
LIVE! Read Trial Day 26:Defense Destroys Expert-What About Cellebrite? + Texts From Read To O’Keefe


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33 thoughts on “LIVE! Read Trial Day 26:Defense Destroys Expert-What About Cellebrite? + Texts From Read To O’Keefe”

  1. The dog did it. Then Karen goofy drunk ass comes in saying maybe she did and they lay it on her only to find out she didn't do it but your gonna just go anyway? Swear that's it!

  2. Trooper Paul couldn't write an expert opinion and then testify to his opinion because he's not expert enough. He wrote a report as he was told to do. Then he tried to get up on the stand and just read from his report. You don't get to be vague and use words like "kind of" and "in a sense" and "could have" and "stuff" and then get pissed off at the defense for trying to nail you down on your expert opinion. I think his entire testimony should be thrown out.

  3. He's a typical emotionally distant non committed male.And has proved that he's a player.She's insecure and continues nurturing and supporting him by caring for his kids.
    I've done similar.
    If you do commit like this and the other party doesn't it will lead to problems. Feeling used."A babysitter with benefits ".
    You don't kill a guy who is a poor relationship choice?

  4. I wish someone would create a diagram where Karen vehicle was and where the supposed 3-point turn was etc. I have not been able to follow that. John O would’ve had to be standing on the side of the road even with flagpole and I wonder why he would’ve been way out there???

  5. Im so suprised that defense actually have quite overwhelming evidence of reasonable doubt of the charges. Ive not watched a case where the prosecution are now trying to disprove the defence case, rather than prove their own. crazy. I cant help but be a bit annoyed the judge let it go to trial due to tax payers money on a case that has overwhelming doubt. Thoughts?

  6. This is a shockingly unbelievable reconstruction. Lally can’t actually believe this right? While it’s all bad, the spinning around, flying, tumbling for however he finally settled with isn’t logical AT ALL.

    Honestly, I really didn’t think I would likely get to the point of believing an actual cover up. I had “Reasonable doubt”from the beginning due to tainting of evidence but there is simply no way this guy is just nervous. There is more to it for sure. There is no way any PD would be good with putting this guy up as an expert for testimony that is critical for this case. Is he even n officer? I can’t help but question everything given all that has happened in the trial.

    I think this “expert” received his vast training at:
    Poctor’s School for Trial Testimony …
    Where he learned that it doesn’t really matter how many times you get caught lying , or if they find out you aren’t really an expert. All you have to do is bring up that karen definitely probably hit him and just keep repeating the #of feet, Reverse, and how fast. All the stuff, and things the Crime scene said”

  7. THAT was it?? That’s all the texts were?? Are there more coming? Those were literally so mild, you should see the toxic mess I used to send exes during fights 😂

  8. While AJ is super smart I think he's just a little bit too nasty, slick, agressive, he knows what he's doing, he knows when he has the witnesses by the short and curlies, he can make his point in a more measured way, if I was on the jury, I would not like AJ at all, he'd get on my t*ts…

  9. I got hit by the side of a car, and they said I was thrown 2 lanes over, landed on my head, and I had to have my head stapled and I had road rash down my left side, and a solid black briuse on my right hip, the exact size as the dent in the ladies front drivers side of her car

  10. Just because he has an accent it doesn't mean he's a good witness.
    How can he be positive whether a deleted txt wasn't deleted by J M?
    It's a Lally coached scenario.

  11. For me the key cycle argument was very important to prove CW that without a time stamp is just guesswork. Before Defense laid it out, I thought it should at least include (counting back the cycles) Karen driving to her dad's home and Karen driving in the morning to search for John (it already dismisses his way of counting back). But when it was reminded to me that car was driven on to the tow truck, and then driven in to the sally port.

  12. I feel bad for Karen after hearing these texts- I’ve been in relationships before where the guy kind of gaslights and won’t give validation but also won’t break it off. Mixed signals sucks- just break up with someone if you lose interest in them.

  13. 1) She is the ONLY one with a motive. 2) She left him where he was found dead. 3) She herself thought she probably hit him and asked everyone about it.

  14. And also, with the texts….no. Nothing. They were having an argument that everyone has had. Being together is work. He was pissed this day, and then turned around and got jealous that she hired a plumber!!! Then they met out and looked like they were past that argument. Done. I’m sorry, but this is not a murder text thread😂

  15. Oh yes, Jackson knows what is coming. I’ve already seen it and it is awesome. Prosecution should be embarrassed.

  16. No expertise at all, but I thought that the victim supposedly went backward first, per the head wound./ If that is the case, then he wouldn't have 'flown' 30 feet, but rather would have to have 'bounced' thirty feet.

  17. Right now it feels like the state is more focused on proving JM not guilty than KR guilty. I don't like this. Id much prefer they spent the money for the JM search experts on a proper accident reconstructionist. I was hoping that if this case was being brought forth, they had something solid like a proper reconstruction specially when this is a part of the case heavily scrutinized.

  18. I’m sure that today you know that AH actually didn’t consult with “experts”. Which makes it worse for this guy

  19. If his arm was out like he said, wouldn’t his torso and left side be hit before his right arm? None of this makes sense by the CW

  20. 51:47 It is ki*l*ing me softly….
    Actually not….he’s driving me up a wall. Which wall and how fast…Let me ask the “expert”…when I find one.
    Just say you don’t know the calculation and be done with the actual pain you are causing everyone

  21. I am so glad that I wasn't dating when there was texting! We all benefited from a cooling off time after an argument. Text arguing seems to go on forever!!!!

  22. I feel like if there were no police living in that house, and there were no conspiracy theories, she would be found guilty. They were fighting terribly, she was blackout drunk. She dropped him off exactly where they found him dead, and the next day she asked if she could have hit him. She, herself, thought it was enough of a possibility that she asked, “Did I hit him?”

  23. I am so pissed at the prosecutor! This witness is in the way over his head and it’s just not fair. How humiliating for him and how disgusting that the prosecutor put him in this position

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