
LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Shocking Details Of Crimes Ruby Franke ADMITTED Committing Against Her Children


LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Shocking Details Of Crimes Ruby Franke ADMITTED Committing Against Her Children

#LIVE #Lawyer #Reacts #Shocking #Details #Crimes #Ruby #Franke #ADMITTED #Committing #Children

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41 thoughts on “LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Shocking Details Of Crimes Ruby Franke ADMITTED Committing Against Her Children”

  1. Maybe Ruby and Shanda Vander Ark can be cellmates. What in God’s name can possess these so called mothers to abuse, neglect, and torture their own children? I have no comprehension of this ….the poor kids…😢

  2. How the hell foes anyone reconsile in their head that this is ok to do to a child? Hope she gets a taste of her own medicine in prison. Absolutely hideous woman.

  3. That whole 1 year thing with jail/prison doesn't apply here bro.

    Salt Lake County Jail is a 5 year facility..

    I guess you could be right, it's a different county.

    Doesn't really matter. Always found it interesting tho.

  4. I don't believe in an eye for an eye, but this woman needs to be punished in the same way that she treated her children while she is in prison.

  5. I can’t listen to this . I am discussed with the mothers and fathers and adult family members of LDS church in Utah! ,! There’s something in the deli beliefs being taught and any adults like Roy and Pam and the kids father should also be held accountable !

  6. Hope she gets the full sentence. She's only sorry she got caught. She thinks that owning up will make it all go away? I doubt she offered the same leniency to her children. She's a zealot who set herself up as some sort of twisted guru. That boy is lucky to be alive.

  7. I am so angry that Ruby was even given any kind of deal. The state has more than enough evidence to convict her of 1st degree abuse. I dont think Rubys testomony against Jody will make any difference in Jodys trial. Again, there is more than enough evidence to convict Jody of 1st degree abuse. They both deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their lives.

  8. I wouldn’t even treat my animals like she treated her kids…I cry when I first even see these poor rescued animals, the shape they’re in… I raised 3 boys & I just want to hug that sweet little boy who escaped these vile sadistic creatures! 😮😮😮😢😢😢

  9. Ruby is not sorry for what she did. Ruby got all dolled up for the Judge & cameras. Ruby should be deprived of make-up & curling irons AT LEAST. What she did to her small innocent children is 👿 evil.

  10. Ruby's family were also sitting behind her supporting her. I don't know how anyone can sit there giving support to her knowing what she did to their grandchildren/niece and nephew

  11. is she pleading guilty so that the full depravity of her abuse will not be brought out again in detail for the public to read about. Such abuse of her children should be LIFE.

  12. What does it mean when someone gifts a membership? Does that mean that someone like me can ask for one of those memberships?

  13. She wasn't intending to change conduct, she was talking rubbish to justify torturing her children because she got off on torturing her children. If she is let off easy just because these are children, people are going to be livid. She isn't admitting to save her family anything, she is admitting because she knows if she goes to trial, she will get worse. Five years for psycho torturing her children and blaming it on someone else. If she was sorry, she wouldn't need a deal to testify against JH. Ten years is not even close to enough time. This woman is not sorry, she's a performer. She joined with Jodi because she found someone evil who helped her do what she wanted to do, partners in crime.

  14. I hope she doesn't come close to getting off with the minimum. There is this sense by society that when the victims are children it matters less rather than more, which is how it should go.
    I think a jury would sink her, so she needs to get real time. I don't see regret, I see the callous old Ruby trying to present herself well so people will minimize what she did. This woman has serious miswiring.

  15. I'm neighbors with the daughter who was cleaning for a party. Being an EXMO, knowing people affected by her therapies ( way too much insight on that) she has caused so much harm, literally destroying families, putting a 16 year old boy who gasp looked at porn in a men's sexual addiction group where he became the desire of an adult sex addict…. I can see a plethora of cases to come even though she could never settle anything civilly.

  16. Frustrated she only plead guilty to 4 counts over 3mo. No water? Cut off air? Beyond deplorable! Ruby/Jodie didn’t just randomly start & stop all of this May-Aug. Justice & healing for the kids. 💔

  17. I am appalled by Ruby’s lawyers statement saying in part ‘It is our firm belief that Mrs Frankie is a devoted mother (notice it’s is not was) who, unfortunately, was lead astray’
    Absolutely, no loving mother could torture her child as she did.
    It’s was only by RF’s sheer will to live that she’s not facing a murder charge.
    Imagine what he must of been thinking while being so horrific tortured by his own mother. How is he ever going to come to terms with what happened to him when we as adults, cannot fathom how a mother could abuse, her child so horrifically.
    I only wish the judge could sentence her to the same punishment that she inflicted on him. I fear she will not serve much time.

  18. As horrific as she is and I believe she will serve some serious jail time, Jodi has done this to dozens of people and ruined countless lives and I wonder if they’ve had way more people come forward since the arrests and in order to prevent the children from testifying and to get all the details not just with the Franke children but with business dealings and the behind the scenes if that’s why the state agreed to this plea deal.
    While Ruby is an absolute monster, Jodi seems to have had a much larger effect on the community and I also wonder if they’ve tried to charge her before but never had enough probable cause to bring charges?

  19. omg. my parents made me eat only rice and water when in the fifth grade for more than a week. when my teacher in health class found out i came home to a steak dinner. they used to make me do outside labor in hot summers in phoenix. water was administered either in me or on me. i chose to drink it. they got away with a lot more. yes, im pretty fucked up in the head now. merry christmas?!!

  20. Will Ruby try to say that Jodi said if she doesn't punish her kids, she/Jodi, would? I can't believe how horrific this is.

  21. that's why Jodi made sure Kevin didn't have any contact with Ruby or his children, the kids would have tried to tell him what was really going on.

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