11. There was no problem with his testimony- he later clarified that he "drove by" during a time he originally said that he wouldn't have passed in front of the house because he was able to see the lawn by means of driving by on a different road. So, he looked over at the road in front of their house more times than he plowed that road itself. That's where the time discrepancy came from: times plowing the road vs times seeing the property while plowing the adjacent road.

  12. It would not surprise me if Lucky was going to be the one to take the fall, but Karen found John first. Vision issues and it's on record that he hit a basketball hoop earleir in the evening? He's a better frame than Karen. I thought it was interesting that Lally was trying to impeach him with what is in Proctor's report when other witnesses have already said Proctor's reports were incorrect…

  13. Karen's phone data shows her connecting to John's home Wi-Fi at 12:36 am, I believe. That means that the Commonwealth needs to believe that he was hit before that.

  14. So….I put more stock in the impeachment that was from their grand jury testimony then the impeachment from their statements in a report, unless it was the person writing the report

  15. The dog may be gone, but there was testimony that stated the dog was gone because Chloe attacked one or two others, sending them to hospital…Woukdn't the hospital have r rays showing dog bite imprints there?

  16. The glass didn’t match the cup from the bar allegedly and what if it was just their post seeing footage from the bar who tf knows he could of tossed it on the way in the house too right we are never gonna know the whole truth here sadly

  17. This family was helped out from the beginning hiding the truth and lies. It is so obvious that this is a cover up especially the family getting rid of the dog , the floors in the basement, selling the house and moving!!!!

  18. Wait…if the plow had come down the street how can they use the debris field to calculate anything? wouldn't the debris field be scattered by the plow, and not in the same location as IF she had hit him??

  19. A Ford Edge parked during a parking ban, right where the body is = obviously bombshell.

  20. , For the first time, I truly understand about reasonable doubt, and that is thanks to you. You have taught me so much, and today I just I just suddenly got it. It was there all along, and I always knew it, but you taught me to really understand what reasonable doubt means, and what it means to the verdict. Thank you so much.

  21. I love watching court cases useless. It is interesting to see everyone’s opinion, that’s what makes the world go around.

  22. I love watching two and the other part cases. It’s interesting to see everyone’s on things.

  23. Peter, we all have a right to our opinion, I respect mine, and I believe that you respect everyone else

  24. 🤔 I would say not guilty due to the poor investigation and shitty detective work! However, it really bothers me how Karen shows no emotions when autopsy pics are shown or 911 calls played. Really she never seems sad or shows emotion… !! 7 years later when I was shown autopsy pics of my grandfather due to being killed I still cried. Idk lack of her emotions bother me! Then when Karen was asked if she loved John she replied " We were dating, we were dating!" Odd!

  25. Also, it was so hilarious how Lally was like a bully so ready for a fight, and the forensics guy just wouldn't play. Lally was demanding he put his fists up, and the forensics guy was trying to calmly talk it over and figure out who hurt him as a child.

  26. I think it is perfectly plausible that he either slipped and fell and hit his head on the hydrant, curb, a tree root, branch or something. The animal "attack" was while he was already on the ground incapacitated. That's why there are no defensive wounds on his other hand/arm, which there most definitely would have been if he was trying to fight off an attack. Nor are there any on his legs, so he wasn't kicking at an animal trying to get it off of him. The reason the bite/claw marks are only on that part of his arm is because that would be the portion facing up as he was lying on the ground. They are only on the top portion because the ground would be an obstacle to an animal wrapping its jaw around the arm. It would only have access to the top part of the arm as it laid beside him. I'm not even convinced it was an attack because the damage would have been far worse if a large animal was trying to attack or make a snack of him. It could very well have been an animal trying to play with him, test him, drag him, revive him or help him. Also, I believe filed-down, manicured claws could definitely cause blunt force trauma in conjunction with the rest of the paw, but I doubt an animal caused the injuries to his head. I strongly believe he was already down.

  27. Is it plausible that Read unknowingly backed into JO in a fit of road rage, and he crawled onto the lawn where he died from hypothermia?

  28. Richard green probably wouldn't have given lally confusing answers if lally didn't ask confusing questions

  29. 🫶🏻 Replay crew. Great breakdown, per usual. 😂 I like how you said you’d “bring yourself” for jury watch…made me think of the crime scene speaking to TP.

  30. Dr. Russell was so impressive with her history it is criminal that Judge Bev excluded her expertise when she allows literal garbage from the CW.
    Lucky was excellent, he is a national treasure I am so glad he is a stand up man.

  31. "Defense comes out swinging?" Really? Coke bottle glasses guy could not see a google map zoomed in for him from 20 feet but he can clearly see if a body is on the lawn from 100+ feet in a blizzard covered with snow, in the dark, while driving by and oh he is color blind – Right! Then can't remember when he last went down Fairview. Terrible witness for defense. Then the ER forensic expert for defense says the abrasions on the arm are from a dog, perhaps a large dog was not very convincing. She read the UC Davis findings right before testimony and after her opinion, no report written for review. Testimony seems contrived when you factor in she read about the case in Boston Globe and then reached out to Ajax through an intermediary.

  32. She couldn’t hear Lally either and look at any persons face when they cant hear over air conditioning!!!!

  33. Peter I f you see late comments Lally insulted me when he insinuated that Dr Russel was old and her opinion obsolete. He was so excited about trying to trick her with the irrelevant human teeth article he looked like an idiot! If i was on the jury I’d be angry and to me she didn’t look confused she was struggling to understand what he was talking about

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